DH Steppler

The Red Spark

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and experimenting is what happens when I travel through the universe. You know that I lack awareness during the present but my recall and the universe allows me to pick up on stuff that I shouldn’t have missed in the first place.”

      “Continue please,” Charlie said still kissing my breasts.

      “There are two kinds of travel that I have learned of, so far. There’s the short trip that only takes about an hour and is extremely rejuvenating for hours, even days, after the trip; then there is the ‘red spark’ travel that takes a much greater toll of time and depletes all of my energy. It’s the ‘red spark’ travel that I’ve been interested in as of late.”

      “More please,” Charlie said.

      “The shorter travel is easy to control but so far I’ve learned no controllable way to take charge of the ‘red spark’ travel and to guide me within it. So it’ll take more research and experiments until I get the understanding that I need.”

      “So, it’s the ‘red spark’ travel that is causing our issue.”

      Charlie was clarifying for both of us.

      “Charlie you said I was leaving you out. I’m not trying to leave you out. I’ve explained to you as much as I understand myself. Have you ever been with me when Ricky has sent her red sparks?”

      “No,” was all Charlie had to say.

      “I’ve jumped the particles when the red spark was present on three different occasions. And each time I traveled back in time as an observer to the cruise ship that Michael and I met on. I think it all means something; Ricky is trying to tell me something, I’m just sure of it.”

      Charlie continued his attention to my breasts but I noticed a slight hesitation and a very slight shake of his head.

      “Damn woman, you are unbelievably odd. I’m probably odd as well because I believe you.”

      Charlie telling me that he believed me was the sweetest thing to me. I put my hands on either side of his face and pulled his head to me for a sexy smooch. As I pulled him to me, he pushed himself into me. He moaned his high-pitched moan while we were kissing. That sound was igniting and I brought my legs up and around him for a tighter connection.

      After the lovemaking, I asked, “Charlie would you be interested in traveling with me into the past?”

      “Woman, wouldn’t that just leave both of us unprotected and unconscious?”

      “Since you know that I’m going to travel can you think of anything that you could do to help protect me while I’m unconscious?”

      I wanted to get Charlie to be part of the discovery and discussions about the precautions that we needed to take to protect me.

      “Protect you from anyone getting to your body and doing you harm while you’re unconscious. Maybe you could limit your travel to the weekend when I can be here.”

      “That won’t work because I never know when Ricky will invite me and include her red spark. I kind of have to take advantage of each opportunity.”

      “Do you have any idea of how long it will take for you to learn how to have control while you’re out there?”

      “No, it’s more of a trial and error kind of deal. I’m just the observer and I think I’ll need to observe many more times before I can piece it all together.”

      “So, we’re working without much information here woman.”

      Charlie was frustrated.

      “Experiments that have meant the most to me have been ones that I could build on. Starting with a basic premise, taking a step and then seeing where that takes me.”

      “What I can piece together is that you are unconscious for one to eight hours at a pop. You need to have someone watch over you while you’re out…”

      Then a little light went on for Charlie; he had an idea.

      “Woman, since I can’t be with you all of the time, would you mind if I rigged up a couple of cameras so I can see you from where ever I am?”

      “You’re a genius Charlie, that’s a great idea. I’d love to have you watching over me particularly when I’m vulnerable.”

      The evening took on another feel; a feel of accomplishment and of progress. Somehow that idea helped to confirm our bond. Even though I knew that I would continue to travel no matter what, the value of Charlie’s protection didn’t go unappreciated. Charlie worried about my vulnerability during travel and came up with a plan that we both agreed to live with.

      “While you’re in London, I’ll set it up.”

      “I’m starved Charlie, let’s go look in the refrigerator for something to eat. I slept the day away and didn’t make a meal plan.”

      “Let’s seal our deal first, what do you say?”

      Charlie wasn’t through with the physical side of things just then.

      “Seal the deal with a kiss or what?”

      “Matters not,” said Charlie as he worked his way into me. He was as insatiable as was I. I told you, Charlie was perfect for me and vise versa.

      Discoveries in London

      The air porter would have been fine for me but Charlie insisted on taking me to the airport. Completely glad that he did; because his parting kiss gave me something to think about for the first few hours of the long flight. The words he whispered in my ear before I boarded the plane were the beginning of his week long foreplay.

      “Woman, I’m gonna miss you and think about you and what will make you feel good when we’re together again.”

      Then he kissed me, first my neck and then took my lips for his sexy parting kiss.

      “Ditto lover, I’m going to miss you and think about you constantly. So now we have a little homework assignment. I’ll show you mine and you can show me yours.”

      Charlie set me down and helped to gather my purse, sketch pad, and laptop from the floor where I’d dropped them for our goodbye. We kissed again several times before I boarded.

      First class was the perfect way to travel, plenty of room and attention if you wanted it. I ordered a scotch as soon as we got underway and spent the first hours thinking of Charlie and what I could do to make him happy when we were together again. Drawing pictures of Charlie from every angle and in a variety of scenarios, I finished the reminisce about Charlie with a nude study of him that made me long for him when it was complete.

      A look at Ricky reminded me that I had work to do regarding the information that had been provided to me by the red spark travel. Examining each of the three adventures to try to understand what they were all about was a chore. The methodical approach that I took helped to put the work in perspective.

      The first trip indicated that it was Michael who was the target of some cosmic retribution and my involvement may have been accidental when that wind ball was hurled at him but hit me, too.

      The second trip seemed to show a different intent with Michael’s ‘I’m the star’ attitude. That was a glimpse of him that he hadn’t presented to me, ever.

      The third trip showed me his condemnation by that same cosmic force that cursed him to need me for the rest of his life.

      Not sure what to do with the information, I just tucked it away until I could add to it. It was my practice to get all the pieces of a puzzle turned right side up before I tried to put it together and it was the same principle for that puzzle.

      The rest of the flight I either slept or worked on a new design that I’d started for Wyatt. Wyatt was an attorney who handled all of the affairs for what we called the ‘New Holdings’, an inheritance. Wyatt was a trusted friend and a valued business colleague. He was my favorite person besides Michael