Teresa Southwick

The New Guy In Town

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      “Okay then, I’ll spell it out. You’re a bachelor and you date a lot. I have a young daughter. It might not be the best arrangement for us.”

      “As you know, I don’t have many third dates, which is the threshold, according to what I’ve heard, for connecting in a—” He looked at the mayor, who was taking in this conversation with more than a little interest. “More physical way.”

      “So you’re saying you didn’t ‘connect’ with Kiki? Hard to believe since you had her room number at the lodge.” Hey, he opened that door by stretching the boundaries of discretion.

      “A gentleman always respects a lady’s privacy. Especially about connecting—”

      “Look, I’m not Phoebe,” Mayor Loretta said. “I’ve heard the word sex. In fact, believe it or not, I’ve actually experienced it a time or two.”

      “Right. Because you’re married.” Faith’s cheeks were burning with embarrassment. “Here’s the thing—Phoebe is young and impressionable. Witnessing a parade of women going in and out of Sam’s house would raise a lot of questions that I’m not prepared to answer right now.”

      “I think I can survive without female companionship while the evacuation order is in effect. We’re only talking a day or two. Right?”

      The mayor nodded. “That’s the best guess right now. But fire is unpredictable.”

      “I’m grateful for the offer, Sam. Really. But it would probably be best if we stay with Loretta and Tom.”

      “Even though I have multiple bedrooms with actual beds? Not air mattresses on the floor.”

      The mayor looked puzzled. “Of course you’re welcome, Faith, but it sounds as if you’d be more comfortable at Sam’s until the danger is over.”

      Faith was comfortable teasing and tormenting him when he bought flowers from her. Being in his house didn’t sound comfortable at all. “Phoebe has to be my first priority so—”

      “Look, Faith, your aunt Cathy was my best friend,” Loretta said. “When she was losing her cancer battle she made me promise to watch over you and Phoebe for her. And I swore I would make sure you were being taken care of. In this situation I have to say the best place for you is with Sam.”

      “Selfishly,” he said, “you’d be doing me a favor.”

      “Really?” She didn’t actually buy into that and was humoring him.

      “I’m new in town and trying to fit in. Folks here take care of their own. It’s a hallmark of Blackwater Lake. So let me be neighborly in order to win them over.”

      “He’s got a point,” the mayor agreed.

      “And it’s not an inconvenience.” Sam gave her a look that probably melted female resistance like a Popsicle in the summer sun. “I’m sure the firefighters will get things under control pretty fast.”

      “And I really need to get an update on their progress.” Loretta looked at her watch.

      Faith felt ganged up on and wanted to dig in but there was no mistaking the worry and weariness in the other woman’s face. She wouldn’t add to it. “All right. If you think it’s best, Loretta. Sam can earn points for being a good citizen.”

      “Good. That’s settled.” Loretta looked relieved. “I have to run.”

      Faith deliberately watched the mayor hurry to the lobby’s double glass doors and quickly leave the building. She would have watched anything to put off having to face being alone with Sam Hart. It shouldn’t feel different from all the other times she’d talked to him, but it did. Because she was going to move in with him.

      Would Kiki be jealous? It was easier to think about that than the nerves she was currently rocking. Activity was the best defense so she went back to shutting down the flower cart.

      “Okay, then,” she said. “I’m going to load up the van and take all this stuff back to my shop. Then I’ll pick up Phoebe from summer camp.”

      “Do you want me to pick her up? Save time?” Sam asked.

      “She’s going to be scared so it would be best if I do it. Besides, you’re a stranger and not on the list of people authorized to get her. She doesn’t know you and that could cause more anxiety.”

      “Of course.” He nodded and took a business card from his wallet. After writing something on the back he handed it over. “This is my address. I’ll follow you to the shop and help unload the van.”


      He held up a finger to stop her words. “I’m not sure what your deal is—whether you don’t want help or just not from me. But this is about being neighborly so don’t compromise my image.”

      “Okay. When you put it like that...”

      After locking down the cart, Faith wheeled the flowers to her van parked in the lot behind the Hart financial building. She opened the vehicle’s sliding door and stepped inside, then let Sam hand the vases and flowers in so she could secure them.

      With his hands on the portable cart, he said, “I’ll put this back inside, then meet you at the shop.”

      Part of her wanted to be snarky about him taking charge. The other part was glad he did. Because she probably wasn’t thinking all that clearly, what with her house in danger of going up in flames.

      So all she said was “Thanks.”

      Faith drove to downtown Blackwater Lake as fast as the speed limit allowed and pulled the van into the parking area behind her primary shop on Main Street. She hopped out of the driver’s side and by the time the rear door of Every Bloomin’ Thing was propped open, Sam had driven into the lot and was getting out of his pricey luxury SUV. That was fast. Had he observed the speed limit?

      At this moment she was too happy help had arrived to care. It meant she could get to her daughter faster. She reached into the van and started to grab a vase of flowers.

      “Let me unload and you can put everything away. Since you know where it all goes that will probably be faster,” he said.

      He was right and she nodded. A short time later everything was secured inside. They walked out the back door of the shop then she turned the key in the deadbolt to lock it up.

      “I’m going to get Phoebe now,” she told him.

      “Do you want me to go with you?”


      The negative was automatic. If Loretta or almost anyone else in town had offered she would have accepted the moral support without question. But today she was afraid. Her home was in danger. That was bad enough, but she’d flirted with a different kind of danger when she’d flirted with Sam. It never occurred to her that she would ever be living with him, even for a short time. Damage control started right now.

      “You’ve already done enough, Sam. Besides, I need to talk to her alone, prepare her before she meets you.”

      “Why? Do you think I scare small children?” He put his hands on his hips. “I have a niece who’s not quite three and she isn’t afraid of me.”

      “It’s not that. I don’t think it’s a good idea to hit her with too much all at once.” She shrugged. “Bad enough I have to break the news that her house could go up in flames, but then she meets a strange man and is going to stay in his house...”

      His gaze narrowed. “Are you talking about Phoebe being nervous? Or you?”

      “I’m an adult. I understand what’s happening. She’s just a kid and I want to reassure her that everything’s all right.”

      “You know best,” he said. “And you’ve got my card and cell number. Call if you need anything at all.”
