Bonnie Vanak

The Shadow Wolf

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felt a tug of empathy for Feral Draicon. As a Shadow, she wanted equality among all their species.

      A savage beauty reflected in the wolf’s running with the wind. Her heart thundered again, echoing the cadence of distant crashing thunder. Her pulse raced with excitement.

      How she longed to run wild, heedless of watchful Draicon ready to punish her for shifting into a wolf. Megan took one step forward, her body thrumming with anticipation.

      The wolf skidded, his big paws digging into the wet sand. He pivoted, his huge head swerving in her direction, focused on her with a predatory look.

      Wild amber eyes met hers.

      The wolf was king. If he wanted, the wolf could track her scent, have her on the ground before she could escape.

      Though her heart pounded hard, Megan held her position. She returned the wolf’s dominating look. She blinked, and the wolf was gone, replaced by a man wearing a white shirt and khaki shorts.


      Sea mist dampened his dark hair. His muscled body was hard with sexual aggression. He stalked toward her with determined purpose. Afraid of his power, she stood her ground. Megan refused to lower her gaze as other Draicon would do facing a predator.

      “I can smell your fear. I told you before, I won’t hurt you,” he said softly. “How long have you been watching?”

      “I just got here,” she admitted. “It was fascinating watching you as a wolf. I can’t remember how long it’s been since I saw a Draicon shift and we’re prohibited from shifting into wolves on Shadow Island.”

      “Why can’t you shift?”

      “I guess they’re afraid we’ll become more powerful as invisible wolves than invisible in our human form.”

      Raw sexuality radiated from him. Megan swallowed hard. “I didn’t come to spy on you. I came looking for you to tell you something.”

      He stopped close enough for her to smell his delicious maleness mingling with evergreen and rain. Passion filled his heated gaze. His nostrils flared as if he’d caught her scent. A pulse hammered at the base of his throat.

      “Tell me what, chère?

      Though she was still untouched, Megan sensed his desire. He wanted her, badly. And animal instinct fought for control of the man. Something inside her clawed to the surface, wanting him just as badly.

      Gabriel unclenched his fists. He caught her hand in his and turned it over. The gentleness of the gesture contrasted sharply to his earlier display of brute strength. He ran a thumb over her cut.

      “It’s starting to heal already. Good.” He dropped her hand and traced a line along her jaw. His touch was gentle, but she instinctively recognized the possessiveness.

      A wolf marking his territory.

      “Tell you …” She halted, shuddering with pleasure as he stroked a line down the sensitive curve of her neck.

      He dropped his hands. “Go back to the cottage. The storm’s getting closer and the twins will be scared.”

      “Why are you so concerned when all you’ll do is turn them over to the authorities? For all the stories I’ve heard about you …”

      He swore softly, his expression growing cold and dangerous. “I’m not what you think, Megan. Don’t underestimate me.”

      As he started to push past her, she blurted out, “I know who blew up the bridge. I think it was the same man from the restaurant, a man with silver hair.”

      “Why are you telling me now? Why not before?”

      “We’re stuck here together and I need your help getting off this island. If this man is determined to trap us, can we leave? You said you had other boats. Are they nearby?”

      “What were you and the girls doing on the dock?”

      Softness laced the steely words. When she didn’t answer, he stepped behind her and placed his palms on her shoulders. His touch was gentle, but she sensed his determination. He would have answers.

      “I told you, you’re safe here. I won’t hurt you.” His fingers began to knead her muscles, sending delicious heat spiraling through her body. Earlier tension evaporated, replaced by sensual need. Her head tilted back like a sunflower seeking warmth.

      Gabriel wrapped his arms around her waist. Power was in those strong limbs. He bent his head, warm breath feathering over her cheek.

      “Tell me, Megan.”

      “The boats were useless, anyway.” She trembled with sudden need.

      “I know. I disabled them to keep you here.” She quivered with anticipation as his mouth nuzzled her neck.

      Struggling to keep her thoughts straight, Megan stiffened. “Hope you didn’t disable the inflatables, too. Where are they?”

      “In a safe place, chère.”

      “Are you sure? Maybe I can help you secure them before the storm.” A low moan escaped her as his fingers stroked over the sides of her neck.


      His hands anchored her to him. His hard male body was filled with enormous power. Yet the hands now splayed over her belly were gentle and his lips tracing a line down to her collarbone were soft and warm.

      A different hardness pressed into her backside. A whimper of erotic pleasure tore from her throat as his hands drifted lower, palming her lower belly, pressing her against his erection.

      A vision arose in her mind. She was naked on all fours as Gabriel knelt behind her, his large hands on her hips, his face etched with ruthless intent as he took her in the traditional position of a wolf claiming its mate….

      Megan slammed a door on the image. Never.

      Trying to regain her lost composure, she jerked out of his embrace. How could she feel this way about her jailer?

      “Stop doing this to me,” she whispered.

      Amber burned in his dark eyes. “Doing what, chère?

      “Making me want you. The vision you put in my mind, me, you, naked together.”

      A muscle clenched in his taut jaw. “That wasn’t me.”

      Stunned, she stared. “How can I know you’re not manipulating me? You’re not forcing me to feel like this?”

      “I wouldn’t,” he said quietly. “I may be many things, but I’d never force you mentally or any other way. Megan, you have nothing to fear from me. Soon, you will come to trust in that.”

      “I’ve had others tell me the same. Why should I believe you won’t hurt me, Enforcer?”

      “Because when I find the one who left those bruises, and I will find him, I’ll do this to him or anyone else who dares to touch you.”

      He plucked out a heavy paving stone from the pathway. A chill raced down her spine as he crushed it in one hand. Caught by the increasing wind, the powder blew away.

      “I don’t make promises I can’t keep, not anymore. But I will promise you this. That sonofabitch will pay for your pain.”

      Gabriel dusted off his hands and jogged away.

      Numb with shock, she stared at the missing paver. Gabriel was no ordinary Draicon. He was more than a dangerous adversary. He was lethal to anyone opposing him.

      Who was Gabriel Robichaux and what secrets did he hide?

      Chapter 5

      As night fell, the hurricane began battering the tiny island. Wind whistled through the trees and thunder crackled and boomed.

      Megan let out a small