Benjamin Daniels The Complete Confessions of a GP Скачать книгу Uzma Africa Evidence Carolina Lee Hugging Tough Life Syndrome Mrs Briggs Betty Bale’s cat Vaccines Darryl The pat dog Rina Dos and don’ts Home births Michael Alternative medicine Thai bride Dead people Holistic earwax Obesity register Dr Arbury Body fluids Racism Sleep Magic wand Cannabis Sick notes Drug reps … again Mistakes … I’ve made a few Dying Happy pills Top 1 per cent of the population Computers Kieran Peter Granny dumping Aggressive conduct disorder Ed Camouflage man Memories Fighting Class Tingling ear syndrome Gary Beach medicine Gifts Politics Passing judgement The examination game Sex Money Angela I don’t like some of my patients Boundaries Smoking Angry man Maintaining interest The future? Tariq Babies Read on for some brand-new chapters from Dr Daniels … Why do people get sick? Malcolm A pair of glasses Stewart NHS reforms Barry Tuition fees Please don’t outsource our receptionists Fit to work? Скачать книгу