Ted Miller III


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fact.” He closed his eyes as he said, “God spoke and you listened.”

      “Nowadays it seems that only on T.V. or within the theater is the place that angels or God shows up to dispense advice. For example, on the popular T.V. show called “Joan of Arcadia”, whose title is an obvious play on words about another Joan of another time and place, the producer published her own list of guidelines to the show’s writers that they must keep in mind while composing their scripts. Let me read her rules to you:

      1  God cannot directly intervene.

      2  Good and evil exist.

      3  God can never identify one religion as being right.

      4  The job of every human being is to fulfill his or her true nature.

      5  Everyone is allowed to say “no” to God, including Joan.

      6  God is not bound by time. This is a human concept.

      7  God is not a person and does not possess a human personality.

      8  God talks to everyone all the time in different ways.

      9  God’s plan is what is good for us, not what is good for him.

      10  God’s purpose for talking to Joan, and everyone, is to get her (us) to recognize the interconnectedness of all things – i.e., you cannot hurt a person without hurting yourself; all of your actions have consequences; God can be found in the smallest actions; God expects us to learn and grow from all our experiences. However, the exact nature of God is a mystery, and the mystery can never be solved.”

      “Our current state of demything the idealization of the past is also popular in print and other media presentations. The idea of God revealing himself is not new, but indeed has retained its popularity for thousands and thousands of years. I was up all last night discovering that the origin of religion seems to be more of an absorption, than an act of astral affirmation of one or another church’s superiority of defining the sacred. In the same manner that commercial T.V. has expanded their message into evangelism, earlier religions also reinvented the words of other forefathers.”

      “From day one the message of the myths has been changed or corrupted by church or countries meant to be assimilated into the new cultures. These supreme guides all show how to gain your soul’s entry to the blessings of the beyond. All speak of the creation of the world, the cruelness of the sovereign and the quest of immortality. An example of the plagiarism is that that the flood myths are extremely widespread throughout every one of the theosophy studies and share the same symbolism’s of destroying a degenerated world which then is to be recreated and restored to its original integrity. Another is how the injunctions and promises of many books of prayer treat sacrifices as a means of spiritual transmutation. The secret revelations of the magical mysteries that discovered the presence of God are contained in the writings of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Daoism, Hinduism, Islamism, Catholicism, Shintoism, Judaism, and Christianity. The heresies between heaven and hell are echoed over and over again in every religious book, and it does seem as if God’s words have been spoken to each person in the language of the lands he best understands. The freedom of choice between good and evil and the punishment of the wicked, while the reward of the virtuous, is indeed in the collective memories of all religious forces.”

      “I have discovered the parallels of the Ten Commandments are found in many religious volumes and in the book of the dead the prayer so reads:

       I have not committed evil against men.

       I have not blasphemed God.

       I have not done violence to a poor man.

       I have not killed.

       I have not caused anyone’s suffering.

       I have not cut down the income of the temple.

       I am pure. I am pure. I am pure. I am pure.”

      Simon seemed to try to look into the insides of all our heads to explain. “The mythology themes of the theologies share the commonality of the creation of the cosmogony, the birth of man, a paradise without pain, the fall from God’s grace, a progressive state of degeneration, a flood, a dispersal of nations, and the consequences of trying to climb back into heaven.”

      He told us the non-variables of religions are creation, chaos, and change of mankind’s belief of the deity. Another was man’s ability to fulfill his longings and return to a grace of state with his sacred sovereign. A third was to provide role models whose messages are meant to be imitated. And the fourth and final was always the choice between good and evil.

      As he took a deep breath he next said, “Thus our souls are balanced and judged on our own freedom of will and our behavior during the course of our sacred experience towards purgatory, enlightenment, eternal damnation, or recycled in reincarnation until we correct our faults.”

      “Do we need a church to tell us this? Each faith has subtle differences and profound similarities. God is infinite and ever changing. Why shouldn’t His church do the same? Change is the only constant in our cosmos. Accept it. Use it.”

      “But how do we recreate the contact between our present consciousness and our primordial subconscious mind?” “I believe,” he said, “that the freedom of our imaginary sphere is imperative to influence our psychic growth to recreate our world in the shape that the Supreme Being intended it to be.”

      He paused again as he picked up the ball.

      “As we trace our steps from standing on two feet to the invention of fire and becoming flesh eating hunters who turned into food gatherers which next became herders, farmers, and then writers and readers, we have witnessed a belief turned into a representation that has grown into institutions. But I have also discovered that during these four millenniums another constant is that when religious ideas cease to be effective, they die away and the dust is collected and recycled into a new religion.”

      “In closing I wish to say the lesson we learn today is simple. Our sacred past senses have been transformed from transcendentalism into trendy theologies which are trapped behind the temple’s doors.”

      He raised his voice to make the point. “God was here before any church and will still be here when the church’s doors of dogma are cast aside.”

      Simon returned to his chair. “I hope that I am not ranting and rambling on, but I have been up all night long thinking about this presentation. Besides that, for what we are getting paid our boss deserves a little overtime.”

      As a smile crossed most of the writers’ faces, he continued on. “In our contemplation of a new celestial world I feel we must create a culture that is at one with the forces of earth, wind, water, and fire. Our collective intelligence and imagination must will an awareness of astral ascension to help guide our ways of work and worship being welded together as one. We must allow the Lord to break out of the cults of the churches. God must speak and the faithful will listen and follow His living words. Forget about the facts and figures. It is time to change belief into faith.” As he closed his eyes, the last words I heard him say were, “Nothing less will do.”

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