rel="nofollow" href="#litres_trial_promo">82, 116; Melanie Shaw: page 94; Liz West: page 96; Susan Beals: page 99; Angela England: page 102; Lisa Steele: page 103; Christina Salwitz (The Personal Garden Coach): pages 120, 124; Janet Powell: page 121; Holly Rosborough: pages 2, 4, 5, 17, 83; Alupus: page 10; RhubarbFarmer: page 13; Quertzy2: page 104.
All other photos by the author.
Garden illustrations on pages 131-134 ©Jenny Nybro Peterson
Printed in Canada
On certified FSC recycled paper using soy-based inks
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For all of my parents ~ both here on Earth and waiting in heaven.
In loving memory of
1929 – 2014
Table of Contents
What this book is about . . . and what it isn’t. Hint: it’s not a dyer’s bible or a chemistry book.
Some Key Words You’ll Come Across
Official Endless-Shades-of-Color Disclaimer
Chapter One ~ Another Good Reason for Your Plant Addiction
Gardeners and the plants that love them; let’s talk colorfast, lightfast and fugitive; materials and textiles for natural dyeing; mordants and modifiers; finding and collecting color; wild foraging; starting a dye diary
Chapter Two ~ Become an Alchemist with Color
Unleash your inner chef; setting up your dyeing station; at-a-glance dye steps; cleaning your fiber and textiles; mordanting all fibers; DIY acorn mordant solution; DIY iron mordant solution; pH and the Great Black Bean Experiment; simple dyeing techniques: cold water, hot water, solar dyeing; very basic dyebath instruction: Marigolds; fiber and fabric aftercare
Chapter Three ~ Color from Cottage & Cutting Gardens
8 favorite flowering plants: plant profiles, dye colors and tips – plus 4 more dye-worthy plants to explore; resist dyeing: tie-dye and shibori; coffee and tea
Chapter Four ~ Vibrant Vegetables & Fruits
8 great plants for more than eating: plant profiles, dye colors and tips – plus 7 more edible plants to explore; Easter egg dyes; naturally dyed playdough; watercolor dye paints
8 premier herbs for dyers (and pollinators): plant profiles, dye colors and dye tips – plus 8 more colorful herbs to explore; “nearly colorfast” pokeberry recipe; saturated silk recipe: Japanese indigo ice water bath; indigo dye vat recipe; saving seeds
Chapter Six ~ Look to the Landscape
8 trees and shrubs: plant profiles, dye colors and tips – plus 6 more color-laden plants to explore; silk eco-print scarf; 9 dye-source weeds and native plants
Chapter Seven ~ Planning & Planting a Dye Garden
Things to consider; 4 garden design plans: Formal Rose Dye Garden, Edible Dye Garden, Cutting Dye Garden, Mixed Dye Garden