Shannon Ph.D. Lynn

Tools for Life or in the Creation of Your Best Life

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you and all others as well here on earth, at this time and always then. Amen.



Lesson Three

      Thirdly, we want to say to each and all of you that when or if all of you ever decided and to do this, to become one in the same with all others; meaning, to break bread with all others included of yourself. Just know, that in this is where the real truth of the light of the Lord becomes clear, for and within all of you, once and if you step up to the plate to do this so.

      Here is where we now will begin not only in the directing of your dreams here now, but also in this is where we intend now to begin in the stepping or in the direct steps in which for all of you to take and to become one in the same with all others, so that you too can begin to create and in this to come into your own like no other has before. Knowing that you are the individuals that God has made you all to be, and in this you are then shown to your true and direct directions or ways to and within the light of the Lord, from within you, always.

      From there, we can take you into your own directing from within you to your own dreams that are indeed held from deep within you, always have been and always will be, for you have known and are going to begin to now know again in this true directing to the light that shines from deep within you, to the light of your own dreams here from deep within you, to your passions and then in this to the steps to take or in taking to reach your true potential within this lifetime here, for yourselves and others in this then. Amen. This is the true light of the Lord from within you. Peace in this being and doing, and in the having from within us, always, now and forever. Amen. This is the truth and the light and the way to your true selves from within you, now and always then.

      Let us begin, in this, to the taking of the steps or being guided in the directions of your dreams now that are indeed held from within the very each of you, now and forever, my children, now and forever. Amen.



Lesson Four

      Steps in the directing of your dreams from deep within your psyche, or within your now conscious minds from deep within the subconscious recesses of your souls within; here it is that we may now begin in the steps or in the directing process, here and now then. Amen.

      Firstly, in this, you must begin by realizing that you are not only one with God, but one with all others as well, my children, for this is the truth and the light and the way to your true selves from deep within you. Nothing happens without help to and from others as well, here upon this earth, at this time and always then. Just know this, from deep within your soul; you are not alone, never have been, and in this, never shall be. This is the true word of the Lord, so help me, God; just meaning, that you too again, can and will, and must take all of this with a grain of salt, all the while taking it to the bank, so to speak. For as we have said, nothing happens without action from another and that truly is the source of most of your problems, or in this, the stoppages of most of you in the here and now, and for always then. In that you are now missing the point or in this, the blockages are coming from the past and in this now, you have then blocked or pushed aside help from others and are willing to do this all on your own, for others have shown themselves to be either unworthy of your processing, or possibly even unworthy of your trust, or your time, or even your pleasure, for that matter. For you understand it to be, that they have begun in this to not only show you their true colors in this, no. But not only that, but it is and was always shown to be from within you that these “others” could and should, and would not be trusted, for now and then, “others” have shown in you, not to be those trustworthy folks whom you are now, in this, seeking to be, to do and to have for.

      And so, in this, just why, you ask… should I or would I, now then, step up to the plate for them, for they have not been shown to me to be those trustworthy beings that you are now saying in God, has now and then, and always made them to be for me, and for us all to be. Do you see what we are saying here, you are seeing all of this from a not only now perspective in all of this, no, but you are now also seeing this from so many past perspectives that you really do indeed, do have no idea in which this is all coming to be from. And so in this now, you are indeed running for the hills, in this. Can you now see this as so, by chance, for we see it within all of you; so many of you, all the time, for you have not yet learned that by being and doing, and seeing things in this certain or specific way is but a way of the past or a way in which you have then been shown, that does indeed actually have no bearing, or is in no cause fact upon what is actually happening in the here and now, right now, in fact. For you are seeing and being, and doing all of this from initial past experiences, reactions, choices, need be. They were choices and facts, and doings from the past, yes, but also in this is the fact that this right now, does have nothing at all now to do with the initial now, or in the here and now for you, and always then. Just take a deeper meaning into all of this, by looking at it from this albeit odd perspective to most of you, but really, just look at it for a moment and just see if all of this, or any of this that you are living right here in the now is then rooted back somewhere into and from the past, or in a past experience for you in which you are now seeking answers from within you on your past experience and happenings, which really have nothing to do with the now.

      ONLY when you are willing to look at the past with new eyes are you or will you be willing then to give others the chance to not only just be who they are now, no. But also in this is the chance to meet “new others” who just may rock your world or bring to you a new perspective on the experience of life in grand and new ways that you just may be looking for and do not even know as of yet, that they are even possible or accessible to and for you, once and only if you are willing to give up the past and the patterns of the past, and look through new eyes to the future perspectives that are awaiting you now in this new life together as helpmates, partners and friends in the hereafter, here and now, and always then (here, I can see in my mind’s eye, a picture of, ‘happily ever after’). Amen.

      Step ONE; Look at yourself with new eyes…



Lesson Five

      Ok, now here… We are going to continue on with the steps or in the stepping of each of your dreams here in this then, also. Just meaning, that when and if you are indeed then ready and willing in this stepping, to go forth, it is within this being and doing and having that you shall then, see all of this then, do and will come to be, from within you, firstly. But then, my dear ones, in this, you shall then also see this to manifest right before your very eyes within and into your outer world here then, in this then also; for this is the truth and the light and the way from within you always then. Amen. Peace be with all, in this then. Amen.

      This is the truth, the light and the way; just meaning, that in order to access all of this that is indeed coming from and within the subconscious recesses of your minds here; it is within this knowing and being, doing and having here that we shall all begin to in this then, bring this forth within and into your outer worlds. Just beginning, by firstly, your bringing it forth within your two, in fact, frequented minds of the lower subconscious recesses into the higher, more useful mind of your conscious states. Meaning, in that which will then be of use to and for you, within your now conscious state of mind, in the hereafter; meaning, for the here and now, and in this forever then. Amen.

      Just begin by firstly, bringing forth that which you may desire from deep within. This may take a bit of strain for some or in the very each of you, for if you have not yet even taken the time to delve from within the very each of you, into the recesses of your brain now or in this