Freda Briggs

Child Protection

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Newsletter, Vol. 10, No. 2, Summer, Australian Institute of Family Studies National Child Protection Clearing House].

      9 Adler, R., Nunn, R., Northam, E., Lebnan, V., et al. (1994). ‘Secondary prevention of childhood firesetting’, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 33(8), 1194-1202.

      10 Giarretto, H. (1989), Community-based treatment of the incest family, Psychiatric Clinics of America, 12(2), pp. 351-361.

      11 Sebold, J. (1987), ‘Indicators of child sexual abuse in males’, Social Casework: The Journal of Contemporary Social Work, Feb, 75-80 [cited in J. Stanley, op.cit.].

      12 Puri, B.K., Baxter, R., & Cordess, C. C. (1995), ‘Characteristics of fire-setters: A study and proposed multitaxial psychiatric classification’, British Journal of Psychiatry, 166, 3, 38-41 [cited in J. Stanley 2002, op.cit.].

      13 Viewed February 9th 2010.

      14 Goddard, C., & Saunders, B.J. (2001), Child abuse and the media, National Child Protection Clearinghouse, Melbourne, Child Abuse Prevention Issues, N27, August 2002.

      15 Bradley, S. (2002), ‘Abuse and the system’, The Age, October 23rd.

      16 The Times (1973), ‘Foster-parents not told of decision to move girl’, 23 October, Issue 58920, p. 3, col A.

      17 The Times (1973), ‘Stepfather’s preferential treatment’, 31 May, Issue 58796, p. 2, col F.

      18 The Times (1973), ‘Thirty complaints of ill-treatment before girl died – QC’, October 10th, Issue 58909, p. 4, column A.

      19 Batty, D. (2003), ‘Catalogue of cruelty’, The Guardian, January 27th,, viewed December 9th, 2009.

      20 DHSS (1974), ‘Non-accidental injury to children’, LASSL (74)(13).

      21 DHSS (1976a), ‘Non-accidental injury to children: Area review committees’, LASSL(76)(2). DHSS (1976b), ‘Non-accidental injury to children: The police and case conferences’, LASSL(76) (26). DHSS (1978), ‘Child abuse: The register system’, LA/C396/23D. DHSS (1980), ‘Child abuse: Central register systems’, LASSL(80)4, HN(80). DHSS (1982), ‘Child abuse: A study of inquiry reports’, 1973-1981, London: HMSO.

      22 Corby, B., Doig, A., & Roberts, V. (1998), ‘Inquiries into child abuse’, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 20(4), 377-95.

      23 DHSS (1982), Child abuse: A study of inquiry reports, 1973-1981, London: HMSO.

      24 Batty, D. (2003), ‘Catalogue of cruelty’, The Guardian, January 27th,, viewed December 9th, 2009.

      25 Batty, D. (2003), ibid.

      26 Batty, D. (2003), ibid.

      27 Batty, D. (2003), ibid.

      28 Batty, D. (2003), ibid.

      29 Batty, D. (2003), ibid.

      30 Batty, D. (2003), ibid.

      31 Batty, D. (2003), ibid.

      32 Batty, D. (2003), ibid.

      33 Victoria Climbié Inquiry-Background-Chronology (2007), The Victoria Climbié Inquiry, Viewed 9 December, 2009.

      34 Laming Report (2003), ‘The Victoria Climbié Inquiry: Report of an Inquiry by Lord Laming’, Cm5730, London: Stationery Office.

      35 BBC News (2001), ‘Victoria’s relative “warned social services”’, 1 October.

      36 ‘Witnesses to be Called in Week Beginning 1 October, The Victoria Climbié Inquiry’, 28 September 2001.

      37 BBC News (2002), ‘Could Victoria have been saved?’, 11 July.

      38 Batty, D. (2007), ‘Social services were told Victoria’s life was in danger’, The Guardian, 1st October.

      39 Batty, D. (2001), ‘Climbié doctor admits errors put girl at risk’, The Guardian, 12 October.

      40 BBC News (2002), ‘Could Victoria have been saved?’ 11 July 2002.

      41 BBC News (2001), ‘Climbié, 12 October’, Retrieved on 5 July 2007. Butler, P. (2001), ‘ “I was wrong” admits Climbié social worker’, The Guardian, 12 October.

      42 42 BBC News (2001), ‘PC “handed Victoria back to abusers” ’, 6 November.

      43 BBC News (2003), ‘Victoria Climbié: Chain of neglect’, 28 January.

      44 BBC News (2003), ibid.

      45 BBC News (2001), ‘Victoria’s life of horror’, 12th January.

      46 BBC News (2003), ‘Timeline: Victoria Climbié, 28th January.

      47 Department of Health (2003), ‘The Victoria Climbié Inquiry Report of an Inquiry by Lord Laming’.

      48 ‘The Victoria Climbié Inquiry’, 2002, 25 January. Batty, D. (2001), ‘Climbié council closed cases inappropriately’, The Guardian, 9 October.

      49 Batty, D. (2001), ‘Councils underspent for children’s services, Climbié inquiry told’, The Guardian, 28 September 2001. Batty, D. (2001), ‘Social services cash went to education’, The Guardian, 18 December.

      50 Laming Report (2003), ‘The Victoria Climbié inquiry: Report of an inquiry by Lord Laming’, Cm5730, London: Stationery Office.

      51 HM Government (2004), ‘Every child matters: Change for children’, London: Stationery Office.

      52 BBC News (2003), Commissioner for children, 8 September.

      53 LGA (2009), ‘Councils struggling to recruit social workers in wake of Baby P.’, London: Local Government Association.

      54 BBC News (2008), ‘Timeline: Key events in baby case’, 14 November.

      55 BBC News (2008), ‘Baby P: The full health dossier’, 18 November., viewed 9 December 2009.

      56 BBC News (2008), ‘Baby P doctor “deeply affected” ’, BBC News, 19 November,, viewed 9 December 2009.

      57 The Australian (2009), ‘Ban lifted on child killers’, 12 August.

      58 Jones, S. (2008), Sixty missed chances to save baby ‘used as a punchbag’, The Guardian,, downloaded 8 December 2009.

      59 Campbell, D., Jones, S., & Brindle, D. (2008), ‘50 injuries, 60 visits – failures that led to the death of Baby P.’, The Guardian. Viewed 9 December 2009.

      60 World News (2009), ‘Couple named in Baby P. Case’, 11 August,

      61 BBC News (2009), ‘Baby P. man guilty of raping girl’, 1 May., Retrieved 9 December 2009.

      62 BBC News (2009), ‘Three jailed over Baby P.’s death’, BBC News, 22 May,,