Common English Bible

CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub]

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gate or he fell down at the doors of the city gate (cf LXX).

      sCorrection; cf 22:4-5; MT cave

      tHeb ephod

      uLXX, Vulg; Heb uncertain

      vLXX; MT lacks he had accompanied David to.

      wHeb ephod

      xLXX, Targ; MT made a stranger of him

      yDSS (4QSamb), LXX; MT LORD God of Israel, will the citizens of Keilah hand me over to him? Will Saul come down as your servant has heard? Cf 23:12a.

      z24:1 in Heb

      a24:2 in Heb

      bOr to cover his feet (a euphemism)

      cLXX, Syr, Targ; MT lacks robe.

      dHeb uncertain

      eLXX; MT Some said

      fLXX; MT Paran

      gHeb uncertain

      hLXX, Syr; MT lacks in the wilderness.

      iOne seah is approximately seven and a half quarts.

      jLXX; MT with David's enemies

      kDescriptive phrase meaning "a male"; also in 25:34

      lHeb nabal

      mHeb nebalah

      nOr bundle of the living; Heb uncertain; perhaps a tied-up scroll (cf Exod 32:32-33; Ps 69:28; Isa 8:16)

      oCf 24:14; LXX my life

      pOr a caller, Heb sounds like verb to shout or call in 26:14.

      qLXX; MT from long ago

      rDSS (4QSama), LXX

      sOr through her or by her

      tOr I see gods or I see divine figures

      uLXX is with your neighbor; cf 15:28; 28:17

      vLXX; MT The LORD himself has done just what

      wLXX you and your sons will fall in battle.

      xOr sacrificed it

      yLXX; MT lacks and return to the place… done well before me.

      zLXX; MT lacks and everyone in the city.

      aHeb ephod

      bLXX; MT lacks He killed them all.

      cLXX Ararah

      dCorrection; LXX wounded in the belly

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