Charles Street.) The Hardway Diamonds Mystery. London, 1930. $400. New York, 1930. $200.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains. London, 1863. 2 vols. Portrait, 4 plates and folding map. $6,000.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. The Book of the Sword. London, 1884. $3,000.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. (translator). The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. (Arabian Nights.) (London, 1885-88.) 16 vols. $9,000. London, 1897. 12 vols. $3,600. Denver, 1900-01. 16 vols. One of 1,000 copies. $3,500. Limited Editions Club, New York, 1934. Illustrated by Valenti Angelo. 6 vols., boards, cowhide spines. In slipcase. $400. Another edition. New York, 1954. 4 vols. Illustrated in color by Arthur Szyk. One of 1,500 copies. In slipcase. $350.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. The City of the Saints and Across the Rocky Mountains to California. London, 1861. 8 plates. Folding map, folding plan. $3,000. New York, 1862. $1,200.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil. London, 1869. 2 vols. Green cloth with gilt-stamped figure on covers, pages untrimmed. $6,000.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. Falconry in the Valley of the Indus. London, 1852. Frontispiece, other plates. $9,500.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. First Footsteps in East Africa; or, an Exploration of Harar. London, 1856. With 2 maps and 4 colored plates. First issue, in dull-violet cloth, with all edges uncut. $7,500. Second issue. Red cloth with bottom edge trimmed. $5,500.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. Goa, and the Blue Mountains. London, 1851. Author’s first book. Folding map and 4 plates. First issue, in fawn cloth, 5 by 8 1/8 inches. $5,250. Second issue in light blue cloth, 4 3/4 by 8 inches. $4,000.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. The Gold-Mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianite Cities. London, 1878. Folding map. $3,000.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. The Lake Regions of Central Africa. London, 1860. Folding map. 12 colored plates. 2 vols. Red cloth. $7,500. (There is also a trial or first issue in purple cloth, few copies known.) New York, 1860. $1,500.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. The Land of Midian (Revisited). London, 1879. Folding map. 16 plates (6 colored). 2 vols. First issue, with ads dated “9.78.” $4,000.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. Letters from the Battlefields of Paraguay. London, 1870. Engraved title, frontispiece, folding map. $2,500.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome. London, 1864. 2 vols. Two plates. Plum-colored cloth. $4,000.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. London, 1855-56. 3 vols. 15 plates (4 colored), 4 maps and plans (3 folding). Cloth. $12,000. London, 1857. Second edition. 2 vols. Folding map. Maroon pebbled cloth with gilt designs on spine and covers. $3,000. New York, 1856. $1,000.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. Wanderings in West Africa. London, 1863. 2 vols. Folding map in vol. 1 and frontispiece in vol 2. $5,500.
BURTON, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy. London, 1621. $35,000 or more. Oxford, 1624. $4,500. Philadelphia, 1836. First American edition. 2 vols. $1,500. London: Nonesuch Press, 1925-26. Illustrated by E. McKnight Kauffer. 2 vols. Half vellum and boards. One of 750 copies. $700. 2 vols. in 1. One of 40 copies on vellum. $1,200.
BURTON, Virginia Lee. Mike Mulligan and His Steam Roller. Boston, 1942. Date on title page. $6,000.
BURTON, W. Josiah Wedgwood and His Pottery. London, 1922. 32 color plates, 84 in black-and-white. One of 1,500 copies. In dust jacket. $350.
BURY, Mrs. Edward. A Selection of Hexandrian Plants…. (London), 1831-34. Large folio. 51 hand-colored aquatints by Robert Havell. $150,000.
BUSH, Christopher. Dead Man’s Music. London, 1931. $1,250. New York, 1932. $300.
BUSH, Christopher. The Perfect Murder Case. London, 1929. $1,500. Garden City, 1929. $450.
BUTCHER, S. D. S. D. Butcher’s Pioneer History of Custer Country. Broken Bow, Neb., 1901. Cloth, or leather. $1,250.
BUTLER, Arthur G. Foreign Finches in Captivity. London, 1894. 60 hand-colored plates. $7,000. London, 1899. Second edition, illustrated with chromolithographs. $1,000.
