Urantia Foundation The Urantia Book Скачать книгу 85. The Origins of Worship 944 1. Worship of Stones and Hills 944 2. Worship of Plants and Trees 945 3. The Worship of Animals 946 4. Worship of the Elements 946 5. Worship of the Heavenly Bodies 947 6. Worship of Man 948 7. The Adjutants of Worship and Wisdom 948 86. Early Evolution of Religion 950 1. Chance: Good Luck and Bad Luck 950 2. The Personification of Chance 951 3. Death—The Inexplicable 952 4. The Death-Survival Concept 952 5. The Ghost-Soul Concept 953 6. The Ghost-Spirit Environment 955 7. The Function of Primitive Religion 956 87. The Ghost Cults 958 1. Ghost Fear 958 2. Ghost Placation 959 3. Ancestor Worship 960 4. Good and Bad Spirit Ghosts 961 5. The Advancing Ghost Cult 962 6. Coercion and Exorcism 963 7. Nature of Cultism 965 88. Fetishes, Charms, and Magic 967 1. Belief in Fetishes 967 2. Evolution of the Fetish 968 3. Totemism 970 4. Magic 970 5. Magical Charms 971 6. The Practice of Magic 972 89. Sin, Sacrifice, and Atonement 974 1. The Taboo 974 2. The Concept of Sin 975 3. Renunciation and Humiliation 976 4. Origins of Sacrifice 977 5. Sacrifices and Cannibalism 978 6. Evolution of Human Sacrifice 980 7. Modifications of Human Sacrifice 981 Скачать книгу В начало<24252627282930313233>В конец