Job Mothiba

Let The Weak Say:

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but, still not out. Take this moment to thank God and appreciate the fact you are still alive. God is in control. No matter how many times you have been disappointed or whatever you have gone through, you are capable of finding peace. He saw you when you cry yourself to sleep.

      He always sees your faithfulness. When you stopped running to all sorts of things in trying to find relief from pain and choose to run to Him. If your hope is in Christ alone, you shall never be shaken. From this moment onward you shall never lack again. Never again shall he withhold anything good from you “For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” (Romans 10:11)

      We all go through unfair situations. Even when we choose God’s way to life, we still face both blessings and troubles, joy and grief. The sudden and unexpected loss of a loved one may raise many unanswerable questions, and as always, tests the depths of our faith and trust. But, believe that God is at your side through it all. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39)

      When dealing with things that appear to be stuck, issues and problems that keep recurring with a firm grip, you should move with boldness and perseverance and command them to move in Jesus name. Stumbling blocks are placed in our way by our adversary to cause us to trip and give up the good fight of faith. With the authority you have in Christ, you can order mountains to move out of your path, and mulberry trees to be pulled up by the roots and planted in the sea.

      It means that you can order spiritual wickedness, harassing spirits, deeply rooted stumbling blocks, and every hindrance to the works of Christ to go where it can never grow again. It is more than rebuking it; it is bringing its life to nothing because it cannot be planted anywhere else.

      What seems immovable can be moved, in Jesus name! What appears to be stuck can be unstuck, in Jesus name! What looks impossible is possible, in Jesus name! So as the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,” and it would obey you. (Luke 17:6)

      Every situation you are going through is the stage for God’s glory to be put on display. You do not always have to know what is next, but trust God that He has a plan and purpose for every situation in your life. You do not have to wait for someone else to tell you that you can do it. You should know that God created you for something special. Every now and again, remind yourself that God has not changed his mind towards you. For He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

      As you know there’d always be oxygen, just know things will work out for good. As you just know there’d always be day and night, just know that there is God who provides all our needs. May God provides you with everything you need now and forever. May, “the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you all. Amen! (2 Timothy 4:22)

      Sometimes, you may want God to change the situation, but God wants the situation to change you. Some of us, our lives are being shaken up. And as you are crying out to God asking Him to help you, only to learn He is the one doing the shaking. Some of us have people and things attached to us that are hindering our ability to move to the next level in our relationship with God.

      And, God is shaking things up to remove all that must go in order to preserve what must remain. So, stop trying to hold on to what God is removing. Do nothing on to what you know God is telling you to walk away from. Go ahead and follow your heart, but do not leave your mind too far behind. Let it go and trust Him. Whatever God removes, He replaces with something better. Sometimes God will literally shake everything up, in order to determine if you will still trust Him. Just like (Job 13:15) when he said “Even if he slay me, yet I will continue trust in him..!”

      In troubling times, you may think that God is not watching over you, you could not be more wrong. It could be as simple as you looking in the wrong direction. So, turn and fix your eyes on the Lord. He is the author and finisher our faith. Instead of running to God as an afterthought, you can start with Him right away. We are His creation and He knows what we need. No matter what situation you find yourself in, no matter what is going on in your life right now.

      Whenever you find tears in your eyes, especially unexpected ones because of that situation. God sees all the good in it, and will bring the good out of it or is just plain good in spite of it. It is all good. It is well. So, “Is it well with you” Is it well with your wife or husband” Is it well with the child” All is well. (1 Kings 4:26).

      The rainbow would not be without first the rain. No matter what is going on in your life, never forget that each new day you get to see is a blessing from God. Get closer to Him and be thankful. For the Lord honours those who look to Him constantly in prayer. “I am Yahweh that is my name. I will not give my glory to another or My praise to idols” (Isaiah 42:8)

      It is in the midst of anguish and terror that we realize who really God is and the marvel of what He can do. Your situation may look impossible, but do not ever rule out the favour of God. Things do not have to go your way in order for them to work out in your favour. When you stop seeing things the way they are and begin to see them the way they can be with the eye of faith, everything can be all good. God will restore what is broken and change it to something amazing. Be blessed and refreshed this day, sending love and prayers your way. Expect God’s full restoration in your life. (Joel 2: 25)

      On a stormy day it is easy to forget that the sun is still shining behind all of those thick clouds. The same is true for problems we face in our lives. It can look dark and gloomy when we peer out into the future, but we have to remember that just behind those clouds, rain, lightning, and thunder is an abundance of sunshine and clear skies. It is just a matter of time it is so pretty after a storm; that is when stillness speaks the most. So be still and know that He is God.

      So, do not give up. There is a huge difference between giving up and starting over. Everyone has a choice to do something about their situation. If you want something different, you must do something different than what you are currently doing. It does not matter who you used to be.

      What matters is who you have become. Settle down. Take a deep breath. Pick up courage. For you can handle any challenge one day at a time with the help of God. Embrace, engage, and deal with those challenges in your life. Be optimistic, and do not avoid difficult things. This is your life.

      Why should you be surprised when problems arise? If not you, then who? If not now, then when. Your value is not in what you own, but to “Whom” you belong. Your setback may have amused your enemies but your comeback is going to be even greater.

      So, do not face the day until you have faced God in prayer. There is nothing wrong with asking people to pray for you but you have power to speak into your own situation. God knows your heart desires and He will work on it, with time he shall deliver on your request. For, “The Lord is on [your] my side, he will help [you] me. Let those who hate [you] me beware”. (Psalm 118:7)

      God does not always send messages or signs directly. Sometimes it is through others. It may be through your boss, a taxi driver somewhere or even a stranger like me. That situation you are facing, whoever or whatever you are worrying about; God has a plan for it. For He is bigger than your fear and He is stronger than your obstacle. His understanding is un-searchable. With Him there is hope for the hopeless. He makes a way through impossible situations. May He see you through, for you turned back to Him and ask for help, and He will answer your prayers (Jeremiah 29:12)

      It is very easy for people to take sides especially when they only know one of the incumbent. However, if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have already chosen the side of the oppressor. The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. You can stand there thinking, “if only”, or you can go and take charge and change it. Never hesitate to do God’s will because of fear or what it costs. In the long run, it does not cost anything to do the will of God. It pays.

      People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen to. For some folks, even your best would not be good enough, that is their problem, not yours. Once you