Excess bleeding from a small cut
Easy burning skin
Dizziness or light headedness
Feeling faint or fainting
Numbness in any part of your body
Cold hands or feet even in hot weather
Blacking out
Fits, convulsions, or epilepsy
Change in your handwriting
Tendency to shake or tremble
Tendency to be too hot or too cold
Sweating more than usual
Hot flashes
Being short of breath with minimal effort
Failure to get adequate exercise
Being overweight
Being underweight
Having lost more than half of your teeth
Bleeding gums
Badly coated tongue
A lot of small accidents or injuries
Varicose veins
Other aches and pains
Feeling pessimistic or hopeless
Have had any kind of surgery within the past year
Being upset easily by criticism
Having little annoyances get on your nerves and make you angry
Getting angry easily
Getting nervous around strangers
Feeling lonely
Having difficulty relaxing
Being troubled by frightening dreams or thoughts
Being disturbed by work or family problems
Wishing that you could get psychological or psychiatric help
Being tense or jittery
Being easily upset
Being in low spirits
Being in very low spirits
Believing that your life is out of your hands and controlled by external forces
Feeling that life is empty, filled with despair
Having no goals or aims at all
Having failed to make progress towards your life goals
Feeling that you are completely bound by factors outside yourself
Feeling sad, blue, or down in the dumps
Feeling slowed down or restless and unable to sit still
Frequent illness
Being confined to bed by illness
For men only:
Having a urine stream that’s very weak or very slow
Having prostate trouble
Having unusual burning or discharge from your penis
Having swelling or lumps in your testicles
Having your testicles painful
Having trouble getting erections (getting hard)
For women only:
Having trouble with your menstrual period
Bleeding between your periods
Having heavy bleeding with your periods
Getting bloated or irritable before your periods
Taking birth control pills (in the last year)
Having lumps in your breasts
Having excess discharge from your vagina
Feeling weak or sick with your periods
Having to lie down when your periods start
Feeling tense and jumpy with your periods