How To Cleanse In 7 Days
Be Sexy & Gorgeous From The Inside Out!
Evita Ramparte
Copyright © 2013 EVITA RAMPARTE LLC
This book is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. This book is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Consult your own physician for diagnosis or treatment of any medical problem. The author and publisher are not responsible for any specific health needs that may require medical supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, action, application or preparation, to any person reading or following the information in this book.
Cover design by Kyra Kelm. Photography by Moriah Diamond.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.
The Publisher makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial damages.
A portion of the proceeds from this book is being donated to the 10x10 Fund For Girls’ Education, in honor of my mother, who never had a chance to learn how to read and write.
Thank You!
Alfonso Posada - for the idea, your beautiful heart and your faith in me. Dr. Lisa Giusiana - for facilitating consciousness and for editing the book. Stacy Stampone for great feedback and your enthusiasm for cleansing. Gregg Webber for your laughter and magic! Kyra Kelm for your nurturing support and creative genius. Mary A. Mahoney for your unflagging confidence. Ben Harper for your friendship and wisdom, and Moriah Diamond for your beautiful photography.
Why Cleanse?
Author Today
If you are reading this book, hopefully I do not need to convince why you should cleanse. Why is a useless question anyway. Have you noticed? It always loops you back to where you started. So, I am not going to answer it, because there would never be enough answers to satisfy the question why…
Instead, I will share my story with you.
1 I used to start my day with a strong cup of coffee, muesli in yogurt, a ham sandwich, etc.
2 I would get tired around 11:00 am, have a chocolate candy bar, and drink soda to get me going.
3 I would have rice, pasta, or potatoes for lunch - with some meat, and veggies, or some American fast food.
4 I would get tired again around 3:30 pm., eat a chocolate candy bar, drink soda, and keep going.
5 My dinner was similar to what I had for lunch, just bigger portions.
6 I ate ice-cream before I fell asleep.
How I Cleansed, Cured Cancer & Saved My Life
On New Year’s Eve of the year 2000, in Warsaw, Poland, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was 183 pounds, suffered from chronic depression, was unhappily married, had pimples all over my face and my back, and I hated life. The doctors suggested a common path of surgery, chemo, radiation, etc. Instead, I took a path of risk. I gave my body four months to cleanse, heal and detoxify. I was guessing that since it took me years to get so sick, it would take me months to heal. Besides, I did not want to go to a filthy Polish hospital.
Instead I cleansed! Fasting for days, with an enema in the morning and before bedtime. Rising before sunrise, drinking only juices, and gulping some disgusting olive oil with grapefruit. Feeling emotional and sleepy. The first two days I was thinking I was mad. I felt like a sugar junkie without the dope. On day three, my body painlessly released gallbladder stones that looked like lentils, and colon stones that looked like walnuts. My skin cleared, and the whites in my eyes became whiter. I could hear better, see better, and I had an acute sense of smell. I cleared my cupboards of all the junk food I had been eating before I started, and I gave it all away to the homeless.
I noticed my cravings changed. All of a sudden, meat tasted ‘dead’ and white sugar made me feel jittery. I would devour cucumbers, tomatoes and red peppers. WOW! I loved green salads. WOW! I went orgasmic over fruit! I continued eating what made my body feel light. Four months later. I was 83 pounds lighter, and cancer free.
Author Before - 183 lbs. Ovarian Cancer.
New Lifestyle
New Life. New Horizons.
What if cleansing is a lifestyle? What if it is like brushing teeth, taking a shower, or taking a vacation from work? What if you are going to love it so much that you will do it over and over again, renewing yourself like Nature?
You are probably asking yourself: “How? How will I go without food more than a day? Am I going to die?” At least those were my worries when I was first told I needed to cleanse. I was honestly thinking the woman who told me about it was nuts.
Today, I can tell you cleansing might be a lot easier for your body than keeping all the toxic ‘crap’ inside, carrying it around the world, and feeling sick, and tired. Feeling light is just way more fun! What’s terrifying to you is the idea of moving towards the unknown, letting go, and the ‘rite of passage’ you will need to go through to transform.
Here are seven tips for successfully moving into this new lifestyle:
1. Say ‘Goodbye’ To The Old You What if you, your body, and your life are never going to be the same? Who says you are the same today as you were yesterday, anyways? Isn’t your body constantly changing? The trillion gazillion cells? The Universe is constantly changing, and you are embarking on a journey that’s going to shift your reality. So how about saying goodbye to everything that’s no longer working for you?
Make a list: “What am I saying goodbye to?”. Take full responsibility for what you have created. If you have created it, you are the one who can destroy and uncreate it. You are the one who can create something new. That’s how creative you are!
We are accustomed to resist change. We bought into an idea change must horrible, mean and aweful. What if change is fun? What if change is easy? What if change is natural, and organic?
2. Rise Before The Sun Something magical happens when you rise early. You, and your body catch the energy of the Sun, which is the source of energy on the Planet. If you do it daily, if you introduce it into your lifestyle, you will tap into the morphogenetic field of the Earth. I noticed, when I rise before sunrise, it rejuvenates me, creates abundant miracles in my day, and all of a sudden - I’ve got all kinds of time! I find I can easily accomplish everything I need to do during the day. I also find time to write down my dreams, which helps me to remember them, and access a different plane of reality.
What if you moved all the work you normally do in the evening to the morning? Did you know that many of the outstanding people in history, all the greatest leaders of consciousness, would wake