rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_11b10c1c-3ff6-5f1e-bbdc-4b8320cbe2d4">Objective 1.3: Accessing maps and data from ArcGIS Online
Objective 1.4: Arranging the windows and panes
Objective 1.5: Accessing the help
Objective 1.6: Importing a map document
Objective 2.1: Getting familiar with the Contents pane
Objective 2.2: Learning to work with objects and tabs
Objective 2.3: Exploring the Catalog pane
Objective 3.1: Exploring different elements of a project
Objective 3.2: Accessing properties of projects, maps, and other items
4Navigating and exploring maps
Objective 4.1: Learning to use the Map tools
Objective 4.2: Exploring 3D scenes and linking views
Accessing the symbol settings for layers
Accessing the labeling properties
Objective 5.1: Modifying single symbols
Objective 5.2: Creating maps from attributes
Objective 5.3: Creating labels
Objective 5.4: Managing labels
Objective 5.5: Symbolizing rasters
Objective 6.1: Getting familiar with the geoprocessing interface
Objective 6.2: Performing interactive selections
Objective 6.3: Performing selections based on attributes
Objective 6.4: Performing selections based on location
Objective 6.5: Practicing geoprocessing
Objective 7.1: Managing table views
Objective 7.2: Creating and managing properties of a chart
Objective 7.3: Calculating statistics for tables