Michael G. Reccia

The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity

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it to the job …or to a relationship …or to being in a particular set of financial circumstances or a particular corner of the world, but that is not true. From an observer looking at the earthly experiences unfolding it appears to be true, but actually at spiritual core there is a reason why any being is connected to a set of repeating circumstances. Those repeating circumstances may be enlightening for that soul, but, for the most part, they are ‘the record stuck in the groove’; they are a belief brought back into this life or set in childhood, and they are strangely a comfort because that is all that is known.

      For so many people, if you were to suggest that they experience something different, they would retreat into a cupboard and not come out until you had gone away because change is frightening. To experience something new is frightening because, at core, we want to experience the same things we are familiar with …and within that core there is another core that says at the point of the Fall we were right.

      Layers… [laughing] …there are so many layers to daily experience. Daily experience is not what it appears to be. I would welcome change in people, but, in order for true change to take place – it is not simply a change of job or simply a change of environment – it is a change of what the spirit wants from existence here …otherwise the patterns repeat themselves and the matrix imprints itself in every change that comes around.

      Do you see that?

      David: Yes, thank you.

      Joseph: Another question, please!

      Tony: Joseph, I understand what you have been talking about today regarding the weight we bring upon ourselves by not letting go of experience. I assume that also takes place in communities like religions, for instance, and that they accumulate the weight of past debris and past constructs?

      Joseph: This is why I mentioned within the talk this morning that you should let go on behalf of others because you consolidate (as you have said) in religions and in political circles. You invest in a set of beliefs and, if those beliefs are skewed because of the effects of the Fall (as they are for the most part), then you are crystallising, consolidating and making heavier those beliefs every day you live through them. And, you pat each other on the back and say: ‘Yes, we’ve got the answer. Yes, we must move forward with this set of beliefs.’ But, if you have a set of beliefs not based on Divine-law, you are not moving forwards. You are simply taking a ‘shovel’ and adding more rigidity, on a daily basis, to the mistaken beliefs you already have.

      Again, in the earlier books, I have talked about the necessity of getting to the spiritual core of society in order to change things. You cannot change things with a layered, mistaken belief in religion. You cannot change things with a layered, mistaken belief in politics. You cannot change things with a layered, mistaken belief in a peacekeeping policy. You have to get to the spiritual core and say: ‘We need to re-set things and sweep away these heavy constructs.’

      We can see them. From our point of view, we see them as obelisks or monoliths surrounding and connecting huge numbers of people …as a greyness …as a rockiness …as a blot or stain in the vibrational field. To see your thoughts on a spiritual level is an amazing thing – you are connected to so many things. And, of course, it is those connections and beliefs, and the weight of those connections, that brings you back.

      I hope this explains a little more. I have quite fancifully said in the past that you come back because of the television set, or the glass of beer or to re-invest in your company status. And, yes, you do …but it is more serious than that. It is because, over thousands of years, you have invested in these layered beliefs that connect to you, and when you come back to the spirit world they are still connected to you and are still pulling you. They pull you back to the Earth. Yes, you have to come back through free will, but you are pulled back because of your own beliefs and because of the connections you have made which in many, many cases you cannot let go of. And so we have panels that advise people and say: ‘Can you not see the greyness connecting you to this aspect of what you wish to repeat? Can you not see the greyness of that aspect that you wish to go back into? Let go!’

      LET GO!

      And so letting go of the daily concepts around you is an excellent way of keeping your soul healthy enough to recognise when it passes from this state to the first of the spiritual areas that it should let go …that it needn’t come back …and that what it has invested so much energy and time into is a waste and is an ‘evil’ – in that it is against spiritual growth, and is against the re-establishment of the spiritual perfection that existed here before the time of the Fall.

      Is that sufficient?

      Tony: Thank you so much.

      Jane: Joseph, is the increasing population another example of the layering and the weight? Is it an effect of the Fall that people want to bring more children in because they think the ‘experiment’ is right, or is it because souls are all queuing up to come back here?

      Joseph: From their point of view, it is an investment in the future, but it is also a further investment in materialism at this point in time. They look at the material aspect of having a child …it is a desirable thing …it is a ‘doll’ …it is something that ‘everyone else has and, therefore, I must have too!’ And once the creative act has put the shell in place, then there are many, many souls waiting to reincarnate and having to be placed by the Lords of Karma according to what will act out during their lifetimes.

      It would be far better for the planet, and far better for the angelic children incarnated at this time, if there was an easing back on this perceived need to procreate, so that the concentration could then be placed on the souls who are in the arena at the moment …rather than the added complication of souls being brought into the same circumstances, having been pulled back by the effects of the Fall.

      It has been thus at other times, but it is more difficult for the souls reincarnating at this time because they are reincarnating into that area of heaviness. As the generations pass, the heaviness becomes greater. So, the ‘sins of the fathers’ become greater and are piled onto the souls who are incarnating before they even begin their journey. In other words, they are already projecting themselves into a ‘vehicle’ that is disadvantaged and gives them a negative start in life. This is another point at which I can allude to the end of society and civilisation if you don’t make things right.

      You can see that there is an increased movement by the Field to have total dependence on it as it is – set to negative. And souls are pouring in – not to combat that need (for the most part) but to enhance it and to say: ‘Yes, it is heavy. Yes, I need to be part of this weight. Yes, I exist within time. Yes, I need all these things around me.’ And so it is hastening the point at which the majority of souls no longer embrace the God-within, the God within each other, or the ability, through their spiritual minds, to connect with greater souls around the Earth and the spheres that lead up from the Earth.

      You can see the hastening of the end through so many means …unless you change …unless you put Light into every aspect of your lives.

      Do you see?

      Jane: Yes.

      Joseph: I am about to depart. I have run out of the available energy. Thank you for your investment in a new way of approaching life on Earth.

      Chapter Four

      The Illusion of Space and Distance

      Joseph: Having spoken about time last time we were together, it seems appropriate this session to talk about space …or, rather, distance because man perceives himself as being distanced from his brother and sister, distanced from God and distanced from objects that appear to be far away and ‘at a distance’ from him.

      I would like to suggest to you this morning that all distance is an illusion.

      Let us begin with the illusion of distance from God. The distancing from God that man experiences on Earth is due (as we have said in previous books) to the effects of the