Rechey Davidson

Following Elvis

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hangers and out of sight. I was beginning to get that old feeling again, but I had to keep watching. Mother Nature would have to wait.

      A minute or so later the rumbling became more and more intense, building as the Lisa Marie prepared to take off. We couldn’t see anything because of the other buildings, but I knew we couldn’t leave this spot. Elvis would be gone before we could get to the other side of the field. At least here we could see him just as he took off.

      We could hear the jets loud and clear now. Any time now the plane would zoom by. I could only stand and wring my hands. I grabbed James’ arm. “Hurry, Elvis. Hurry! I can’t take much more of this.” Hearing the plane but not being able to see it is horrible.

      Suddenly, the Lisa Marie lunged past the building and into the air in an explosion of sound. Streaking through the air, it was gone in seconds.

      Then it was all over. I just seemed to go limp; listless. That really takes it out of you. All I could think of then was he was gone until August 6th, at least. Sadly, we went home.

      Things were always so dull and dreary around Memphis when Elvis was gone. When he’s here, there’s always that one possibility you just might see him. Its surprising how much higher your spirits are, just knowing Elvis is in the same town.

      I knew it was going to be bad until Elvis came back, but I just had to go back to the gate; at least for a little while. You can pick up some good stories every once in a while and I liked getting to talk to all the fans that came by.

      One night, a few days later, I was glad to be at the gate. The rumors were starting to fly about the next tour. Linda came in looking for me and called me outside, away from everybody. She had just found out Elvis was going to be in Jackson, Mississippi, on September 5th. As close as we were to Jackson, I knew we would have to go. No two ways about it. As soon as she told me, I wanted to squeal! My feet were already stomping up and down ready to run wherever we had to go.

      We crossed the street and bought a money order for the tickets, then drove out to the airport to mail off our order. We didn’t want to waste any time. We wanted our letter already at the airport when they picked up the mail. You might never know how much it helps the post office if you get the mail just a little closer to Jackson.

      When we dropped the letter in the mailbox, we felt confident. There was no one else there. Ours had to be first. (Of course, I forgot about all the people in Jackson that were probably mailing their requests at the same time!)

      After recovering from the initial shock of hearing about an Elvis concert close by, it dawned on me that there was more than one day on a tour.

      “Hey, Linda, I just thought of something. What’s the rest of the tour? We might be able to see more than one show!”

      Linda stopped in her tracks. “I don’t know! I got so excited about Jackson I didn’t even check out all the other dates.”

      Linda called the girl back that had told her about the Jackson show to see if the rest of the tour was anywhere close. It was still too early. The only other confirmed locations were San Antonio and Houston on August 27th and 28th.

      I knew those were too far away for me, but Brenda would want to know for her fan club. I told Linda to watch me play a sneaky trick on Brenda. I called her number.

      “Hey! Girl! What cha doing?”

      “Betty?” asked Brenda.

      “Yeah, it’s me.”

      “What is it, Betty? What’s Elvis doing? Did you hear of a tour? Where is it?”

      “Oh, I just thought I’d give you a call and see how things have been going down in Texas.” I had to cover the mouthpiece while I broke up laughing. Linda had to cover her mouth, too. I straightened up and continued my joke. “Elvis is still on tour up north. It’s all quiet here. No excitement. I just thought I’d call.”

      “Oh, don’t scare me like that. I just knew it was something for you to call,” said Brenda.

      “No, just everyday stuff. You know, someone talking about everything she’s done and someone else has to top her.” I had to laugh again. I pulled my grin down with my hand. “Oh, there is one thing though. You remember my friend Linda? From here in Memphis?”


      “Well, she came by here at the guardhouse and told me something.”


      “Well, nothing that would excite you much, but it is nice for me. Elvis will be in Jackson, Mississippi on September 5th and ---“

      “Where else? Do you know the whole tour? Is he coming here?” I couldn’t help but laugh aloud at Brenda’s excitement. This was getting good. “No, No. Easy, girl, you’ll blow a gasket. I guess you can’t make it to Jackson, huh? That’s pretty far. We just ordered our tickets. I thought I’d give you the address if you were going to try and go to it. They’re supposed to officially announce the tickets tomorrow.”

      “I’d like to come, Betty, but that’s pretty far. Besides, I’ve got some things I have to do that weekend.”

      “Oh, well, I just thought I’d tell you.”

      “Some of my club members will probably want to go. I have members all over. I can tell them.”

      “I’m sorry you can’t come, girl,” I had to snicker at Linda. Here it comes. “Well, maybe you can figure out some way to go to Houston then.”

      “HOUSTON! Oh, Betty! WHEN?”

      Linda and I were rolling now. Brenda sure gets excited hearing about a tour. “He’s supposed to be in Houston on August 28th, and San Antonio on the 27th.”

      “San Antonio, too? Oh, Betty, you’re a mean one! I can go to both of these. When do tickets go on sale?”

      “I don’t know yet, girl. I just heard there would be a concert on those days. You better get your money order ready.”

      “I’ve already bought it. I just need an address for the envelope.”

      I had to laugh at her again. She really likes going to concerts, but who doesn’t? I knew it was getting late and running up a bill so Linda and I both told Brenda good-bye so she could call her club members.

      Boy, I am sneaky though. I like watching or hearing Brenda pause at the mention of a concert. I think that’s typical of the real fans. They’ve never missed a concert, but they’re always afraid the next one will be the one they miss. Got to get that front row seat!

      It was late now and Elvis was gone so we went home to sleep and dream about those front row seats.

      Nothing much happened the next couple of weeks. Elvis was on tour part of the time and didn’t come out once he got home. Or, if he did everyone missed him. It was just not the same lately. We used to see him so many times coming and going at the gate.

      With each day I got a little more nervous about my tickets. Every day I excitedly checked the mailbox only to be disappointed. After two weeks, I was checking the mailbox every hour on the hour. Even after the mail was delivered! You never know, I might have just missed it the first time or the mailman may have overlooked it and had brought it back to me.

      Finally, that envelope addressed to me from Jackson, Mississippi came. I just stared at it for a few long seconds, breathing deeply. There it is! I got them! Then I excitedly tore open the envelope --- I’m surprised I didn’t tear the tickets I was in such a hurry. Main floor, Row 14! Wow! Fourteenth row isn’t what I was really hoping for, but it was sure a lot better that what I was expecting to end up with. Man, I was proud of these. One more time I get to see Elvis in all his splendor --- and just three weeks from now. I had to run call Linda and tell her about the tickets. James and I had seats 11 and 12 and gave Linda and her two friends the other three seats next to us. I could hardly wait. Labor Day weekend couldn’t come any too soon this year, and not because it was