John Thoburn Thoburn

Clergy Sexual Misconduct

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Publishing House.

      Laaser, M. and Gregoire, L. J., (2003). Pastors and cybersex addiction. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 18, 3, 395-404.

      Moeller, B. (2005). Christians and Sex, Leadership journal survey. Leadership Journal.

      Ruth, K. S., & McClintock, K. A. (2007). Healthy disclosure: Solving communication quandaries in congregations. Herndon, VA: The Alban Institute.

      Roberts, T. (2008). The restoration of the soul of a church: A proposed plan for the restoration of pastoral leadership after moral failure. (Unpublished manuscript)

      Thoburn, J. W. (1991). Predictive factors regarding extra-marital sexual activity among male Protestant clergy (Doctoral dissertation). Fuller Theological Seminary. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52 (9), 4962B.

      Thoburn, J. W., & Balswick, J. O. (1998). Demographic data on extra-marital sexual behavior in ministry. Journal of Pastoral Psychology, 42, 447–457.

      Thoburn, J. W., & Whitman, D. M. (2004). Clergy affairs: Emotional investment, longevity of relationship and affair partners. Journal of Pastoral Psychology, 52 (4), 491–506.

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