you sittin' on a gold mine around here an' you ain't digging up the gold, you letting other niggas dig up all the gold." Equal joked and Brick looked confused.
"I'm talkin' 'bout getting in the game. We can lock dis shit down around here an' make millions in no time."
The whole time Equal talked Brick and Faith listened intently. He watched how Brick's face brightened up when he mentioned millions. He was painting the first seeds for his future in Brick's head, as a big time drug dealer. It was true, how later Equal even attained the clout as a criminal master mind. But everyone knew Equal always made a living as con man. The only difference now is he was conning his own friend. But let him tell it, it wasn't exactly a con since Brick was going to benefit as much as him if not more.
"Maybe Brick had never considered taking over the blocks. Or maybe he thought how full of shit I was for suggesting something like that. It was just hard for me to tell what the hell was going on in Brick's head." Equal thought.
"I did a lot of thinking big poppa. All we gotta do is get us some killers on our line an' we can rough off all the major traps in Miami. We can take over 15th Ave, the bab, Overtown and the Matchbox, Man just think of all the money we'll make if we locked down all the major drug holes. Not just one of them. All we gotta do is come up with about ten or twenty kilos and a few kilos of heroin to supply the spots for now."
Equal had Brick and Faith's undivided attention as he rambled on and on for long stretches of conversation discussing double figures they would make monthly and triple digit annually. Selling drugs. It was the same analogy of street dreams: "Once you show the hood who got the juice and power you become their god." Equal said directly.
There was other idiosyncrasies in Brick's world that might have caused him some concern. Like for instance, he had a brother serving a life sentence that he needed to be there for. "The question is what would happen to him if something don't go right." Brick pondered. "But what if everything went according to how Equal was planning? You know what I could do to help love finally get out of prison?"
"Man, you really think we can do dis?" Brick asked.
"Whatta about the police, an' all the hood rats running 'round here, that got the game so fucked up?" Faith chimed in before Equal could answer Brick's question. "Listen, one at a time." Equal mind screamed. He turned to Faith and said finally. She sat up in her chair.
"We'll knock anybody off who gets in our way. As far as the police is concerned I don't think they'll be a problem."
"And why is that?" Brick asked.
"Because we'll pay them off..." Equal answered.
Everybody heard someone knock on the store's glass window. Instinctively, Equal and Faith turned to its direction as Brick glanced down at his watch.
"Oh shit, it's 6:30," he mumbled aloud. "We been sitting here talking for hours." "Faith must've locked the door." Brick thought. Faith got up and commenced to walk towards the door. She was so preoccupied by what Equal was saying she forgot she still had the AK in her hands.
"Faith!" Brick shouted at her. "Girl what'cha doin' go put that gun up." Brick stood up. "Don't worry 'bout it I'll get the glock." Faith smiled guiltily. As she disappeared into the bowels of the restaurant Brick commenced to walk to the door.
"Man dis shit a hundred percent guaranteed." Equal grinned wickedly at Brick. He already knew who it was knocking. It was the second part of his plan. Brick could see it for himself the closer he got to the door.
Famous, Burden, Religion, Glory, and Justice pranced inside the door as soon as Brick opened up. All of them had their own facial expression that displayed some form of happiness to be there. Everybody gave Brick some dap and a hug as they passed him.
"Damn what dis is go holla at Brick day?" Brick said with playful sarcasm. After the last man walked through the door Brick peeped out the door to make sure that was it. He was about to lock the door until l pulled up and hit the horn two times. Out of all people Brick hated to see me coming.
But it wasn't shit he could do about it. When I walked inside the restaurant everybody looked at me like I was stupid. Brick locked the door behind him. He thought, inwardly, "Maybe um going to be a little late opening today after all."
I was shocked when I seen who was all there. It was the usual suspects. Equal stood up the moment he seen me walk through the door. I wasn't exactly a part of the plan. But everyone else was.
I'd told Brick plenty of times that when he decided to go straight that he needed to lose the name Brick as well. Because it just had a negative inference and that it had the potential to attract people and things out your past that you were trying to disassociate yourself from. But he was hard headed which surprised me because he prided hisself in the fact that he'd finally decided to go legit. But shit didn't look good now. Seeing who I was seeing in the store made me worried. I had already forced Brick and his boys out the game once and I wondered if I was going to have to go through that same thing again. Brick already knew how I felt about niggas selling drugs in my community. I showed him one time. And I told him what I would do if he ever got back in the game and I meant what I said.
As soon as Famous, Burden, Religion, Glory, and Justice spotted Equal they showed him a nomenclature of hugs and kisses followed suit.
"Oh, yeah, Brick, I forgot to mention I called the boys while I was at the bus station and told to meet me over here"
"Did you tell 'em about yo plan?" Religion asked.
"Yeah, I ran it down to 'em." Equal responded.
"Man, I told you not to say shit till I'm here." Justice piped up.
"Nigga I wasn't about to be waiting all day on you, I didn't know when you were gone show up. Besides what does it matter if you were here or not?" Equal quipped.
"So what the nigga say?" Glory questioned.
Faith reemerged from the back again. When everybody seen her they got quiet. She had this questioning look on her face as she pointed at her watch letting Brick know it was almost time to open.
"He ain't say nothin' yet." Equal answered Glory's question.
"Awe yo, it's a good plan" Religion walked up beside Brick and said.
Brick did something I never expected him to do. When he told Faith they were going to keep the restaurant close for the day I knew I was fucked. I was like Oh shit, here we go again. Brick wanted to hear some more about this million dollar plan Equal said he had and what was the soonest did he think they could get started. That was another one of Brick's most passionate fixations, his love for money.
"Oh so y'all niggas just gone ignore me huh?" I spat at everybody.
"Well I'm gone tell the people who I am. I'm the narrator of this gritty ghetto tale you're about to read. I was there when it all went down and because I was the one who brought the "Mercenary's" crew down to its knees that's why I'm the one who can write.
I told that nigga Brick that if he ever got back in the game that I was going to see to it he and whoever he was down with to prison. All he had to do was stay out the game and I'll keep my mouth shut. But he wouldn't listen and I had to do what I had to do to stop them.
And just when you thought you read it all, then came this wickedly, beguiling, and villainous ghetto tale with engaging pros and subplots of the most egregious, bizarre betrayal amongst friends entitled Knock Knock Whooz There!"
"This is some fucked up shit," I mumbled furiously. I thumbed through my thoughts as I listened to Brick and the others talk about how they were going to take over the streets of Miami and make it rain with blood if anyone got in their way. I knew their blanket threats was made directly or indirectly towards me, that's why I didn't say anything. I just pondered on what I was going to do. When I thought I'd heard enough I got up and walked in the restaurant where Faith was. "Maybe I could talk some sense into her," I thought. I'd better talk some since