James Bèyor

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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how daft are we? Then we go ahead and forge an identity, using the symbols we made up, so that we can look bigger, greater and stronger than we are, when in biological fact, we are grossly impotent and very afraid. We make ourselves this way. Years of mental inbreeding has demented human minds into mad pretenders.

      There will be some that will know exactly what these journals are all about, and there will be those who recognize the living flowing Genesis within themselves immediately. No longer can we afford the allegiance invested in the failed self-serving binary intent residuals of the puppeteer political/religious vendors who are still willing to use this bio-stasis human misery for institutional/commercial gains. The human being suffers from the lack of being, a living real, one with its whole sense, one with its knowing, feeling and decision-making process, its clarity. Legally we seek to take that away. Legally we seek to sabotage our biological Godhead state of the Genesis being.

      Axiom: The living truth will find YOU quickly if you open your eyes. You will hear, if you listen from the inside, the soft in-dwelling sound of your own life giving voice.

      When Genesis awareness fails, the individual is lost. The hollow doer loses himself in the crowd, establishes himself in a fear group, which becomes even more afraid as they concoct and propose and push their fears into symbolic submission by furthering their all or nothing beliefs. Like the atom, compression precedes explosion.

      Groups join the synergistic parade of the new false tags and labels which they vicariously agree will make everything better. Of course it does not. Rather than receive a living truth that is self adjusting we vie for a pretend one, totally unaccountable. Obedience is judged for the symbolic intent. Agreed evil as a cooperative blame. Top to bottom, bottom to top. It is all the same.

      So the goal of the agreement process is to plague humanity with so many symbols that it will self-exhaust, fall asleep, forge a pact with ersatz hypocrisy, not caring about the living truth that is swelling in every man’s biological fiber. The devil’s version of a mind-bent hell is the biological stasis need for a symbols/words agreement process. The sins of humanity are before us. Biologically we are in the after-stages of our biological self induced nightmare. The false God of the word trapped man in his own slippery pretend symbolic dream-scape. Black clouds on the horizon portend the stormy eruption in the minds of the omega symbols man. The shifting sands of his illusion will bury him.

      Axiom: The study we call divinity, is actually a human fear-based biological study.

      No other binary word makes as many enemies and victims as the words “reason” and “blame.” Who controls those words with armed aggression? What is the difference between symbolic intent and the living truth? Define what is real from what is unreal when we made it all up in the first place.

      Custom designed symbols lead the procession of the fear mongers who know how to use empowered fear against us and rely on its unending supply of symbols dolts. Our pretend-pretense symbolic laws depend on legislating our fears into the memory mind, because that is all we are using right now, a binary puppet mind. We are half a brain away from nowhere and in a biological still born state of imprinting symbols slavery on the Genesis child. The bottom is cemented to the degenerate top and the top is glued to the clueless bottom. Call it a paradox, a catch 22, the individual we were meant to be is discarded mentally, forfeited for a symbolic goal. Consider the Christ concept. Throw away the man and the message, keep and worship the wooden stick where he died. Symbols sell, people do not, unless they become the symbol, but then even they will be discarded for new ones.

      The symbols based in anxieties we are told to trust fully are the same ones we imprint our kids with, religiously. Control symbols at all cost is a government motto. Empower the symbols that control the man and we control the human race. We agree to that. Making sure the real world remains a nasty place, forlorn and ravaged by degradation. The message has been sent. It can be received only by the ones who can speak Genesis. Feel the living truth and know the energy of its flow.

      Axiom: A world out of balance is a contracted state of mind.

      The next one hundred years will evolve as a very discrete and elite direct knowing society. There will be a few who will stand up, bond and be intimidating. The advent of this evolutionary event is already being prepared for. The Genesis waking child must undergo a complete mental overhaul, for it is these children who must open the hearts and minds to the obstinate Omegas who will have paid armed guards at their decorated fortress gates. Our court rooms lock the door behind us. The inside is more guarded than the outside. They know what they do.

      The Genesis child has to endure a legacy of ignorance, from the parent to the symbols school teacher, and will have to pave the way directly through the armored core of the symbols labyrinthine. Otherwise a no-turning back degenerate future awaits both the opulent Omega negatives and the blind symbols Alpha positive believers. The human creature understands its innate voice, if it wants to. It is not words, but the feeling nature that the creature is born with, which must question this. The Alpha/Omega Hub separated, came apart, in the wanting of this parody and possessing of lives. The land was first. Its fruit next. The minds of people, possessed, became the evil in the world. How is this kind of possession accomplished? You create an altered state where the creature is so befuddled that he does not realize that he is always at odds with himself, always sabotaging the bio-guardian self. Basically, we create a static field, a fear barrier, where symbols dominate the mind of the being. But we implore unity. We are the idiots who ripped two senses from the working five and destroyed the possibility for the sixth; the eyes and ears of the Genesis being, the inquisitor.

      Axiom: To deny your own bio-living truth: feeling, is to commit suicide.

      We imprint the brain with the filth of our stupefied pretend symbols to control them. Denying our very own life energy transference, which actually contains the full measure of the direct knowing living truth, which becomes a seamless, teller/seer. To deny the living truth is to die from the inside out. Life energy cannot be separated from itself. Any piece of tissue taken from the being will die. Our pretend truth is all bits and pieces taken out of the whole. We are all dying and we can feel it. The senses cannot function property when split, which we have done in order to control symbols. We managed to cut ourselves off from our own innate Genesis self-awareness. What we do now, en-mass, in a certifiably agreed/pretend binary symbols knowledge stasis, is to run the gamut of installing and implementing agreed pretense word-think factory methods. Institutional coordinated insanities insure stasis fear and guarded hearts. Ask not why the genetics of man are leaning toward more and more cancer which destroys the inside, as the outside looks on with dead pan eyes.

      No one really knows what is going on in the high places. No one will say. No one trusts their Genesis instinctual feeling knowing capacity. So what is one insanity traded for another in the grand symbols scheming arena? Is there anything man will not seek to profit from? No one can profit from a living truth that shares. There are those who are brought up with rigid symbols confidence and stern obedience to the pecking order. Those who gladly kowtow to receive and preserve their share of the symbolic right fall head long into the agreement word processing of the human being. They will process the down sided view of what life should be for the want to get away with something. How many uniforms hold this particular view?

      Axiom: Our real lives devolve as symbols evolve.

      So we guard our symbols with our pretend lives. We dress the part. Not once do we realize the why of it all until all the symbolic edifice of the agreement fails, or, until we fall through the false bottom of our lives into the hole where we buried our most intimate feelings. Just inside, and all around us, that is where feelings live. Just around the corner from the intent bearing world of blame. The more we pretend the more we fear. We generate more symbols blame and become more guarded. Not once do we realize any real thought, until the symbolic edifice of the agreement falls apart.

      Emotion is our warehouse of symbols retribution. Most people cannot handle their Genesis feeling flow, for it is so vast and so moving and self accountable for the cohesive inner data to sustain its biological truth mandates. It is almost overwhelming because it IS so demanding and