Daryl Carrigan

Survival Pressures Two

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a kiss on the cheek and walked away. Brenda’s face turned red, she blushed and then Billy was on his way.

      In phys-ed that day Billy felt on top of the world and did really good job playing dodge ball. Afterward he showed and went to his final class of the day. In his last class he felt a little tired and a felt a little pain in his joints. Although this was unusual, he put it down to excessive exercise during phys-ed.

      In the coming days ahead Billy would call Brenda every other day and briefly talk to her. He told her that he was looking forward to the dance with her and that he was going to get a great costume for it. Billy was starting to have more and more fatigue everyday, along with increased joint pain. Those were his main concerns.

      Finally, Billy let his mom knew what was going on and that he had these symptoms for a while.

      Francis said, “Billy, we’ll book you for a medical appointment tomorrow as I want to get to the bottom of this.”

      Francis continued, “This could be the ordinary flu, but proper diagnosis and treatment will solve the problem.”

      “On another subject,” said Francis, “What will you be driving Brenda in for the event tomorrow evening.”

      Billy then said, “Mom, I’ve just attained my license but I don’t have a car. I figured that we would take the bus.”

      Francis then said, “Well, Billy I’m going to lend you my car. You’re on my insurance and you can take Brenda to the dance, but you must be home by midnight.”

      Billy said with a smile on his face. “Thanks mom,” and hugged her.

      Francis said, “You’ll have to excuse me for a while as I have a phone call to make.”

      Francis called the family doctor and booked a appointment for Billy at 10AM. The next morning Francis and Billy were at the doctor’s office and Francis and Billy explained what was going on. The doctor then listened intensely and jotted down some notes.

      After listening to what was said, the doctor did a brief examination of Billy and didn’t see anything that looked out of hand.

      When the doctor did a little more writing, he finally said, “I can’t find anything really wrong with Billy. It’s the beginning of the cold and flu season and this could be the cause of the problem.”

      Continuing he said, “Billy is strong and if it’s the flu he’ll simply fight this off. Regardless, I’m going to order some blood and urine test on him to make absolutely sure there’s nothing more serious here.”

      Then doctor the filled out a sheet of paper and handed it to Francis. The doctor said, “Please take this to the nurse downstairs and they’ll take some blood and urine from him. Unless there is a serious development, I’ll schedule a follow through appointment in two weeks.”

      Francis thanked the doctor for his attentiveness and thoroughness. The evening of the dance, Billy dressed up as Prince Charming and his mom gave him the keys to the car, along with some spending money.

      Billy drove his mom’s Honda Accord to the front of Brenda’s place, got out of the car and rapped on the door. Brenda’s mom opened the door and with a smile, laughed with delight at the costume that Billy was wearing.

      Welcoming Billy she said, “I see that you are dressed up as Prince Charming.”

      Billy replied, “You would definitely be guessing correctly.”

      Billy then asked, “Is Brenda ready to go to the dance?”

      Brenda’s mom then said, “Brenda’s almost ready and I’m so glad to see that the two of you have coordinated your costumes.”

      Billy said, “I don’t understand what you are talking about…”

      All of a sudden, Brenda was walking down the stairs and was dressed up as Cinderella. Billy all of a sudden lost all train of thought and speech and was focused on Brenda.

      Brenda smiled and Billy finally said, “Your costume is as beautiful as you. You really out did yourself.”

      Brenda’s mom broke in saying “Now Brenda, have a great-time tonight and be home for midnight. Also, I wanted to add, you won’t be leaving the front door unless I take some pictures of the two of you together.”

      Brenda said, “Mom,” and Billy sighed.

      Brenda’s mom laughingly said, “This is not negotiable young lady.”

      Brenda and Billy then reluctantly agreed to the pictures, and soon left for the dance.

      Billy was a complete gentleman in his treatment of Brenda. He talked to her about school, classes, her mom, her great cheerleader skills, and how beautiful she looked in her costume.

      Brenda blushed after everything Billy said, and replied, “This is the first time I’ve had Prince Charming take me to a dance.”

      They both laughed and it really broke the ice.

      Brenda and Billy were at the dance and they looked the perfect couple.

      The other girls looked at Brenda and were impressed with her costume and talked with a note of jealousy in their voice when speaking to each other, while Billy was looked at with suspicion and jealousy by the jocks.

      Billy pulled out the seat for Brenda and they both sat down and had a long talk together. Brenda was impressed that Billy held up so well in conversation, as none of those good looking jock’s could hold up in this area. Also, they could definitely learn some manner and grooming from Billy too.

      Our proverbial Prince Charming then asked Cinderella if she wanted to dance, and she said yes.

      They went out on the dance floor and really looked good together.

      Billy was a slim 5’10”, 150 pound, 18 year old man with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. Brenda was a 5’2”, 100 pound, 18 year old woman with light brown hair and green eyes.

      After a couple of dances, Brenda knew that Billy was a gentleman and couldn’t hold off any more. She gently put her head against Billy’s shoulder, he held his arms around her and then they finally passionately kissed.

      This was Billy’s first kiss and it was with the most beautiful girl in the whole world to him.

      Brenda simply said, “That was beautiful,” and kept her head on Billy’s shoulder till the song was over. They stayed that way for most of the evening.

      Billy and Brenda held hands and walked off the dance floor together. Billy once again pulled a seat-out for Brenda to sit down on.

      Afterward, Billy asked Brenda, “Brenda, would you like a drink?”

      Brenda replied. “Oh yes, please get me a Coke.” and Billy went off to get it.

      For the rest of the evening Brenda and Billy talked away.

      Brenda in a shy manner asked Billy, “Why didn’t you ever ask me out on a date earlier? Wasn’t I good enough looking?”

      Billy was a little awkward in his stance and answered, “Brenda, I wanted to ask you out a dozen times. The reason I didn’t ask you out was because you are so beautiful, and I was scared you’d laugh in my face and say no.”

      Billy continued, “I just assumed that a beautiful woman like you would be stuck up. You definitely proved me wrong.”

      Brenda wrapped her arms around Billy’s arm and kissed him on this lips. Then she smiled and said, “Billy I think that’s the only excuse that I would accept.”

      Brenda and Billy soon thereafter left the dance and they went out for a shake and talked. Billy made sure that Brenda was safely at the front door before midnight, and right before she went in the door, she went up to Billy and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

      Then their dream date was over…

