smiled wickedly. ‘I’ll tell you what though, she’s one pretty thing. Eyes the colour of emeralds when she’s angry and believe me, right now she’s very, very angry.’
‘Yes, I imagine that she would be rather annoyed, under the circumstances.’
‘That’s putting it mildly,’ Carl huffed. ‘Who is she Dick?’
Develin nodded towards a black folder on his desk. ‘There’s White’s dossier. Read it yourself.’
‘Well, I hope he did a better job this time than he did on the last. The fair young Sabrina was a disaster. Mark my words Dick you’re going to have trouble with this girl. If you decide to keep her, let me know and I’ll organize some ropes so you can tie her down otherwise she might get to you before you get to her, if you take my meaning.’
‘You underestimate my considerable charm.’
‘Don’t waste your time or your charm. Tie her down and plug her.’
‘Spoken like a gentleman.’
‘Bah!’ Carl retorted as he picked up the dossier. ‘Is there anything of particular interest?’
‘Her background we have known for some time. White has merely confirmed the facts so there is nothing new there - a father and a few distant cousins in England. No mother, no siblings, not even a maiden aunt. Read page nine.’
Carl leaned up against the side of Develin’s desk, turned to page nine and began.
Considerable time and effort has been spent researching Miss Churchill’s social background as you have specified. It would seem apparent to us that she is totally dedicated to the pursuit of her educational goals to the exclusion of all else.
Her relationship with her peer group could best be described as indifferent, her social life all but nonexistent.
Carl looked up surprised. ‘Strange.’
‘Read on,’ Develin suggested as he leaned back in his chair.
Although beyond the scope of this investigation, there are no indications whatsoever that Miss Churchill has had any close personal relationships, although apparently there have been frequent opportunities.
It is not beyond the realm of possibility then that she is sexually naive and likely to remain so for reasons which, as stated, go beyond our area of investigation. However, based on information gleaned from reliable sources, we strongly suspect that Miss Churchill has a predilection for men substantially older than herself.
‘Substantially older; what do you suppose that means translated - thirty?’
‘I think, translated, it means a predilection for a fair degree of financial security.’
‘Well, there you have it. Forget the charm Dick just show her your bank statement. That should definitely get her attention.’ He chuckled.
Develin offered Carl a withering glance. “Have I ever, during the course of our long association, told you how appalled I am by your horrific sense of humour?’
‘Many times,’ Carl replied with a shrug of indifference. He turned his attention once more to the report.
Well liked in general terms, Miss Churchill is, in the main, a solitary individual who, to use the overworked expression “does not suffer fools lightly”. Intelligent and resourceful, there is no need on her part to meet the expectations of others nor is there a requirement on her part to engage in any activity that she may deem unwise or inappropriate.
In summary, the writer feels compelled to report on two phrases which were used frequently by her peers when describing her. Please, bear in mind that both of these phrases are typical university vernacular - tightass and cock teaser.
Carl looked up as Develin slowly rose from his chair to stand by the window. The bleak winter landscape just beyond the glass matched his mood perfectly.
‘Congratulations old son, you have on your hands an avaricious virgin with an attitude. Take my advice, tie her down and plug her.’
Develin frowned.
‘Christ, you’re not having second thoughts are you?’
‘If I am, it’s a bit late for them now don’t you think?’
‘Sarah, wake up. It is time.’ Seefan gently squeezed Sarah’s arm.
‘I’m awake, Seefan.’
‘Did you sleep?’
‘A little. What time is it?’
‘It is almost seven. You must get up now, bathe and wash your hair, then dress. He is expecting you at table at eight o’clock. Come, I will help you.’
As the bathtub filled, Sarah stood before the mirrored closet as Seefan presented dress after dress for her inspection. All of them were in various shades of green.
‘He likes green, I gather. He isn’t a leprechaun is he, Seefan?’
Seefan was totally perplexed by the question. ‘I know not of what you speak. The green, he knows it is your colour.’
‘That’s nice,’ Sarah replied sarcastically. ‘This one, I think.’ She pointed to a full-length, dark green velvet.
She stayed in the bath for as long as she could, soaking up not only the warmth but the luxurious, calming influence until Seefan forced her out when she saw her fingertips beginning to wrinkle.
‘Tomorrow I will give you a massage with special creams meant for such skin as yours. It is important that a woman takes care of her skin.’
Wrapped in the warmth of a toweling bathrobe, Sarah was only half-listening as she wandered around the bedroom before stopping to admire again the canopied bed, the deep pile carpet, the wealth of paintings. All three rooms could best be described as opulent. Jokingly Sarah had referred to it collectively as “turn of the century whorehouse” although Seefan failed to understand.
‘What’s he like?’ Sarah asked pointedly as Seefan came into the room carrying the gown across one arm.
‘He is a difficult man to describe.’
‘Is he ugly?’
‘No!’ Seefan seemed surprised at the question. ‘Quite handsome yes and like you, pale of skin though his hair is dark. But now there is no time and soon, yes very soon, you shall see for yourself. Come, the gown first then I shall dress your hair.’
The dress fitted Sarah perfectly although the bust line cried out for more. ‘You have lost weight and so it shows,’ Seefan remarked as she stood behind Sarah to admire the reflection in the mirror. ‘He will not like this; you must eat more. Now, come and sit while I brush your hair to bring a shine like a copper sun.’
Sarah sat quietly hands in her lap as Seefan brush her hair, first one way then the other. The image reflected back from the small dressing table mirror was that of a frightened child despite all her best efforts to appear brave, defiant. All her resistance seemed to melt away as Seefan’s words echoed in her mind. He will take you fast … then destroy you … you are not the first.
‘Sarah, come child, it is time.’
As they exited together into the corridor, Carl was waiting.
‘Thank you, Seefan, I will escort Miss Churchill.’ He extended his arm, but Sarah casually chose to ignore him as she turned to Seefan. Words now unnecessary, Seefan smiled bravely, her chin raised in