BUTLER, Arthur G. Lepidoptera Exotica. London, 1874. Author’s first book. 64 colored plates. $1,500.
BUTLER, Ellis Parker. See Pigs Is Pigs.
BUTLER, Ellis Parker. Philo Gubb: Correspondence School Detective. Boston (1918). $1,500.
BUTLER, Henry. South African Sketches . . . London, 1841. Engraved title page and 15 plates (some hand-colored). $2,000.
BUTLER, Mann. A History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Louisville, 1834. Portrait. $400.
BUTLER, Octavia E. Patternmaster. Garden City, 1976. Author’s first book. $400.
BUTLER, Robert Olen. The Alleys of Eden. New York (1981). Author’s first book. $400.
BUTLER, Samuel. See Erewhon.
BUTLER, Samuel. The Authoress of the Odyssey. London, 1897. Maps and illustrations. $125.
BUTLER, Samuel. A First Year in Canterbury Settlement. London, 1863. Author’s first book. Folding map. Red cloth. With 32 pages of ads and light-brown endpapers. $600.
BUTLER, Samuel. Seven Sonnets and a Psalm of Montreal. Cambridge, 1904. Unbound, or printed wraps. $300.
BUTLER, Samuel. The Way of All Flesh. London, 1903. Red cloth, top edges gilt. $750. Limited Editions Club, New York, 1936. 2 vols. Leather. In slipcase. $150.
BUTORINA, Evgenia. The Lettering Art, Works by Moscow Book Designers, 1959-1974. Kniga, 1977. In slipcase. $300.
BUTTERFIELD, C. W. An Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky. Cincinnati, 1873. Portrait. $450.
BUTTERFIELD, C. W. History of the Discovery of the Northwest. Cincinnati, 1881. $250.
BUTTERFIELD, C. W. History of Seneca County, Ohio. Sandusky, Ohio, 1848. $300.
BUTTERWORTH, Benjamin J. The Growth of Industrial Art. Washington, 1888. 200 full-page plates. Folio. $1,500. Washington, 1892. $800.
BUTTERWORTH, E. Butterworth’s Young Writer’s Instructor. Designed for the Improvment of Youth. (No place) 1800. $500.
BUTTERWORTH, E. Elegant Extracts for Butterworth & Son’s Universal Penman . . . (No place) 1809. $400.
BUTTERWORTH, Hezekiah. Zig-Zag Journeys in Europe. Boston, 1880. $200.
BUTTS, Mary. Armed with Madness. London, 1928. Drawings by Jean Cocteau. One of 100 copies. $400.
BUTTS, Mary. The Crystal Cabinet. London (1937). $250.
BUTTS, Mary. Imaginary Letters. Paris, 1928. Illustrated by Jean Cocteau. Cloth, paper label. Paris, 1928. One of 250 copies. In glassine dust jacket and slipcase. $250.
BUTTS, Mary. Scenes from the Life of Cleopatra. London (1937). $200.
BUTTS, Mary. Speed the Plow and Other Stories. London, 1923. Author’s first book. Yellow or red cloth. $1,000.
BYAM, Mrs. Lydia. A Collection of Exotics from the Island of Antigua. (London, 1797). 12 hand-colored plates. $17,500.
BYAM, Mrs. Lydia. A Collection of Fruits from the West Indies. London, 1800. 2 vols. in 1. 9 hand-colored plates. $12,500.
BYATT, A. S. Possession… London (1990). $200. New York (1990). $125.
BYATT, A. S. Shadow of a Sun. London, 1964. Author’s first book. $350. New York (1964). $200.
BYERS, William N., and KELLOM, John H. A Hand Book to the Gold Fields of Nebraska and Kansas. Chicago, 1859. Map. Blue pictorial printed wraps. $12,500.
BYLES, Mather. A Poem on the Death of His Late Majesty King George. (Boston, 1727.) Author’s first book. $3,500.
BYNNER, Witter. See Morgan, Emanuel, and Knish, Anne.
BYNNER, Witter. An Ode to Harvard and