a personalistic conception
In a universe governed by change and relativity
The only absolute constant is light's velocity
Thus light is a metaphor for God but doesn't mean omnipresence
Unlike the perception of other Muslim thinkers of prominence
Even the word 'infinity' doesn't signify spatial extension
But intensity of which this universe is a mere expression
Since the cosmos is dynamic, God is essentially creative
In the affairs of all creations, He is always active
The Ultimate Self is omniscient and All-knowing
but His knowledge isn't like that of a finite being
It is not discursive that passes from subject to subject
But He himself forms the ground of the known object
Omnipotence is undoubtedly His Divine Wisdom's consequence
It isn't only reflected in miracles but in everyday experience
There is no clash between it and evil's immensity
For life to be a challenge, it is man's propensity
A Muslim should believe in goodness's eventual victory
Although it's in contradiction with the present history
God lives in both serial time and eternity
The glorious Quran affirms its possibility
Iqbal was not just a philosopher but also a true lover of God
No wonder his thoughts were in cohesion rather than discord!
The Pride of Islam
Many great individuals have walked on this planet
Yet they couldn't claim resemblance to a prophet
One man holds such a high station
whose worth is beyond imagination
Even before entering the fold of religion
His was a story of moral perfection
But when he acknowledged Muhammad's prophethood
Between him and God, no veils stood
His later life, many biographies have captured
By his existence, God Himself was flattered
If I start counting the virtues in this special person
The dictionary runs out of words for a description
Whatever lied in Muhammad's heart was poured into his
No spiritual transformation can ever match this
When Treaty of Hudaibia aroused immense frustration
His character calmed down the critical situation
When Muhammad's tragic death made Muslims restless
Only his intervention turned them speechless
When Muslims were clueless about caliphate's legacy
His appointment gave them bliss and sanity
When Muslims witnessed the emergence of false prophets
He ordered the extermination of such Satan's puppets
When Muslims needed Quran's compilation in the form of a book
the collection of different parts of it, he undertook
In the small tenure of three months and two years
He systematized the caliphate to run the affairs
When payment of Zakat was being refused by people
He declared a holy war to turn them feeble
Arabia was divided into provinces under his administration
Scrutiny of officials was a part of his constitution
Under his rule, there was no growth of Biddah
Every act was analyzed according to Sunnah
An epitome of Quran's standard of the word, "taqwa"
On Judgment Day, he will cool down the anger of Allah
I am compelled to make this humble confession
My verses can't do justice to this human
O' Abu Bakar, you used to have admiration for poetic skill
I hope your soul accepts this small gift from Aadil!
The Gate of Knowledge
Many companions were enlightened by Muhammad's radiant aura
Yet none was granted as much supervision as Ali Al-Murtaza
At 10, he was mature enough to accept Islam
Who knew what wonders lied in his palm
He grew into a man of innumerable shining traits
Whether deep philosophy or high mystical states
As a holy warrior, he was the most lion-hearted
Those who fought him had their souls departed
As a judge, he was hailed by Muhammad as the best
No baffling case could ever put him to test
As an orator, he was par excellence
His speech induced awe and reverence
As a commentator of Quran, no interpretation was free from his opinion
As an expert of jurisprudence, he understood divine will with reason
For 6 months, Khalid Bin Waleed had failed to spread Islam in Yemen
When Ali was sent, the tables were turned within days by his acumen
About his character's caliber, there are no 'buts' and 'ifs'
He belonged to the league of 4 rightly guided caliphs
Prophetic guidance had endowed him with immense wisdom
Yet critics blame him in the name of intellectual freedom
So much negativity has been written about his role as a leader
Not a single historian acknowledges how much he had to suffer
Enemies of the first two caliphs were outright disbelievers
But Ali had to face the wrath of his own believers
Thus he was challenged by the worst circumstances
An ordinary Muslim would've been out of senses
About his greatness, how can there be any disagreement or debate?
Muhammad said, "If I am the city of knowledge, Ali is its gate"!
Just a small thought
Since the advent of Adam and Eve,
Mystics have asked us to believe
that the highest achievement is self-annihilation
Yet since we are captivated by self-actualization
this idea doesn't appeal to us at all
It is only when we break down and fall
we realize that how feeble we truly are
for us to work and shine like a star
each and every iota of our very complex body
should be in a state of perfect tranquility
To such an unbelievable