Series Editor, Susan H. McLeod
The Perspectives on Writing series addresses writing studies in a broad sense. Consistent with the wide ranging approaches characteristic of teaching and scholarship in writing across the curriculum, the series presents works that take divergent perspectives on working as a writer, teaching writing, administering writing programs, and studying writing in its various forms.
The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press are collaborating so that these books will be widely available through free digital distribution and low-cost print editions. The publishers and the Series editor are teachers and researchers of writing, committed to the principle that knowledge should freely circulate. We see the opportunities that new technologies have for further democratizing knowledge. And we see that to share the power of writing is to share the means for all to articulate their needs, interest, and learning into the great experiment of literacy.
Other Books in the Series
Charles Bazerman, Adair Bonini, and Débora Figueiredo (Eds.), Genre in a Changing World (2009)
David Franke, Alex Reid, and Anthony Di Renzo (Eds.), Design Discourse: Composing and Revising Programs in Professional and Technical Writing (2010)
Martine Courant Rife, Shaun Slattery, and Dànielle Nicole DeVoss (Eds.), Copy(write): Intellectual Property in the Writing Classroom (2011)
Doreen Starke-Meyerring, Anthony Paré, Natasha Artemeva, Miriam Horne, and Larissa Yousoubova, Writing in Knowledge Societies (2011)
Andy Kirkpatrick and Zhichang Xu, Chinese Rhetoric and Writing: An Introduction for Language Teachers (2012)
Chris Thaiss, Gerd Bräuer, Paula Carlino, Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams, and Aparna Sinha (Eds.), Writing Programs Worldwide: Profiles of Academic Writing in Many Places (2012)
Charles Bazerman, Chris Dean, Jessica Early, Karen Lunsford, Suzie Null, Paul Rogers, and Amanda Stansell (Eds.), International Advances in Writing Research: Cultures, Places, Measures (2012)
Edited by Mike Duncan and Star Medzerian Vanguri
The WAC Clearinghouse
Fort Collins, Colorado
Parlor Press
Anderson, South Carolina
The WAC Clearinghouse, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-1052
Parlor Press, 3015 Brackenberry Drive, Anderson, South Carolina 29621
© 2013 by Mike Duncan and Star Medzerian Vanguri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Printed in the United States of America.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The centrality of style / edited by Mike Duncan and Star Medzerian Vanguri.
pages cm. -- (Perspectives on writing)
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-1-60235-422-7 (pbk. : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-60235-423-4 (hardcover : alk. paper)
1. English language--Style. I. Duncan, Mike, 1975- editor of compilation. II. Vanguri, Star Medzerian, 1980- editor of compilation.
PE1421.C46 2013
Copyeditor: Don Donahue
Designers: Mike Palmquist
Series Editor: Susan H. McLeod
This book is printed on acid-free paper.
The WAC Clearinghouse supports teachers of writing across the disciplines. Hosted by Colorado State University, it brings together scholarly journals and book series as well as resources for teachers who use writing in their courses. This book is available in digital format for free download at http://wac.colostate.edu.
Parlor Press, LLC is an independent publisher of scholarly and trade titles in print and multimedia formats. This book is available in paperback, cloth, and Adobe eBook formats from Parlor Press at http://www.parlorpress.com. For submission information or to find out about Parlor Press publications, write to Parlor Press, 3015 Brackenberry Drive, Anderson, South Carolina 29621, or e-mail [email protected].
Introduction to the Centrality of Style
Mike Duncan and Star Medzerian Vanguri
Part One: Conceptualizing Style
Introduction to Part One: Conceptualizing Style
Mike Duncan and Star Medzerian Vanguri
Stylistic Sandcastles: Rhetorical Figures as Composition’s Bucket and Spade
Making Style Practically Cool and Theoretically Hip
Rosanne Carlo
Teaching Style as Cultural Performance