musculoskeletal system, to the and irritated bowel syndrome and other chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. 26% of the USA population and 41% of the population of Great Britain manifest symptoms of the digestive disorder (dyspepsia). In a significant number of patients, non-ulcerous dyspepsia later transforms into serious organic lesions, sometimes even cancer. For many patients, the chronic course of somatic diseases is complicated with a tendency towards neurosis and depressions. In many countries more and more patients are diagnosed as having such major systemic disturbances as the chronic fatigue syndrome, seasonal depression, and the syndrome of childhood hyper excitability hyperactivity with distracted attention deficit disorder.
Until recently, not all physicians regarded the overweight or obesity problems as clinically significant diseases. Now the correlation between being overweight and having serious chronic disorders is becoming obvious evident. 30% of the adult population and 50% of the elderly population of developed countries have body weight substantially above healthy standards, and the problem keeps getting worse. Medical statistics of the USA say that 45% of all patients suffering from hypertension, 85% of diabetics and 35% of all ischemic heart disease patients are obese. The mortality rate of obese cancer patients is 30-50% higher than the average mortality rate of patients with normal weight, and for such cancer types as the rectal or prostate cancer in men and endometrial cancer in women the difference associated with obesity is fivefold.
Thus, a typical present-day patient is chronically ill, usually with diseases that afflict several physiological systems at the same time. Quite often, placing a disease within a certain class, for example the class of cardiovascular pathology or diabetes, reflects only a set of the most pronounced symptoms, whereas what happens in reality is the reciprocal influence of various pathologic manifestations, which significantly complicates the diagnostics. The systemic nature of chronic diseases and their polyetiology (or, most likely, uncertain etiologies) seriously encumber both prevention and treatment of such diseases.
This situation is no coincidence. It results from the main concept of the Occidental Allopathic medicine – treating the disease, and not the person. Each field of medicine concerns itself only with particular organs or systems; each physician offers his or her own special set of medicines – extremely strong chemicals that influence certain regulatory processes of the organism. Simultaneous prescription of several drugs without clear understanding of the nature of their interaction is quite common. Official statistics tell us that in the USA 97,000 patients die every year due to errors in prescription of drugs.
“Living organisms are just incredibly complex machines” [R.Dawkins. The Selfish Gene. 1993]. This point of view, expressed by one of the leading most widely read genetic theorists of modern time, became prevalent in medicine and biology as early as in the end of the XVIII century, and originated from the vigorous progress of technical sciences based on mechanist, reductionist and chemical approaches. Breakthroughs in chemistry in the XIX-XX centuries gave rise to an illusory idea that processes within the organism can be controlled just like reactions in a test tube.
The whole entire XX century passed by the motto with a goal of refining our knowledge of molecular processes in biological systems. New subtleties of chemical processes kept surfacing, new classes of substances roused enthusiasm of in the scientific community and the Nobel prize committee, and industry responded by creating more and more new classes of synthetic drugs. Each year promised the general public that all diseases would be cured, as soon as the clinical tests of yet another ‘Kremlin pill’ are completed. The epic project for mapping of human genes played a very important part in this industrial and financial race. Genetic drugs have already begun their assault on the purses of consumers, not to mention genetically modified foods.
The extent of the threat that these achievements pose for the health of humanity can be assessed merely by looking at the population of the most prosperous country in the world – the United States. The number of chronic childhood diseases is growing there every year, and in the USA a situation when a person can no longer fits into a standard chair, or requiring an extension of the automobile or aircraft seat belts by means of extra straps, is now considered quite normal. The USA population has already become genetically modified in many ways.
The number of synthetic medicines is ever increasing, the prices keep on growing, the production volume of pharmaceutical business has outdone the heavy engineering industry, and this business has no time for the individual person, with his/her particular problems and stresses. A human being is replaced by a diagnosis based on the set of symptoms. And then the diagnosis is treated, not the individual. This Any particular John Smith can only get in the way of the process with his emotions. The only exception to this rule is possibly the infantile pediatrics, since because pediatric monitor the development of a child.
Thus, until you have strongly pronounced symptoms of some disease, turning to the classic Occidental Allopathic medicine is pointless. No one will even listen to you.
Principles of the systemic approach in biology
At the same time, in the beginning of the past century Russia became home to a new line of thought that regarded the condition of a human as a systemic issue, and the life in Universe as a structural process.
“Synthetic study of natural phenomena – its natural bodies and the nature itself as a ‘whole’ – inevitably reveals some structural properties that are left out when taking an analytic approach and gives new insights. This synthetic approach is now quite popular, both within scientific and philosophic pursuits. The most noticeable result of this approach is the fading of borders between sciences – we perform scientific study of problems with no regard for scientific limitations.”
Vernadski V.I.
“Life is an uncontainable, structured, goal-oriented process.”
Gurvich A.
In 1935 Bauer formulated the fundamental functioning principle of biological systems and called it “the principle of the permanent inequilibrium.”
“All and only the living systems are never in equilibrium and are using their free energy for continuous work against the equilibrium that is required by the laws of physics and chemistry under current external conditions.”
Bauer E.
According to Bauer, this principle arises from the three main postulates, to which the living systems must conform.
•First, “all living matter is characterized, first of all, by self-induced changes of its state, i.e. changes of state that are not caused by any external factors outside said living matter.”
•Second, “in any kind of environment all living matter works against the equilibrium that should take place within given environment for the given initial condition of the system.”
•Third, “upon any kind of external influence and, therefore, upon any change of the environment, the system must perform work that would influence the alterations of state induced by said external influence, thus changing them.”
The described principles correlate with modern ideas on self-organizing systems, developed by the schools of I.Prigozhin and G.Haken. According to S.E.Shnol – a prominent Russian biophysicist – the following is directly related to the problems in question:
1)thermodynamics of irreversible processes;
2)information theory;
3)bioenergetics (ways and mechanisms of energy transformation in biological processes);
4)physics and physical chemistry of biologically important macromolecules.
This list should also include the concept of cyclic influences of cosmic processes in biology, especially by the Sun. The prominent Russian scientist A.L. Chizhevskiy was the first to draw attention towards these issues. He developed and validated the principle of ‘cosmic determinism' – the dependence of terrestrial biological cycles on Earth on the cosmic activity.
“We are used to the crude and narrow-minded antiphilosophical idea of life being the outcome of a random interplay of solely terrestrial forces. This, of