Stanislas Rhodes de

The Autobiography of a Flea

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man with a warm emission which ran all over his stiff affair.

      It is impossible to describe the lustful frenzy which now took possession of the young and charming Bella. She clung with desperate tenacity to the burly figure of the priest, who bestowed upon the heaving and voluptuous body the full force and vigour of his manly thrust. She held him in her tight and slippery sheath to his balls.

      But in her ecstasy Bella never lost sight of the promised perfection of the enjoyment. The holy man was to spend his spunk in her as Charlie had done, and the thought added fuel to her lustful fire.

      When, therefore, Father Ambrose, throwing his arms close round her taper waist, drove up his stallion penis to the very hairs of Bella’s slit and, sobbing, whispered that the ‘spunk’ was coming at last, the excited girl, straightway opening her legs to the utmost, with positive shrieks of pleasure let him send his pent-up fluid in showers into her very vitals.

      Thus he lay for full two minutes, while at each hot and forcible injection of the slippery semen, Bella gave plentiful evidence, by her writhings and cries, of the ecstasy the powerful discharge was producing.

       Chapter Three

      I do not think I ever felt my unfortunate infirmity in the matter of a natural inability to blush more acutely than on the present occasion. For even a flea might have blushed at the wanton sight which thrust itself upon his vision on the occasion I have herein recorded. So young, so apparently innocent a girl, and yet so lewd, so lascivious in her inclinations and desires. A person of infinite freshness and beauty – a mind of flaming sensuality fanned by the accidental course of events into an active volcano of lust.

      Well might I have exclaimed with the poet of old: ‘O Moses!’ or with the more practical descendant of the Patriarch: ‘Holy Moses!’

      It is needless to speak of the change which Bella’s whole being underwent after such experiences as these I have related. They were manifest and apparent in her carriage and demeanour.

      What became of her youthful lover I never knew nor cared to enquire, but I am led to believe that holy Father Ambrose was not insensible to those irregular tastes which are so largely ascribed in his order, and that the youth was led by easy stages to lend himself, no less than his young mistress, to gratification of the insensate desires of the priest.

      But to return to my own observations so far as they extended to the fair Bella.

      Although a flea cannot blush, we can observe and I have taken upon me to commit to pen and ink all those amatory passages in my experience which I think may interest the seeker after truth. We can write, at least this flea can, or else these pages would not now be before the reader, and this is enough.

      It was several days before Bella found an opportunity of again visiting her clerical admirer, but at length the chance came, and, as might be expected, she quickly availed herself of it.

      She had found means to apprise Ambrose of her intention of visiting him, and that astute individual was accordingly ready to receive his pretty guest as before.

      Bella no sooner found herself alone with her seducer than she threw herself into his arms, and pressing his huge carcass to her little form, lavished upon him the most tender caresses.

      Ambrose was not slow in returning to the full the warmth of her embrace, and thus it happened that the pair found themselves hotly engaged in the exchange of burning kisses, and reclining face to face upon the wellcushioned seat before alluded to.

      But Bella was not likely now to be contented with kisses only; she desired more solid fare, which she knew from experience the father could give her.

      Ambrose, on his part, was no less excited. His blood flowed quickly, his dark eye flamed with unconcealed lust, and his protuberant dress displayed only too plainly the disorder of his senses.

      Bella perceived his condition – neither his inflamed looks, nor the evident erection, which he took no trouble to conceal, escaped her – and she sought to add to his desires, if possible, not to diminish them.

      Soon, however, Ambrose showed her that he required no further incentive, for he deliberately produced his fiercely distended weapon in a state the bare sight of which drove Bella frantic with desire. At any other time Ambrose would have been more prudent of his pleasures than thus early to have proceeded to work with the delicious little conquest. On this occasion, however, his senses ran riot with him, and he was unable to check the overwhelming desire to revel at once and as soon as possible in the juvenile charms thus offered him.

      He was already upon her body. His great bulk covered her figure most powerfully and completely. His distended member bore hardly against Bella’s stomach, and her clothes were already raised to her waist.

      With a trembling hand Ambrose seized the centre chink of his wishes – eagerly he brought the hot and crimson tip towards its moist and opening lips. He pushed, he strove to penetrate – he succeeded: the immense machine slowly but surely entered – already the head and shoulders had disappeared. A few steady, deliberate thrusts completed the conjunction, and Bella had received the whole length of Ambrose’s huge, excited member in her body.

      The ravisher lay panting upon her bosom in complete possession of her inmost charms.

      Bella, into whose little belly the vigorous mass was thus crammed, felt most powerfully the effects of the throbbing and hot intruder.

      Meanwhile, Ambrose began to thrust up and down. Bella threw her white arms around his neck, and twined her pretty silk-clad legs all wantonly about his loins.

      ‘How delicious,’ murmured Bella, kissing rapturously his thick lips. ‘Push up me – push up me harder. Oh, how it forces me open – how large it is! How hot – how – oh my – oh!’

      And down came a shower from Bella’s storehouse, in response to the strong thrusts received, while her head fell back and her mouth opened in the spasms of coition.

      The priest restrained himself; he paused an instant; the throbbing of his long member sufficiently announced his condition; he wished to prolong his pleasure to the utmost.

      Bella squeezed the terrible shaft in her innermost person, and felt it grow harder and even stiffer while its purple head pressed up to her young womb.

      Almost immediately afterwards her unwieldy lover, unable to prolong his pleasure, succumbed to the intensest of keen and all-pervading sensations with his glutinous fluid.

      ‘Oh, it is coming from you,’ cried the excited girl. ‘I feel it in gushes. Oh! give it me – more – more – pour it into me – push harder; do not spare me! Oh, another gush! Push – tear me if you like – but let me have all your spunk.’

      I have before spoken of the immense quantity Father Ambrose possessed the power of discharging, and he now surpassed himself. He had been bottled up for nearly a week, and Bella now received such a tremendous stream of his nature that his discharge more resembled the action of a syringe than the outpouring from the genitals of a man.

      At last Ambrose dismounted, and Bella, on standing once more upon her feet, felt a clinging slippery stream trickling down her plump thighs.

      Hardly had the father withdrawn than the door leading into the church opened, and, behold, two other priests presented themselves within its portal. Concealment was, of course, impossible.

      ‘Ambrose,’ exclaimed the elder of the two, a man apparently between thirty and forty years old, ‘this is against our rules and privileges, which enact that all such sport shall be had in common.’

      ‘Take it then,’ growled the person addressed. ‘It is not too late – I was going to tell you of what I had got, only –’

      ‘Only the delicious temptation of this young moss-rose was too much for you, my friend!’ exclaimed the other, seizing, as he spoke, upon the astonished Bella, and forcing his