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The Globalization of Environmental Issues and Amazonia
Deadlocks that guide the current political processes, and have the ecological sustainability paradigm as foundation, are analyzed in this chapter. Controversies and uncertainties of the twenty-first century, surrounding scientific processes and educational policies on a worldwide scale, are also dealt with. Special attention is given to ecological issue that permeates economic and scientific mega-processes. Finally, the insertion of Amazonia in this world process is analyzed.
2.2 The Globalization of Environmental Issues
Industrialization burns coal, oil, and gas in order to generate energy to fulfil social needs. Western countries, China, and Japan lead this enterprise responsible for rapid environmental degradation: a serious threat to the future of mankind.
The economic and political establishment, under pressure from the agroindustrial sector, has failed to present proposals that inhibit the deterioration of environmental issues. This sector is the most dependent on fossil fuels- mineral coal, petroleum, and natural gas. It is also the principal sector responsible for soil, water, and air pollution, with impacts on all public policies. This same group, in ←21 | 22→conjunction with scientific and political groups positioned in strategic regions, develops a marketing methodology to add economic value to animal and vegetable products. Pharmacology, biotechnology, and new materials industries seem to want “to gobble up the forests.” Never have so many patents been registered in such a short time frame.
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