the free ride’s over and it’s out of my hands. The Committee decided.”
There he went with his mysterious talk of the Committee. Allegedly, the Committee acted as the unofficial head of the Earth Liberation Front. It was chaired by some lackey who oversaw a handful of lackeys, one of them being Jeter, and who allegedly administered the entire western region from Washington to California and extending as far east as the Continental Divide.
“You can stop paying me if you want, but I can just about guarantee that I’m the least of your worries right now.”
Jeter didn’t look convinced. “Yeah, right.”
“Blow it off, then. But just remember that Gowan’s going to continue robbing you blind, and the small amount you’re paying me is a pittance compared to the millions of dollars you’re going to lose if you continue to trust him.”
“Maybe we just plan to rub him out of the picture entirely,” Jeter said.
Kellogg let out a snort. “Sure…whatever you say. The FBI’s been after him for years and they still haven’t come up with squat.”
“We’re not the FBI.”
“No, you’re not. And I think that’s the first thing we’ve agreed on since we formed this little partnership. Listen, it’s none of my business how you screw this up for you and your precious Committee, but I’m sure as a hell not going to let you screw it up for me.”
Jeter sighed. “You still haven’t told me why you called this meeting.”
“I came to tell you about the return on your investment,” Kellogg said. “All that money you think you wasted on me is about to pay off.”
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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