Ray Maor

A Year Without Food

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      After years of spiritual development in search of a higher understanding of his path, Ray Maor decided to take the ultimate consciousness leap and pass through a breatharian initiation process which completely transformed his life.

      As a breatharian, he seeks to share this deep experience to promote human understanding of the spiritual/mental connection we have with our physical bodies and our capacity to surpass standard abilities.

      Ray volunteered to be tested in a televised medical experiment for an investigative reporting show in July 2013. In the show, Ray subjected himself to going without food and water for eight days and was medically tested on a daily basis to prove that, as a breatharian, his blood composition would not change and his physical state would not be altered.

      In this book, Ray Maor gives us his personal story and shares the information he has researched and collected about the energy of prana, the multiple benefits of a breatharian lifestyle and some life changing tips.


      It is both an honor and privilege to publish this book about my breatharian journey—a journey that more and more people are undertaking every day. Since the beginning of my own breatharian initiation, I have had an inkling that my journey would lead me to shed light on subjects that are rarely discussed around a typical Saturday dinner table.

      I have found only a few books that contain serious discussions about the breatharian lifestyle and initiation process. There may be others, but I have been disappointed by the general lack of information to satisfy the more scientific and logical thinkers among us.

      To open a conversation with skeptics, I set out to prove what is possible. Following my exposure and after the long adaptation period to the lifestyle, it has been my goal to share my knowledge as a breatharian and offer some answers to the many questions elicited by the experiment. By writing this book, I hope to achieve this goal.

       Ray Maor

      Israel, October 2018


      Ever since I can remember I have been a thrill seeker. As a child living in the desert of South Israel, I had a lot of time to ponder the meaning of life, who we are as people, what we are and what our purpose is in living in this world. Throughout my adolescence I achieved high scores in mathematics, physics and other sciences. At the age of eighteen I was mandatorily drafted into a special IT unit in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and subsequently signed a contract to remain in the IDF for a period of five full years (two additional years beyond the mandatory service). During this time, I became an officer in my unit and graduated with the rank of a lieutenant.

      Coming to the end of my term of service, I realized that I was and still am a pacifist, and a great call for self-fulfillment arose in my heart. I set out on a quest to understand everything there is to understand about life and its deeper meanings. At the age of twenty-four, I travelled through South America for nine months and returned to Israel to work as a consultant in the IT world. At twenty-nine, I decided to travel for another year—this time a trip around the world and an experience that well and truly changed me by opening my mind and inspiring me to go in a completely new direction in life.

       Fig. 1- Ray Maor


      Many years ago, I heard of people known as sungazers who gaze at the sun to free themselves from their dependency on food. In those days I was skeptical, leaning towards a very left-brain perspective. I knew the sun to be a great source of energy, but did not believe human beings had the right equipment to be nourished by it in the way plants and trees are replenished through photosynthesis. It was not logical or even imaginable to me at that point in my life. I had to see things to believe them. Lacking evidence, I regarded sungazing and other superhuman phenomena to be misguided Internet rumors and quickly gave up my investigations into these groups.

      Everything changed when I came back to Israel after my year-long trip around the world. I became involved with a community of spiritual activists formally known as The Love Revolution, which opened my mind and my heart. I was introduced to many interesting spiritual people as well as new concepts and belief systems. Among them was a special man named Tal. Since meeting Tal, he has become my dear friend and brother. As our relationship developed into friendship, he began to share with me the truths of his pranic lifestyle. Needless to say, what he told me blew my mind!

      Here was Tal—living, breathing proof of pranic living in action that I could not ignore. My curiosity was piqued. I wanted to know more and so began my quest to fully understand this rare human ability.

      A pranic/breatharian lifestyle is a lifestyle of independence from the daily necessity of food; a lifestyle in which we do not experience hunger or thirst, we have more energy, have a deeper connection to our inner guidance, to nature and to ourselves. Of course, I could not completely understand what it really meant to be a breatharian at the time. I still had many questions that needed to be answered.

      However, the seed of interest had been planted and I knew right then that I would become a test subject and pioneer for this alternative way of being. It was as if my future self was calling me and saying, “Ray, you have already completed this process with success. This is your path and it will bring you great understanding.”

      Having Tal as a friend and advisor gave me an insider’s perspective into this lifestyle. We spent a lot of time together at parties and festivals and I soon had to accept the truth: breatharian living is possible! It was especially important to me to see that it could be a functional lifestyle in the western world. To be a breatharian, one does not necessarily have to be a recluse, live like a hermit or be as holy as an Indian yogi. Today, our little breatharian circle of friends has expanded to include practitioners from all walks of life. My closest breatharian friends live in Tel-Aviv.

      My point in presenting our ‘normality’ is for you to understand that this is not some miraculous and exclusive way of living. You can do anything if you focus and put your mind to it. One thing you, Tal and I have in common is that we each have a burning desire to maximize our potential. This is what drives us to read books on self-realization and to practice meditation. Outside of this we work, travel, have relationships and simply enjoy the pleasures of life. We are not monks who have renounced all earthly possessions or reclusive Indian yogis who meditate 24/7 on a Himalayan peak.

      In this book, I tell my story and the preparations and processes I underwent to transition to a breatharian and my life as a guide with real-life examples of this lifestyle.

      I know that you seekers will enjoy this book, otherwise it would not have found its way into your hands! Just remember one thing—this is my story. Each story has many variables and requires a hierarchy of conscious understanding. What I mean by this is that everything may not make sense right away; in fact, some things may seem quite illogical at first and conflict with your current set of beliefs. That is completely all right and I leave it up to you to decide which parts of the information feel right for you. All the answers you seek are already inside you and the only two words you should practice to completely integrate this information with your higher mind are surrender and