refrigerated section.
Lemon Pepper Mustard Powder Onion Powder
Red Pepper Rosemary Thyme Turmeric
Worcestershire Sauce- Sugar free
Remember it is recommended for you to drink a minimum of ½ gallon of bottled or filtered water a day.
Bottled or Filtered Water
Herbal Teas- Any tea bag assortment
Mineral Water
Non Dairy Unsweetened Soy Milk- Maximum allowed is 2 T per day
Milk 2 T per day
Unsweetened Tea
Grissini Plain Sesame Breadsticks
Wasa Cracker Plain
Fruits & Vegetables
Only use fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. Canned food is prohibited due to added sugar and preservatives. If possible always try to buy organic.
Green Apples
*Broccoli (Find out why broccoli was added to the new protocol at the end of this section)
Brussels sprouts
Green Bell Pepper
Green Leaf Lettuce
Tomato Paste- Prefer Organic with NO Sugar Added
White and Green Onions
If possible always try to buy organic
Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast, white meat only
Red Meat
Extra-Extra Lean Ground Beef
Filet Mignon
Organic Grass Fed Beef
Fish White Fish Only
Sea Bass
* Why Was Broccoli Added To The New Protocol?
Many dieters that have read the original hCG diet protocol, written over 50 years ago may be questioning why broccoli was added to the new protocol. I decided to ask one of the physicians that modified the old protocol and here is what he said:
Dr. Larry Vickman comments, “Broccoli is our new addition to our modified hCG diet protocol. It is loaded with fiber and antioxidants along with many other nutritional factors. As it has a very low glycemic index and is composed mostly of cellulose and water. It does not raise your blood sugar appreciably and in this way it is much like celery. The caloric addition from broccoli is truly minimal and when you consider the multitude of health benefits it offers, it makes sense to include it in things you can eat with regularity. There are those who believe that it takes more energy to digest broccoli and celery than you would obtain from eating it. However, the caloric addition to your meals each day from eating either of them is at best minimal.”
Maintaining a Nutritional and Behavioral Journal Is Essential When Beginning the hCG Diet Protocol
A dieter on the hCG diet protocol that keeps a detailed journal by recording nutritional intake and behaviors can dramatically improve their chance of success.
Dieters who have made the commitment to do the hCG diet protocol must always remember that consistency is the key element. Keeping records in a journal daily will be the dieter’s most important tool on the protocol.
How does a person on the hCG diet go about creating a journal? Dieters on the hCG protocol can leverage the power of journaling by utilizing these tips:
•Dieters should ALWAYS BE HONEST. If a dieter is not honest in their own personal journal, the only one they will be hurting and hiding the truth from is their own self.
•Dieters should clearly define what their realistic goals may be while on the protocol and record them at the beginning of their journal.
•Dieters should make a list of excuses that they tell themselves. They should then turn thee list of excuses into statements of purpose and rehearse them daily.
•Dieters should write out a plan. Dieters will have a hard time sticking with the protocol if they do not have a plan. It is recommended that dieters plan for a week in advance. You are encouraged to think about everything that is going on within that week and plan accordingly. When dieters plan a week in advance, they are more likely to be successful. They should never deviate away from the plan once they have it. When they stray from the plan they should make note of that in their journal. Dieters should write the people they were around and the situations that they were in. They will be able to look back and access these details in the future to help them deal with similar circumstances.
•The dieter’s daily morning weigh in should be recorded. This will give the dieter motivation and empowerment during different phases of the protocol.
•Dieters should write down the details of every meal, snacks or beverages. This will be very helpful if the dieter needs to reference back and pinpoint certain items that may have caused increased losses or stalls. Food journaling also makes the dieter aware of their unconscious food habits. Once a dieter sees it written down, they can reflect on it and address it. Sometimes people tend to eat unconsciously. The simple act of writing it down brings the dieter a sharper focus of what they are consuming.
•Dieters should write down those times they may stray from the protocol whether accidental or on purpose. They should write down how it happened and how they felt afterwards. This will help to avoid any future mishaps.
•It is important that the dieter feels good about their successes and acknowledges those successes as well. This will keep them on track physically as well as psychologically.
•Dieters should always record how they are feeling in their journals. They may discover that there are certain behaviors or emotions that contribute to poor eating habits or bad lifestyle decisions. Writing how they are feeling will help pinpoint triggers of when a dieter may make an unhealthy decision.
A journal