in the car!” She yells, her black, bulldog eyes bulge with anger. The knife crease between her eyebrows deep. She stands rigid with clenched fists.
“I can’t leave my bike!” I cry.
“Unlock it, and I’ll throw it in the trunk.” She growls.
I tremble while fumbling with the cheap padlock. My stomach churns, and heart races. I roll it to the car. She grabs it with one hand and shoves it in the trunk slamming the hood so hard on the bike tires, it bounces back up and almost hits her.
I jump in the backseat and slump down. Rae slides into the driver seat, puts the key in the ignition and pauses for a few seconds. Her breathing heavy, body surging with adrenaline. She turns around to face me. “What the hell are you doing with that white boy? Who is he? Do Mom and Dad know you’re seeing him? Where are you supposed to be right now?” She feels so righteous catching me red-handed. Mom and Dad’s little darling. A-1 favorite daughter, Miss Goody Two-shoes, cheerleader-prissy-face. The pretty one that everyone compares her to.
I’m sobbing hard now; she’s going to wail on me—this eggs her on; the little sister’s guilt unmasked. Rae jumps up onto her knees in the front seat, reaches over the backseat pummeling my face and head. I put up my hands to protect my face. “I Love him!” I shout in bold defiance.
“You can’t Love a gabacho, pinche white boy!” Rae swings one, last hard blow. I put my hands down, “Yes, I can, Love is color blind.”
Rae slumps behind the steering wheel and peels out. “Mom and Dad are going to be so pissed at you. You’ve lied and sneaked around with that creep, for how long?” Her stabbing glare bounces off the rearview mirror. “If I hadn’t had softball practice today, you’d still be deceiving your family and yourself,” she barks.
I hang my tear-streaked face out the window and search for Jack. I choke back convulsing sobs. I pooh-pooh Rae’s accusations and explain that he was just a boy I ran into, an innocent chat that Rae misconstrued. To appease her, they ground me for a month, but while she’s out of town at a volleyball tournament, they let me off the hook.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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