Vision and thought
Vision is the medium of thought
Thought occurs in Vision
Thought occurs only in Vision
(Thought does not occur in language)
Thought is produced in Images
Thought is not produced in Language
Thought does not originate in Language
Thought is translated into Language
Thought exceeds Language
Vision exceeds Language
Language aspires to the condition of Vision
Vision sees into another’s mind
– Automatically
Empathy is Automatic
Empathy is unavoidable
Empathy is unconscious
The ineluctable modality of the Visible
Thought through my eyes62
Thought is Vision
I see therefore I am
iv (c)
The Articulation of Vision
Vision is Automatic
Language is a retreat
Wordless storytelling is natural63
Language the enemy of Vision
Language puts itself above Vision
Language wants to forget its evolution
Language evolved from warning cries64
Language translates Vision
Language translates Vision
Language approximates Vision
Language always fails Vision
Language has ten bits per second
Vision ten million
Language should serve Vision
Language is contingent
Consciousness an effect not a cause66
Consciousness a pin in the Albert Hall
(William James)
Consciousness the tip of the iceberg
Consciousness (as we know it) does not exist67
Consciousness serves the Automatic68
Consciousness handles at most 50 bps
and averages 10 bps
(Vision has 10 million)
Consciousness an effect of the brain69
Consciousness is material
(anything else is mysticism)
Man rationalises
he does not Reason
Reason is never autonomous
(Kant’s Categorical Imperative)
Reason is always dependent upon Emotion
(Hume 1739, Damasio 1994)
Man is never reasonable
The brain is emotion not reason.
Reason is a noble ambition
(but never achievable)
Reason v subjectivity
Science is founded in Reason
Reason + Emotion = New Science
vii (a)
Reason and Nature
Nature has its reasons
Nature is not Reason
Nature has no plan
Nature is not teleological
Nature has direction but not ends
Nature is not rational
(in Man’s terms)
Man has too often turned his back on the Logic of Nature
The logic of evolution
is the Logic of Nature
The brain
The brain selects the Conscious70
The brain selects survival from information71
The brain directs Consciousness to survival72
The mode of the brain is Emotion
Emotion concerns survival
Survival motivates the brain
The Brain evolved as survival
Ne plus ultra
viii (a)
Narrative is the native mode of the brain
Narrative is the gods’ perfect engine of meaning
Narrative is not truth but representation
Narrative interprets information for survival
Evolution is nature
Evolution is survival
Nothing in Neuroscience makes sense outside evolution
ix (a)
Cultural evolution
Culture is nature
Nothing is beyond nature
Culture is evolution
Everything in culture comes from evolution
From culture to nature:
ix (b)
Art & science
Science explains art via Emotion
Neuroscience shows art is material
The Two Cultures are one
A science of culture
A Short History of Philosophy
Hume declared Reason dependent on Emotion
Kant declared Reason Categorically independent
Kant’s Idealism licenses Hegel’s Castles of Abstraction
France abandons Port Royal for German Idealism
Philosophy has turned its back on nature
The ‘unreasonable ineffectiveness of Philosophy’
Reason is contingent upon Emotion
Reason has no independence