Barbara Segall

Your Herb Garden

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height 30cm (12in) before flowering, with flowering stalk to 60cm (24in) spread 20cm (8in) planting Sow indoors in early spring in seed trays or pots. Seeds need a temperature of 21–27°C (70–80°F) for up to three weeks before germination will take place. Transplant to a spacing of 20cm (8in). Sow into the growing site early autumn or late spring when the soil is warm and thin out as the seedlings grow position Warm with some shade soil Moist, enriched with compost or well-rotted manure care Water in dry conditions, keep weed free, and in severe winters cover with cloches to keep leaf flavour. Nip out any flowering stems in the second year to prevent seed production and continue leaf harvest propagation From seed only. Allow some plants to produce seed and self sow. Sow several times a year to ensure a good supply of flavoursome fresh leaves species and varieties Petroselinum crispum ‘Neapolitanum’, also called French or Italian parsley, has flat leaves and a strong flavour. P.c. ‘Tuberosum’ or Hamburg parsley has good leaf flavour but is grown mainly for its roots harvest Pick leaves all through the year as they are needed, but they are at their peak in summer of the first year. Best used fresh or frozen. Freeze chopped into water in ice-cube trays or whole, sealed in freezer bags. Can be dried, but needs to be dried quickly in a cool oven to keep a flavour and colour herbal value Leaves are used to flavour soups, sauces and salads. Classic ingredient of bouquet garni. Used as a garnish and to make herbal tea. Hamburg parsley roots are used in stews and have similar flavour to the root vegetable celeriac. Mix 25g (1 oz) crushed, fresh parsley with 15g (½oz) clear honey to make a face mask. Wash your face, pat it dry and then apply the sticky paste. Leave in place for 15–20 minutes then rinse off using warm water


      (Salvia officinalis – Labiatae)

      Sage leaves bring delicious flavours to cold and cooked food. Grow sage for its range of leaf colour, flowers and aroma.

type Hardy evergreen sub-shrub
flowers Usually small pink to mauve flowers, though in some forms white or red. Late spring to summer
leaves Depending on species or variety, silvery-green to pink and purple, textured and aromatic
height 60cm (24in)
spread 45cm (18in)
planting Plant in spring or autumn. Grow in containers indoors in winter
position Full sun, good air circulation
soil Prefers a light, dry, well-drained alkaline soil
care If growing for leaves, cut out flower stems. After flowering, cut back spent flower stems. Trim regularly to keep compact and encourage new shoots. Mulch in winter and protect plants in heavy, damp soil. Replace with new plants after five years
propagation Take cuttings spring to mid-autumn and root in a heated propagator. Sow seed indoors in spring. Alternatively, layer sage branches by pinning down side shoots and covering with soil. They take about eight weeks to root.
species and varieties Purple or red sage (Salvia o. ‘Purpurascens’) has dark purple leaves. S.o. ‘Tricolor’ is variegated purple with light pinky-white splashes. Golden variegated sage (S.o. ‘Icterina’) has yellow and green leaves and a mild flavour. Spanish sage (S. lavandulifolia) has a balsamic flavour. Pineapple sage (S. elegans) has pineapple-flavoured leaves
harvest Broad-leaved sages are at their best before flowering or in summer. To keep colour well the leaves need a long, slow drying period. Freeze sage leaves in plastic bags in small quantities
herbal value Astringent qualities are good in steamy baths. Sage leaves are often used in stuffings, cooked meat dishes, salads and for flavouring vinegars



      If your herb garden preparation was delayed by cold weather and impenetrable soil last month, this one will be busy. If the weather is still against you, concentrate on the many indoor activities that must be started now. Get indoor seed sowing into full swing. Starting seed off indoors results in earlier harvests, as you can plant sturdy seedlings into the soil when it begins to warm up in late spring.

      If you have neither the space nor the inclination to grow your herbs from seed, buy young plants from specialist herb nurseries and garden centres. Check that the plants are healthy, with no dead or damaged stems, and are not root-bound in their pots. Now is the ideal time to set out established and pot-grown plants in the herb garden. Always plant into well-prepared soil that has been enriched with well-rotted compost or fertiliser. Water the plants in thoroughly and let them get settled before you begin harvesting leaves.

      Early spring is also a good time to begin planning and planting outdoor herb containers. If you don’t have space for a herb garden, this is an ideal way of growing at least the herbs you use frequently. Herbs grown in containers need regular watering (at least once a day during warm, dry spells), and staking if they grow too tall. Attractive containers and decorative herbs make striking features on patios, balconies and in the herb garden itself. By training and pruning certain herbs, such as rosemary and lavender, you can create unusual shapes that make attractive focal points. It takes time and patience, but the results are fun and worth the effort. If you use bought plants, choose them