Joseph W. Walker III

Date with Destiny Devotional

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desires of our hearts. When our hearts are pure, our desires will be as well. "Desire" means to earnestlylong for the possession of some object. It is a state-of-being life. Desire is the product of association. God has set the criteria for our desires. God will give you only those things that are in line with His Word.

      I remember making a list of the desires of my heart. I must admit that a feeling of guilt quickly overwhelmed me, because I thought I was being selfish. God reminded me that it was okay to have desires as long as my first commitment was to Him. You may have made a list of what you desire in a relationship. It's okay to do so, but you cannot expect God to deliver on it unless you have first totally committed yourself to Him.

      A relationship with God is reciprocal. It cannot be unilateral. You have to do your part. Your commitment to God cannot be constrained. It cannot be forced. This kind of commitment lacks sincerity and has questionable motives. Your commitment cannot be casual either, based on fickle emotions. That kind of commitment is based only on how you feel. What happens when you don't feel like being committed? Your commitment level will diminish. God wants commitment with conviction. You are committed because you fundamentally believe that God is the best thing that ever happened to you. You love Him and want the world to know.

      LET'S PRAY Dear Father, help us delight in You so that we may better delight in each other. Give us the kind of love that only You can give; in Jesus' name. Amen.


       But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

       —Matthew 6:33 KJV

      It is God's will to give us the desires of our hearts. But your desires must first be in line with His Word. When you are committed to Him, you know His Word. You will never ask Him for something outside of His Word. His Word is His will, and His will is His Word.

      I often tell people that God's Word is like a menu. I can order anything on that menu. Sometimes I can super-size my order, because He will exceed abundantly above all I can ask or think. That's why when I pray, I want to pray right. I want to be in agreement with my mate so that our destiny comes to pass. The word of God must be my primary source. It is my frame of reference when asking for the desires of my heart.

      I've resolved that many prayers go unanswered because our priorities aren't aligned with God's will (Matthew 6:33). Like me, I'm sure you've heard many people say, "I'm believing God"—for a better job or a better spouse or more money. As we begin our day, let'sevaluate whether or not our desires are "in sync" with the Father's. The exhortation today is to ask ourselves the question, Are my desires in sync with God's?

      Take a moment and make a list of three things you desire and find scriptures to support them. If you can't find scriptures to support them, remove them from your list of expectations. As a couple of destiny, share your list with each other and make one list for both of you. Write it down and pray over it. Remind yourself about what you are believing God for. Spend time together delighting in the Lord. Worship together. Read His Word together. Pray together. Pray that God will give you similar passion for Jesus Christ. Inevitably you will do His will and it will manifest what He promised.

      LET'S PRAY Help us align our desires with what You desire for us. Father, in Jesus' name, we simply pray today that Your will become our will today and always. Amen.


       Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

       —Hebrews 11:1 KJV

      There is nothing more essential in the life of a Christian than faith.Faith literally stretches us from where we are now to help us reach for the possibilities in our future. Understanding the importance of faith will strengthen your relationship with God and each other.

      So many people I meet go through life with doubt and fear. I've seen people needlessly worry themselves over small things. When you believe God, you have to believe that He wants what's best for you. There is a statement that says: "God said it, I believe it, and that settles it." What God has said is already settled, whether we believe it or not. Our participation in what He says requires us to believe and never waiver in that belief. Every challenge that you encounter must be met with a strong faith in God.

      Perhaps you are going through some struggles today and you are wondering why. The truth is that a faith that cannot be tried is a faith that cannot be trusted. You cannot receive the word you receive and that word not be tested in you. This is why it's important to remember what God has done in the past. It will give you confidence as you faceyour challenges today. Just as you file away documents for later use, you should develop what I call a faith file. Every time God does something for you, file it away in your spiritual faith file. When you are being tested again, refer to that file and know it's nothing new to God.

      When Maxine (not her real name) was sixteen, she had a back surgery. The doctors told her that she would never be able to walk or stand for long periods after having the procedure. But she beat the odds, and today she walks as though it never happened. When she was twenty she was diagnosed with a rare heart condition and had triple by-pass surgery. God saw her through that. When she was thirty-two, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. After she battled cancer for years, God miraculously healed her. Not long ago, the bank threatened to foreclose on her home. She came to service and asked the church for their prayers. As she stood before the congregation, wallowing in fear, the pastor said, "If it were anybody else, I would understand you being afraid. But God brought you through back surgery, heart surgery, and healed your cancer; and you don't think He's able to help you make a house payment?! Where is your faith?"

      Where is your faith? Are you afraid, worried, nervous, anxious? We tend to develop spiritual amnesia and forget about what God has done for us in the past. Don't forget; remember faith.

      LET'S PRAY Dear Heavenly Father, help us remember that You have brought us safe thus far and will see us home; in Jesus' name. Amen.


       Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

       —James 1:3 KJV

      God's Word today is to let faith be the foundation of your life and relationship as a couple. The substance of faith is the Word of God. As you move toward destiny, you should be guided by the principles in the Word. You cannot have faith and fear at the same time. Fear is simply: false evidence, appearing real. You must trust God's Word and know that even if what you believe has not appeared, it is still possible through faith.

      Faith knows that God wills the best outcome for every situation. Faith is able to see the God in you and your mate. When you join your faith together, you cannot be defeated. Many people have more faith in their doubt than they have in their faith. Today declare that over your relationship of destiny you will be driven by your faith. Declare an active faith over your life and hold fast to every promise in God's Word.

      There is an expression that says, "Fake it until you make it." I don't agree with that statement, but I do believe you can "Faith it until you make it." When your faith is strong, you begin to look like you are believing God. Your language changes from pessimism tooptimism. There is nothing that happens to you that your faith can't get you through. As you move to destiny, let faith be your guide.

      LET'S PRAY Father, we thank You for reminding us of the importance of faith. Thank You for giving us your Word so that our faith can exist. Although there will always be challenges, we are determined to hold fast to what You have promised us. We will not doubt Your Word. Rather we choose to walk confidently in an active faith; in Jesus' name. Amen.


       Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report;