of the protective means of body temperature regulation’s use with the environment state taken into account. It is doubtful that random mutations could lead to such serious and highly organized changes. Therefore, there is every reason to believe that land animals were created on the basis of aquatic organisms by creating special systems for existence in the atmospheric environment. For example, aquatic animals are capable of filtering and excreting excess chemicals, particularly ammonia, while land representatives use a well-developed system of kidneys, excreting toxins in the urine consuming as little liquid as possible of the for cleaning the body.
If, according to the evolutionary theory, species had been evolving and adapting to the environment for millions of years, the question arises: why the humoral regulation of living organisms which have been living in the atmospheric environment for millions of years has neither reduced nor modified? The existing system of humoral regulation, provided by the system of blood vessels and heart, is adapted to the aquatic environment and is imperfect and vulnerable in the atmospheric one. At the same time, despite the new species’ occurrence on land, the principle of regulation has not been changed. If evolutionary processes can contribute to significant changes in the living organisms’ properties, adapting them to the conditions of the environment, why not a single species capable of existing in the atmospheric environment regardless of the water supply has ever occurred within millions of years? Why has the water dependency not disappeared? The humoral regulation of the body should have disappeared and been replaced by other regulation system more adapted to the atmospheric environment when animals moved to land. However, this did not happen on land and functional system has not been changed.
If animals, including humans, have been existing on the surface of Earth for a huge period of time, why are many physiological biorhythms adapted to the lunar rhythms that most aquatic animals follow?
Dolphins are known to communicate in the infrasonic range. If for them, the aquatic animals, it is understandable, it becomes rather incomprehensible why elephants living on land communicate in the same range? It contradicts the evolutionary views of natural selection. The development of moral qualities inherent to a human also contradicts the evolutionary worldviews. If a human has descended from a wild ancestor, then the one who survives within the natural selection should not have such categories as conscience and morality as they should have disappeared in the process of evolution. A conscientious human would not have a chance to survive. Meanwhile, this concept remains in humans, although not yet sufficiently fixed as an echo of the animal state. A human has the opportunity of daily choice between good and evil, and society analyzes his choice and assesses this choice on the basis of moral considerations formed on the grounds of mind, but not evolutionary principles. According to Kant, this is proof of the Creator’s existence.
Fred Hoyle questioned many of the arguments used by biologists to support the evolutionary theory. In his books «Evolution from Space» (1981), «Why Neo Darwinism Does Not Work» (1982), «The Intelligent Universe» (1983) and «Mathematics of Evolution» (1999) he provided a profound analysis of the quantitative aspect of the biological evolutionary theory and came to the conclusion that its speed is too slow for the life improvement within several billions of years. The calculations results allowed him to conclude that the probability of the life formation from the inanimate matter is one out of the number with 40 thousand zeros (Nature, 1981, 294, No. 5837, 48). F. Hoyle with meticulous accuracy calculated that the level of complexity of a simple living cell is comparable to the number of parts of an airliner. In the book «The Intelligent Universe» (1983), he compared the spontaneous occurrence of life with the possibility of the Boeing 747’s appearance after a hurricane over a dump. At the same time, the chances are not less than the chance to assemble a simple living organism from the separate chemical «bricks».
A similar idea was expressed by Edwin Conklin, a zoologist and a Princeton University professor, specialist in the field of the evolutionary theory. In his opinion, the assumption of the life occurrence through a chance can be compared with the assumption that a fledged dictionary is the result of an explosion in the printing house. Only by means of the common sense’s rejection can the Universe be considered as a product of pure chance.
According to the dogmatic nature of its ideas, the evolutionary theory is not inferior to the religious worldview, as both points of view are based on the belief of their views truth. Both worldviews require belief in their own rightness and categorically reject evidences that go beyond the concepts of these views. The scientific community does not recognize the validity of the arguments provided referring to the fact that critics misinterpret the scientific evolutionary theory’s concept. Therefore, critics of evolutionism believe that Darwinism has turned into a kind of religion which preaches faith under the guise of science. The phrase «God has arranged it» or «This has happened through evolution» can serve the answer to any question. Leonard Matthews, the British zoologist, admitted in the preface to the edition of the Charles Darwin’s book «The Origin of Species» (1971): «Thus, a belief in the evolutionary theory is completely analogous to the belief in a special (premeditated) creation. Faith cannot be denied, unlike scientific views. Proponents of both theories consider only their own one to be true, but the truth of any of them has not yet been proven.
The evolutionary ideas contain too many contradictions for a single scientific theory and they are the ones people try not to notice or discuss. Today it is the only fundamental theory in biology that can explain the life’s development and diversity. Often, when a scientific theory gains fame, it hinders the critical understanding of scientific facts contradicting it. No one can decide to abandon it, since there is no alternative to it. At the same time, the data accumulated up to now demonstrate the existence of a complex process of the organisms’ complexity progressive increase, which can be interpreted on the basis of other concepts.
Pope Pius XII, the head of the Catholic Church, in his report «Evidence of the Existence of God in the Light of Modern Science», delivered at a meeting of the Vatican Academy of Sciences on September 28, 1951, stated the following: «The creation of the world in time, and therefore the Creator of the World, and therefore, God is the word that we demand from science and which the contemporary generation (churchmen) expects from it». According to him, «true scientists» are only those who scientifi ally substantiate and prove «the infi te harmony of the Almighty God». The creationism (creatio − creation) is such a trend in the natural sciences, which explains the origin of the world through an act of the supernatural creation and denies evolution. His supporters claim that scientifi evidence of the biblical creation act and biblical history can be obtained. Henry Morris who is de facto considered the founder of the modern «scientifi creationism» (Creation Science), established the Creation Research Institute, which has become the main center of this trend.
A religious worldview advocates argue that if matter is eternal, then God granted it the ability to move and change. Life occurred as a result of a supernatural event in the past.
Creationists of the past centuries, describing various animals and plants’ species, assumed that the species are unchanged, and the number of existing species equals the number of originally created ones by God with the exception of the deleted species. From the point of view of creationism, no accidental genes recombination could produce such a huge number of the living creatures’ species, each of which is so well adapted to its environment. The evolutionary theory’s opponents put forward a hypothesis according to which representatives of each originally created genera were created with a set of certain characteristics and the potential for a limited number of changes.
The creationism supporters also claim that conditions on the ancient Earth ruled out the possibility of abiogenesis (spontaneous generation). In particular, the absence of oxygen and its recovery nature in the early atmosphere is denied.
According to the «Flood Geology» supporters, representatives of all taxa occur «fully formed» in the fossil record, which refutes evolution. Moreover, the occurrence of fossils in stratigraphic layers reflects not the sequence of flora and fauna that had been succeeding each other for many millions of years, but the sequence of ecosystems tied to different geographical depths and heights. The extremely slow speeds of geological processes such as erosion, sedimentation and mountain building cannot ensure the preservation of fossils, as well as the intersection of several layers