Don Boshard

When Dead Shadows Live

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didn’t make it.” Teddy whispered and hide his face from being noticed.

       “Isn’t that against some law or something?” Butch asked.

       They just all smiled, not daring to laugh out loud, even though they wanted to. “She is the law and don’t forget it and above all remember to call her Staff Sargent. What she says goes and the guidelines are written off her words.”

       The rest of breakfast was devoured silently. There were others talking around them. “Why do we have to be the whispering squad and everyone else gets to talk?”

       “Because of you.”

       “Me! What have I done and if it’s me, why do the rest of you have to suffer?”

       “All the rookie squad’s got to draw straws for you and we lost.”

       Braydon looked away from the others as volcanic anger was rising. What the hell had he gotten himself into?

       Rick reached over and his hand latched onto Braydon. “That was a little harsh and we really want to help you but we’re afraid of what we are in for. Someone is pulling some powerful strings and you have been fed to the tiger, of which you have already had the pleasure to meet. The good thing is Sargent Gomez briefed us on what we were in for and this was not to be a normal training. We know that we are condensing our last eight months of training into six months of hell.”

       “Why would you do that?”

       “There are three reasons. One, we are stupid. Two, we want out of here as soon as possible and three, we may even like you. The last one is going to be the hardest to accomplish since we don’t like anyone, well maybe ourselves.” Everyone chocked down the blast of laughter that wanted to erupt from them, but there were smiles all around.

       “I don’t know what to say. This is the most rewarding and emotional event of my life. It is right up with the day the skunk sprayed me and I bathed in tomato juice for a full day. I smell it still. It just chocks me up.” Teddy added.

       “But then again it could be your deodorant.” Rick injected. No one could help it now and they blasted laughter across the room. Everyone turned and looked at them. Braydon couldn’t tell if they were in a pit of rattle snakes and he was the prey or if everyone wanted to laugh with them. Sargent angel turned, got up and walked over to them.

       “Is there something funny you want to include me in?”

       Braydon started right out, “No Staff Sargent, I was just telling the guys about where I lived. It was kind of a stinky area.” They all burst out laughing again, even though the attempt to restrain brought tears to their eyes.

       “This is a silent table. Do you know what silence means?” Her expressive glare set the table in the proper prospective.

       “Yes Staff Sargent,” Braydon said. “But it just hit our funny bones and we couldn’t help but laugh. It was my fault and I apologize.”

       “That’s nice of you Mister Delany. I’m sure you squad appreciates it. Meet me on the parade ground in fifteen minutes and don’t be late! “She marched back to her table and sat down, not particularly gracefully.

       His new found friends just looked at him, “been nice knowing you Butch” Rick responded, but Braydon could see them straining not to smile.

       He could only hope that Sargent Mary Taggart had a sense of humor. She didn’t! She was waiting on the obstacle course waiting for him and ready to dig his grave.

       If there was a hell Braydon had found it! Sargent Angel grew horns to hold up her halo. Smirk would be a nice call for the face she was wearing.

       “Mr., Delany, here is your pack containing fifty lbs. of gear. I am giving you one more gift, you weapon which will become an appendage.” There wasn’t a hint of a smile now. “I know this will be no problem for you, you’re such a stud. Here’s how it goes, you will take one lap through the obstacle course, at a rapid pace, then back over the wall twice and finish with a ten mile run. Do I make myself clear Mr. Delany?”

       His friends looked on knowing this was the end of Butch.

       “Yes Staff Sargent, I’m ready.”


       Braydon didn’t have time to think only to react throwing on the back pack and grabbing the rifle he was cruising through the obstacle course. Then the wall loomed if front of him. He grabbed the rope, moving hand over hand and feet pushing upward, he moved rapidly to the top. He had done harder things when he went rock climbing with all his gear. His pace grew faster and faster. His breath was faltering a bit no more than when he chased the jack rabbits through the desert with its rocks and bushes and hills. Of course he never caught one but he loved to try. Besides that, he didn’t know what he would do if he caught one.

       When he came to the part where he had to crawl on his stomach through mud with the rope netting above him, he did slow down. This was something he had not encountered before. Launching forward he felt the mud in his face and slurp down his neck to his belly. Unpleasant was an understatement but determination prodded him along. Things were going fairly smoothly when he heard a machine gun rattle. Of course he had heard about live ammunition fired over trainee’s heads. He raised his head to look and caught his helmet on one of the ropes, just missing ripping off his helmet and his head. He knew that the angel must have thought how stupid he was, raising his head with live fire spiting overhead. It didn’t slow him down; what’s a little strained neck with bullets blazing overhead. It was all in a day’s work, he just kept going.

       Running the last ten miles was a breeze. He had run up and down the hills around Beaver Dam all of his life and he wasn’t even breathing that hard when he returned to the Sargent. He pretended to be winded so he wouldn’t look like he was showing off and have to do it again.

       “Nice time Mr. Delany. I’m pleased to see you sweating up a storm and breathing heavy. I trust I won’t be hearing any more sounds from the silent table!” It wasn’t a question.

       “No Staff Sargent you won’t.” she walked away.

       Day one ended with another ten mile run and a lot of exercises. Sargent Angel was not vulturine over him. Sargent Gomez did a fine job of replacing her. Gomez tracked his every action and critiqued it and logged it. He was his personal guardian and why he got such special treatment was unknown to Braydon. It was almost like he had a babysitter only with a DI mentality.

       “Ok ladies, you’re done for the day. Now shower down so you don’t drive everyone out of the mess hall then chow down. Butch, you stay here, we need to talk.”

       Braydon stood like a drained goat skin. He was tired, sweaty, and ready to eat.

       This time the others didn’t reminisce about him they just sprinted for the shower. Braydon could forge for himself.

       Braydon exhaled and was ready to head for his bunk. Giving the Sargent Angel another shot at him was not what he needed or wanted, not that he didn’t want to see her again. Well he wanted to see her but not her stripes.

       “Well Butch, you survived in good style. I think Staff Sargent Mary Taggart was impressed. In fact we all were. How did you get in such great shape?”