Shobhan Bantwal

The Forbidden Daughter

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      The young man had left it hanging, letting Karnik ponder it. Karnik had refused—but later wondered if it was a mistake.

      After that he’d had a few more secret inquiries from patients. What was the harm in it? he’d asked himself. When one analyzed the matter in strictly scientific terms, a fetus was only a tiny bunch of cells. And if getting rid of a female fetus gave so many couples and their families so much satisfaction, why couldn’t he be the one to give it to them? Besides, with the available techniques, the procedure was simple, efficient, and very safe if performed within the first few weeks of pregnancy.

      Karnik had rationalized it by telling himself that he was only the facilitator and not the instigator.

      If he didn’t maintain official records, who would know? The patients and their families needed anonymity and so did he. Discretion wouldn’t be a problem. So, after some initial trepidation, he had performed one abortion, then two…then three…and soon it became routine. The fear and anxiety were long gone. He began performing them regularly.

      However, in all honesty, he didn’t need to perform abortions. It wasn’t as if he didn’t make enough money from his regular practice. In fact, he had so many patients, most of them wealthy, he could barely schedule them in.

      But patients who wanted abortions were a different breed. They were desperate, willing to pay any amount. He could name his price and they paid it. For them, money wasn’t the issue, not producing a son was. So the abortion business had become a large part of his practice—much more lucrative than the other, legitimate portion.

      And he’d never had a problem. Until now. His mistake hadn’t been in getting into the selective abortion game—it had been mentioning the possibility to that headstrong, egotistical Nikhil Tilak. So, Tilak and his wife didn’t want an abortion. Fine, but the man hadn’t stopped at saying no. He had stunned Karnik by threatening to start an official investigation.

      That was when Karnik, out of sheer desperation, had hired someone reliable to send a few discreet threats to Tilak. He’d hoped to put a little fear into him and stop him in his tracks…because he was a young man with a wife and children to support. And a reputation to uphold.

      But had the stupid Tilak backed off? No! He’d become bolder still and reported the threats to the superintendent’s office. When the police had demanded solid proof from Tilak to back up his abortion allegations, he had paid some hoodlum to break into Karnik’s house one night, when he and his wife were at a dinner party, to steal private records from his computer.

      Like an idiot, Karnik had never put in a password or any kind of protection on his computer. After all, this was Palgaum, where few people knew how to use computers. He had never imagined anyone breaking into his house and stealing data from his machine.

      Thieves in Palgaum were typically starving and illiterate. They came looking for cash, jewelry and electronics like TVs and cameras that could be hawked in a minute. They would steal a computer for its resale value but never pilfer data from it. However, this time they had.

      And Nikhil Tilak was the one who had managed to do it—there was no doubt in Karnik’s mind that Tilak was behind the theft. So, Karnik felt he had no choice but to defend himself by ordering his own man to stop Tilak immediately from going any further.

      Thank God he had succeeded! Karnik’s hired goonda had managed to make it look like a robbery before Tilak had a chance to take any kind of evidence to the police.

      The hired man had guaranteed Karnik that no proof had reached the superintendent’s office—and nothing would.

      But the doctor was still uneasy. His man hadn’t found anything in Tilak’s office. So where was the stolen data? Had Tilak given it to someone else for safekeeping? Had he made copies and distributed them to various people? If yes, who were they? There were too many unanswered questions.

      But Karnik had justified his decision to himself as righteous payback. He was only paying someone to steal what was originally stolen from him.

      However, the stupid goonda he’d hired had killed Tilak in the process. Murder had not been part of the plan. Catching Tilak off guard when he was alone in his store, then forcing him to turn over the data by using a little intimidation—that’s what Karnik had instructed his man to do. Killing was never mentioned.

      The hired moron had taken it upon himself to stab Tilak to death. He claimed it was self-defense because the strong and athletic Tilak hadn’t capitulated as expected. Instead he had allegedly attacked him viciously with both fists. Consequently the confrontation had turned serious and bloody.

      When a rich, influential, and charismatic man like Tilak became the victim of a brutal killing, the media turned into a greedy flock of vultures. All of a sudden, every newspaper, and every radio and television station in the country had done a dramatic piece on the killing, leaving Karnik even more anxious.

      Fortunately his own name had never been mentioned in the media. Everything had been hushed up, with very little damage done.

      Now, a month later, the furor was finally dying down. The hired killer, who had just driven away from his house, had come to inform him that the investigation was also beginning to wane. The superintendent was getting frustrated with the dead-end case and was talking about closing it, calling it a robbery gone awry. The police still had no clue as to who had committed the murder.

      Karnik’s prayers had been answered.

      Meanwhile, he had paid several hundred thousand rupees of his hard-earned cash to the killer. He could only hope the man didn’t plan to blackmail him at a later date. He was a sly one, that fellow—and greedy. He was capable of extortion, too. If he could kill so casually, blackmail would come just as easily. If that happened, Karnik was doomed.

      At this point, he had no faith in anyone. If he himself could go from being a decent, family-oriented man of medicine to someone who blatantly broke the laws of the country as well as those of God, then why couldn’t someone else?

      Both his children, the son and daughter, were good people, both honest doctors and well settled. His wife was a pious woman. He and his family were respected in this town. At the tail end of his career he had managed to jeopardize the esteem he’d earned over a lifetime.

      Stupid, stupid! But it was too late to turn back.

      Shutting off the computer, he rose to his feet and stretched. He had deleted all the records from his computer, then made sure they were purged from the electronic trash bin. Hopefully there was no trace of his abortions left anywhere.

      Fortunately he had always performed the clinical procedure alone, each and every time, with no nursing staff or any of his servants present. It had been done privately in his office, after hours and on Sundays. Even his wife had no idea about it. No one except the patient and her husband knew what was happening, and they had more to lose than he by making the information public.

      Shutting off the lights, he shuffled off to eat his supper. As he started to sit in his usual chair at the head of the dining table, his wife, Neela, looked at him with a slight frown. “Who was that man you were meeting so late?”

      “He is…the repairman who came to fix my computer.” He hated lying to his wife, especially when she was so trusting of him.

      While he waited for the cook to serve their dinner, Karnik sensed Neela’s discerning eyes studying him. How much had she guessed?

      He made a silent resolution. He would perform no more abortions. Never again.

      Chapter 4

      The early morning gloom was so thick Isha could almost feel it around her shoulders, like a mantle, too heavy to be removed and tossed aside. The Tilak household was still in deep mourning. It was five weeks since Nikhil’s death. And yet it felt like it had happened yesterday.

      To add to her anguish, the more she analyzed Nikhil’s bizarre death, the more she was convinced he had been murdered for a reason. She didn’t know for sure what it was or who was behind it. However,