M.T. Augustine

Soli Deo Gloria

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it is all about.

      I wanted to write something that I would be interested in on every page; because if the writer is not interested, then the reader will not be interested or want to read it. So the purpose in this effort was to get at the truth existence and the question has been - what is my mission here? I was given the answer. So, I was just putting down at random, ideas which I thought were interesting and would perhaps pursue in more depth in future works if people were interested. Even more it was a matter of clarifying my ideas and the ideas I had read about and was impressed with; clarifying all of this, focusing a page or two in each area. This was to be a beginning notebook of notations on subjects which I might write about at more length in the future; but for Now, this was it. And in doing so perhaps I would clarify or discern what my individual mission in the world would be and how I would fulfill that mission; for we all have something we are sent here to do; and it is of a positive nature, contributing in some way to God’s Plan. If thoughts are negative or in any way involve negativity in any of its forms, then whatever those passing thoughts through the mind, in a negative vein or even leaning toward that perspective; if that is the situation then those ideas are not from God; because God is not capable of negativity; that unfortunately is too often the road the little egoic-mind set of man chooses. I hope people will let me know what they found interesting in this little notebook; and if there is enough interest in a particular topic; I will try to produce something more on the subject.


      Is gratitude essential to Happiness you ask; yes, it is; and every page of this book is all about Gratitude.

      Everyone can find something in their life to be grateful for; and some, who have been very blessed by All-Power, i.e., God Almighty; are grateful for many things and people in their lives; and some are grateful for every minute, even every second, of their lives.

      I wonder if there is anything one can say to God that is more important than thanking Him for all the blessings of one’s life. I think sometimes people go for long stretches without talking to God because perhaps they do not know what to say; maybe. But if in doubt be grateful for the blessings and thank him, continuously. And there is always something we can thank God for, no matter our situation; if only the fact that we are still alive; and then He can change whatever situation we find ourselves in; literally nothing is impossible for God.

      The Law of Gratitude

      People have heard of the Law of Gravity – an apple falls – but it would seem that not so many have heard of an equally true and most definite Natural Law - the Law of Gratitude which is apparently a Natural Law in the Natural world and most like in the Supernatural world; and therefore, it is necessary that we see how it works in our lives.

      Thanksgiving Day in the United States

      I wonder how much the National Holiday in the United States called Thanksgiving Day contributes to the health and well being and prosperity of the United States. I would think the factor is enormous given the Law of Gratitude. Perhaps this should be a world holiday; one day a year when everyone in the world thanks God for past, present and future Blessings; for we all are here and exist from moment to moment by the Grace of God.


      Whatever you have heard, even if you think they are exaggerations, about the City of Paris, about how wonderful it is and how magnificent the French are; well, I can tell you; it’s all true! ….and much more! Paris is magic!

      So how does Paris evaluate Success and Happiness? I think it is quite different from New York; with some similarities because everyone is human, hopefully; and one notices when one travels that basically people have much more in common than what they think separates them from other people; in a so-called “foreign” and “separate” country. It is hard to believe after traveling for a certain time that a generation or so ago the world was at war. And all for what? Did it advance the human condition one centimeter; au contraire; it destroyed 100 Million people; not to mention art treasures of humanity cities, infrastructure, because these are things, by far secondary and replaceable; still all a waste.

      All those lost lives; all that suffering and pain; could it all have been prevented? At this point in my studies I think yes, the world, humanity, must learn some lesions from all this. We must learn from all the history of World War I and World War II if we are to somehow avoid the next number; for the world as we know it would not survive another World War; the weapons now are quite beyond devastation and annihilation.

      So, how did these wars come about? What dark side to the brain, the human mind allows for this to happen; for the collective psyche of entire countries to turn to their dark side? I do not expect to answer all of the questions I will ask here? But if we do not want such events to happen in the future, we have to begin examining the causes of such behavior; we have to begin studying on a global scale, millions of people, the brain, the mind of man; the collective mind; the human psyche. We have to begin to understand that these actions, all actions first originate in the brain, possibly we could say, the egoic-mind set, and then appear in the reality of our existence. But first they happen in the brain. Well, if the brain is going in a certain direction, say toward insanity, is it possible to somehow turn it off? I think yes, this kind of understanding is now available to us, should we choose to acknowledge and recognize it. We can learn from these lessons which cost millions their lives. But I got sidetracked because when I see Paris I appreciate it so much because I think Paris came so close to being utterly destroyed in the last Great War. But back to my topic here which is the magnificent city of Light

      Some cities have an overall certain overall feeling to them; Paris is like that; and I am going to try and define that feeling. What is the general feeling of Paris? All things considered it could be love, in all its forms; Paris is about love; and therefore about God; because the ultimate expression of love is God. I love Paris; It is a magnificent expression of God’s love.

      Actually the first thing about arriving in Paris is the sense of stepping through the looking glass into History; seeing in front of one all the places one has heard about and read about for however many years; and finally they are right there in front of you; and are better than ever. The first time one realizes one is actually on the Pont Neuf, for example, is a thrilling experience depending on one’s degree of knowledge of the history of this Bridge.

      Ile de la Cite

      One of the wonderful things about being in Paris is that you can get up; have coffee, at Starbucks if you want to do the American thing; or a small but strong coffee at a regular French restaurant; and then just start walking; you’ll have a wonderful time; because soon you’ll come upon some famous historical site and your day will be made. The Ile de la Cite is just such a neighborhood; full of wonderful and ancient historical buildings and monuments; but this is also true of wherever you go in Paris!


      I had a wonderful room several years ago on my 1st trip to Paris; at the Hotel Roma Sacre Coeur on the Rue Caulaincourt, a short walk from the Basilica. It was a fairly small room but wonderful; the best item being shuttered windows overlooking a perfect film-set of a Parisian Square with Cafes with tables full of Parisians because it was off-season; Flower shops, the Caulaincourt Metro Station; a perfect introduction to Parisian life.

      It was a short walk to Sacre Coeur and for a couple of days I explored this magnificent 12th century architectural wonder. The fact that in Europe the most magnificent buildings are dedicated to the worship of God Almighty is as it should be; but perhaps without so much dogma of which Jesus knew nothing and would probably not approve much of.

      Place de la Concord (Louis XV)

      The Place de la Concord, formerly named Place Louis XV, is enormous; one can understand the regular exercise which most of the French throughout history must have experienced