Kerri Carpenter

Falling For The Right Brother

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his hands together, Jasper’s smile grew wide and playful. “Seems like the two of you have gotten cozy pretty fast. Definitely can’t wait for tomorrow’s party now.”

      Not for the first time in his life—hell, not for the first time today—Cam had to remind himself that he did in fact love his little brother. No matter how irritating he could be.

      “Jasp.” He snapped his fingers in front of Jasper’s face. “What about Mindy?”

      “Who?” he asked dreamily.

      Cam groaned. “Mindy. Your girlfriend.”

      To his credit, Jasper bowed his head as his face reddened. Then his usual playful grin returned. “I’m kidding. She’s out of town. And I wasn’t hitting on Elle, so stop with the reproachful look.”

      “Could have fooled me.”

      “I was flirting. Flirting is not the same as full-on hitting on a woman. And why should it bother you, anyway? Thought you gave up dating after Spacy Stacy.”

      Cam’s own grin came fast and wide. “Spacy Stacy was harmless.” True, she became easily confused over minor details and anything involving numbers, sports or current events. But she’d been fun for a while.

      “Harmless but hot. Some of my favorite traits.” Jasper chuckled, but Cam knew he was only kidding.

      His brother clapped him on the back. “I just want to see you happy.”

      “Who said I’m not happy?” Cam countered.

      Jasper nodded in the direction Elle had taken. “I think maybe you could be even happier. You just have to let yourself accept it.”

      Cam rolled his eyes. “You sound like one of those stupid daily affirmations podcasts that Mom listens to.”

      Jasper pointed toward The Brewside. “I’m going to get some coffee. And don’t knock the podcasts. Maybe you should listen to one before the party tomorrow. Maybe it will help you find your mojo with Elle.”

      Cam tried to reach out and slap him on the arm, but his brother was too fast. “I’m over dating,” he yelled, but Jasper ignored him. Cam watched him walk away.

      Their mother always promised fireworks at every party she threw. Between Jasper, Elle and the busybodies of Bayside, Cam feared there might be more than one kind of fireworks tomorrow night.

       Chapter Four

      There’s nothing like a Dumont party! I’d never miss an opportunity to mingle with my faithful followers. Anonymously, of course.

      Rumor has it that little Ellie Owens got invited by both Dumont brothers. Hmm, that’s an interesting twist. Who do you think she’ll dance with first? Check back tomorrow for the answer...

      Elle’s fantasies about attending a Dumont party had always been just that. A fantasy. Tonight, though, the fantasy had become reality and she was now standing outside the sprawling mansion on Bay View Road feeling very, very apprehensive.

      Of course, her dad hadn’t helped matters. He’d made it known that he was less than pleased she’d decided to go to the party. That only added to her nerves.

      At least she was confident about her outfit. She loved the floor-length scarlet dress outlined with a thin layer of sparkly silver beading. The minute she’d seen it in the window of the boutique in Milan she’d known it was special. The dress came up around her neck but left her shoulders bare. Her figure was on full display as the sinfully silky material clung to her curves, and the slit in the skirt came up high, showing off her toned legs and the glittery heels she wore. Because of the high neckline she’d scooped her hair up into an intricate style that had taken way too much time and way too many bobby pins to secure. But with her dangly silver earrings and bright red lips, she knew the look was complete.

      Drawing on that assurance, she entered the Dumont estate. She smiled at the waitstaff flanking the entrance with trays of champagne. Deciding a little liquid courage might be just the thing to calm her, she happily took a glass before giving her wrap to yet another staff member.

      Since she’d never been inside the Dumont house, she took a moment to look around. Elegant staircases on either side of the foyer led up to a balcony, accented by a large crystal chandelier. As she walked across the marble floor, her heels made a click clack sound that echoed off walls adorned with priceless paintings. She’d like more time to get a better look at them.

      Stopping at a large mirror set in an ornate gold frame, she checked her makeup and hair one last time. Satisfied, Elle took a large gulp of champagne, put the glass down and proceeded along the hallway to a set of glass doors that were immediately opened by gloved servants.

      It was like an old black-and-white movie. The only thing missing was Cary Grant walking around the corner.

      Elle paused a moment before stepping onto a large terrace. Steps cascaded down to a second and then a third terrace, all of which were bordered by sprawling lawns and gorgeous flower beds. The water stretched out below, with multiple docks extending into the bay.

      Slowly, she took three steps and froze. The large orchestra decided just then to take a break, and it provided the exact right moment for every pair of eyes at the party to turn in her direction.

      Oh. My. God.

      Embarrassment coursed through her as her pulse picked up into a fast rhythm. Whispers carried up to her, causing her to consider running for the exit.

      “Is that Ellie Owens?”

      “Remember how she was in love with Jasper?”

      “That’s not Ellie. Ellie never looked like that.”

      “Remember that video she made?”

      “Didn’t she throw herself in the bay that night?”

      She’d definitely wanted to make an impression. But Elle had been hoping that people would be dazzled by her dress as she talked to them one-on-one throughout the night. She had not planned to be the center of freaking attention. And where the hell was the orchestra?

      As if on cue, Mrs. Dumont flicked a hand toward the conductor and he immediately began a new tune. Slowly, people returned to their drinks, food and conversations as Lilah Dumont, decked out in an elegant green gown glistening with gold beading, made her way toward Elle with open arms.

      Elle allowed herself to be embraced as her hostess exclaimed, “Ellie, it’s so good to see you. Welcome back!”

      “Thank you for inviting me, Mrs. Dumont. Everything looks amazing.”

      “As do you.” The older woman gave her a quick assessment. “You’ve certainly changed, Ellie.”

      “Oh, I go by Elle now.”

      With a soft pat to her cheek, Mrs. Dumont said, “Elle it is then. I’m sorry about what brought you home. Your dad is looking much better, though. He said he’s in remission.” A genuine smile touched the woman’s lips.

      Elle nodded. “Yes, his last doctor’s appointment went well. But we’ll have to make sure he stays on top of the situation. From everything I’ve read, this type of cancer can come back quickly. I’d like to meet his doctor,” she added.

      “He’s the best oncologist in the state.”

      Realization dawned as she met Mrs. Dumont’s gaze. “You helped, didn’t you?”

      Waving a hand in the air, Lilah winked at her. “It was only a matter of a quick phone call. It also helps that a wing in that particular hospital is named after us.”

      What must it be like to have that kind of money? Elle wondered. She would be forever grateful. “Thank you so much. I don’t know how to repay—”

      “It was nothing. Now, if you’d really like to repay