George Laskaris Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases Скачать книгу 1.16 White Sponge Nevus 1.17 Dyskeratosis Congenita 1.18 Pachyonychia Congenita 1.19 Focal Palmoplantar and Oral Mucosa Hyperkeratosis Syndrome 1.20 Mucosal Horn 1.21 Papilloma 1.22 Verrucous Carcinoma 1.23 Squamous Cell Carcinoma 1.24 Skin and Mucosal Grafts 1.25 Epithelial Peeling 2 Red Lesions 2.1 Traumatic Hematoma 2.2 Thermal Burn 2.3 Radiation Oral Mucositis 2.4 Oral Lesions Secondary to Fellatio and Cunnilingus 2.5 Geographic Tongue 2.6 Denture Stomatitis 2.7 Candidiasis Erythematous 2.8 Erythroplakia 2.9 Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2.10 Plasma Cell Gingivitis 2.11 Granulomatous Gingivitis 2.12 Desquamative Gingivitis 2.13 Linear Gingival Erythema 2.14 Contact Allergic Stomatitis 2.15 Gonococcal Stomatitis 2.16 Hemangioma 2.17 Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia 2.18 Lupus Erythematosus 2.19 Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia 2.20 Iron Deficiency Anemia 2.21 Thrombocytopenia 2.22 Infectious Mononucleosis 2.23 Reactive Arthritis 2.24 Psoriasis 2.25 Sturge–Weber Angiomatosis 2.26 Peripheral Ameloblastoma 3 Black and Brown Lesions 3.1 Racial Pigmentation 3.2 Amalgam Tattoo 3.3 Heavy Metal Deposition 3.4 Drug-Induced Pigmentation 3.5 Smoker’s Melanosis 3.6 Black Hairy Tongue 3.7 Oral Melanoacanthoma 3.8 Ephelides 3.9 Lentigo Simplex 3.10 Lentigo Maligna Скачать книгу