he expected us to use both. He wished his people to stand and not lean on those who promised the good life in exchange for their souls and their spirits.
Why America I asked? Jesus explained that America was indeed the most favored nation in the eyes of God. He had given America everything needed to succeed and he wanted only the best for us. Jesus wanted America to be the shining example for all the world to follow. He had given America good leaders, truly the very best that humanity had to offer. The Genius of the founding fathers was an example. The American constitution was inspired by God himself. It was to be an example for all the world to follow.
In America there were many millions who believed in him and tried to live a good life. Churches were dying a slow death in Europe where attendance was less than five percent and falling. Jesus said he believed in America and loved us as a nation because we believed in and loved him.
Unfortunately, that was changing and seemed not to be the path we were on. The rise of the collective in America was strangling religion and freedom like kudzu kills the tree. Jesus said that the election of obama was the last straw. On that day, Jesus was planning his return.
He had given us a good man, in the form of John McCain. Perhaps, not the best all together but, certainly a brave man who truly loved his country. The dark people, somehow created a majority and America choose a weak leader representing the forces of evil, the forces of the collective, the flypaper cult of the dead… Jesus told me that he was unable to sit by and see this happen to his people. He said, to me, “Compare Thomas Jefferson to obama and you’ll see what we are worried about!”
There had been some mistakes made when the world was created and Jesus was the first to admit this. “The universe isn’t perfect either” He said one afternoon. I use his teachings and explanations when arguing with the forces of the collective. After all, the purpose of my education at the hand of God needs to serve some useful purpose.
I asked Jesus one day, “Seeing the situation worldwide, with its many problems; Iran on the verge of creating a nuclear holocaust, threatening to destroy Israel, screaming Muslims, murdering everyone in the name of (a very small g) god, blacks in America, trading their votes and souls for food stamps, wallowing in self-pity and awash in violence, and drugs, the likes of obama lapping up the good life while all around him burns.. Is this the world you imagined?” Jesus, looked at me with sorry eyes, “No Robert, this is not what we expected or wanted at all.” “Remember, I told you that we are do not wish to direct every aspect of humanity.” “When we created different types of men we thought, well, they’re all the same on the inside so they should all be able to do well, build and succeed.”
Of course, he was thinking of the whites, blacks, asians, Indians and arabs…Indeed, we are all the same on the inside, almost with interchangeable parts… The rub, of course, is the presence of evil…..proving over and over again, throughout history that there is an on-going contest between the forces for good and those of evil. The lesson for me is that God purposely does not manage humanity nor does he want to. Evil, of course, itself is terribly strong and, when it invades the hearts of weak men, those lacking moral restraint, often wins out………
As Jesus explained to me one day; “Any nation, individual or people who voluntarily distance themselves from God, then God will likewise, distance himself from them.” This became clear to me when Americans, under the influence of the secular socialists and collectivists, forced God from the classrooms, leaving the doors open to the forces of evil …( how nature abhors a vacuum) It didn’t take long before the children, now under the influence of the devil, began killing each other, dealing drugs and forcing armed police into the hallways, trying in vain to keep the peace. Many schools in America became daytime prisons… God does indeed distance himself from those who reject him.
One day, I was working in the yard. Jesus awoke a bit past 0900 and, carrying a cup of coffee, walked over to where I was trying to start my lawnmower- not always easy, a cranky little beast. “He” watched me for a while and then said, “here, hold my coffee and let me try.” One pull and, another miracle, (you expected less?) the thing was purring… More amazingly, “He” began pushing it across the lawn…… Good grief! Here I am in Boca Raton and there “He” is, the son of God, cutting my grass!!! He handed it over to me on the next pass, took his coffee and the morning paper back to the house.
Thus began another day after the greatest miracle in two thousand years, the second coming…….
A great deal of the information you will read in this book runs considerably counter to the current interpretations of biblical lore. Many professional theologians are going to be horrified. Nevertheless, the reason is not that Jesus has changed his message it is that we have changed and Jesus no longer has to try to explain things in the same vernacular he used two thousand years ago.
Indeed, one of the principal reasons that Christianity has been reduced is due to the inability of the modern reader to comprehend the meaning of the ancient text. People today are easily bored and quickly distracted. Computer games and TV are partially responsible. For a teenager to try to understand the Bible or Shakespeare is equally impossible. In this book, Jesus speaks a modern language.
The ancient people were mostly illiterates with no scientific understanding. Their minds and lives were primitive and they were quick to fear anything unknown or different. Jesus appeared as one of them, he spoke as they did and kept his rhetoric simple and understandable for that day.
People today are very different. After all, twenty centuries have come and gone since Jesus first walked the earth. What Jesus has to say to us today is very clear and leaves little to be interpreted. He understands how far mankind has advanced in mathematics and science and expects us to adjust to the new realities.
Under socialism, the State puts itself in the place of God and says: The earth is the State's, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it.
From my earliest thoughts concerning humanities social organization, it was clear that men were not ants, we were not blind followers of pheromones. Each of us comes into this world with a mind and individual spirit, none of us are the same, despite what many leaders in the collective wish to believe. Jesus understood that men were not to be chained underfoot of socialist dictators, Men were not to live like ants……. “He” explained all this to me and below, in my words, as I understood it, are “His” teachings;
Every human being is a unique individual- no two the same. Not even identical twins are the same. The spirit or soul that inhabits each human being is vastly different from any other.
For any form of government to treat its citizens as ‘subjects’ is wrong. Except for equal application of the law, for any government to treat its citizens as entirely equal to each other, likewise is wrong. All men are, from birth, unique and different. Government is not to be a giant lawnmower cutting us down, each and every one, to a uniform size.
What distinguishes us, each from the other, comprises a multitude of things. First, none of us are the same as to our ability and capacity to reason and perform complex mental and abstract functions. Each of us is as different intellectually as snowflakes, where, even though there are billions of them, no two are identical.
No two humans are entirely identical physically. Each has unique DNA and external physical differences like strength, endurance and of course, fingerprints. It can be said, simply and truly, that none of us are the same!
Therefore, it cannot be just, in any way, for any government to force humans under a smothering grey blanket of sameness. A just government, one incorporating the laws, rules, regulations, morals, ethos under which we can all live in harmony, must respect our unique characters. America, to a greater degree than any other government, was designed with this extraordinary respect for individual freedom incorporated into its systems. The individual has rights and freedoms in America that are greater than those of the collective. American law favors the individual over the state and, to that degree and only to that degree, is it favored by God…