Bonnie Vanak

Phantom Wolf

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powers we lack. Make right this wrong before the Elementals judge all Arcanes as guilty and kill us.”

      Hatred punctuated those words. Kelly placed a gentle hand on her friend’s arm. “There are good Elementals. Not all are so unreasonable.”

      The dripping rain slowed and stopped. But a steady tapping came upon the battered roof. Fear flickered across Hilda’s face. She and Fernando glanced upward.

      The sound of claws skittering across a metal roof, accompanied by a distinct, foul smell. Only one creature could emit such a nauseous stench… .

      Kelly’s heart dropped to her stomach. She pointed at the ceiling. “Ilthus,” she whispered.

      Blood drained from Hilda’s face.

      Fingers tight around the triskele pendant, she headed for the door. Hilda grabbed her arm.

      “Don’t go out there. It will kill you,” the terrified woman whispered.

      “I can’t let it get to Fernando.”

      The warped turquoise door creaked as she opened it. Rain dripped on the cracked concrete courtyard, where the soaked wash hung limply on the frayed clothesline. Kelly sang out a chant to gather her powers as she stepped outside.

      A foul stench tainted the air, the smell of sulfur and decay. Gagging, she inched backward, trying to peer onto the roof. The skittering sound stopped.

      Power hummed beneath her trembling hands. Ilthuses were clever and quick, and they could move…

      A harsh screech split the air. As she looked up, a redand-blue-speckled thing launched itself off the roof.

      Scrambling backward, she avoided the daggered claws swiping at her face. Instead, the creature shredded a ragged shirt on the clothesline. The ilthus shrieked again and skittered on all fours. Saliva dripped from its black slit of a mouth.

      It came closer, hissing, its lizardlike pupils contracting as it fixed a stare at Kelly, seeing prey, seeing its target up close. A forked tongue shot out of its mouth.

      The ilthus opened its mouth and hissed. A steady stream of gray mist sprayed out of its mouth, the rotten-egg stench making Kelly’s eyes tear, her vision blur.

      Backing up, she hit a wall. No place to run. Dear gods, I’m going to die from the smell. She blinked hard and focused.

      The door banged open. Hilda came outside, armed with an iron skillet. The brave, crazy woman!

      “Take this, you stinking son of a bitch,” Hilda screamed in Spanish as she threw the skillet.

      It missed the ilthus, but the distraction was enough. The creature stopped spraying.

      “Get back,” Kelly yelled at Hilda.

      Kelly breathed through her mouth and flung out her power at the creature, and then she dived behind a rusty washing machine.

      With a loud shriek, the ilthus exploded, spraying green slime over the walls and the wet laundry.

      Hands shaking, Kelly struggled to her feet. She stared at the mess. Hilda stepped into the courtyard, holding her nose.

      Rain began falling again. Kelly gave a wry grin.

      “Sorry about the laundry and the smell,” she said.

      Hilda hugged her tight. “You saved us.”

      “No.” She pushed at her long, tangled hair. “I brought it to you. It must have followed me from the airport.” She could expect more scouts like this. The rogue Arcanes didn’t want interference before they could hide the children in a safe place.

      “But who knew you were coming, or where you went?” Hilda looked confused.

      Kelly thought of the angry cabdriver. “The taxi driver who drove me here. He’s Arcane. Must have been alerted I’d left the country and waited for me at the airport.”

      “You’re fortunate he did not harm you in the cab.”

      “Maybe he was instructed to notice where I went. They probably want to see how much I know and where I go.” Kelly squeezed her friend’s hands. “Take Fernando, go visit your sister. Please. For your own safety. He’ll be more comfortable there.”

      The rogue Arcanes were watching her, probably to see if she dared to track down the children. She needed Sam and his team of SEALs. But if they weren’t coming, she had to do this on her own. Kelly’s stomach churned. She wasn’t a courageous navy SEAL, trained to combat evil.

      But neither was she a coward.

       Chapter 6

      In ST 21’s ready room, Shay looked at his CO with pure dismay.

      Kelly had fled and the Council of Mages gave an official order. They were going down range into Honduras. Hellfire, he could face a squad of vampires armed with RPGs easier than this assignment.

      The briefing book lay open before him on the table. In the room, Dakota, Renegade and Sully studied their copies. Using a red laser pen, Curt pointed to a map on the screen in front of the room.

      “More than eighty percent of the coke entering the U.S. is shipped through Honduras. Drugs are flown into the Miskito Coast from South America and then transported to the States.

      “This is an extremely covert op. Several months ago, U.S. forces joined with the Hondurans and used military outposts, established by the Hondurans, to conduct counterinsurgency against the cartels. The FOL had the Honduran Air Force rapidly deploying to intercept aircraft and boats smuggling narcotics. Brass pulled the plug after bad PR regarding a shooting incident. Now brass wants us to train the Honduran security forces on counterinsurgency and CQC techniques.”

      FOL, forward operating location. CQC, close quarters combat.

      SOL, no explanation needed. That was Kelly’s fate, and he was powerless to change it. He’d told Curt what Kelly suspected, but his CO needed proof.

      Kelly had none.

      Shay squeezed his briefing book, magick boiling in his blood. Sparks of white light began dancing on the table’s surface. Sully glanced over and motioned to tone it down.

      Deep breaths. He forced his magick to calm. If Curt suspected he couldn’t control his powers, he’d order him off this op. And he needed to be there, to ensure nothing happened to Kelly.

      “Your mission is nonintervention. Restricted to training the Honduran security forces in counterinsurgency and CQC.”

      Their CO paused, his gaze steady and unblinking. “That’s your official mission. Your paranormal code mission is Operation Flight Bird. Find and capture Kelly Denning to face arrest by the Council of Mages on the charge of kidnapping Billy Rogers. The council is sending a special detachment to escort her back.”

      So it had come to this. Shay cursed his uncle’s sabbatical on a remote island. With Al’s lone voice of reason gone, the council moved against Kelly. “So she doesn’t get a chance to defend herself?”

      “The council will provide an attorney,” Curt said.

      Shay snorted. “Right. One working for the lynch mob.”

      Beside him, Renegade shook his head. “The woman’s guilty as hell, Shay. You can’t see it because you were involved with her.”

      Flipping him the finger, Shay shook his head. “Everyone is innocent until convicted.”

      He looked at his CO.

      “You know what those bastards in the council will do to her, Curt.”

      Sympathy flared in the older Mage’s gray gaze. “I know, Shay. We’re caught in a web of dirty Mage politics, and Senator Rogers is jerking our strings. But she will receive a fair trial, even if I have to fight tooth and nail for her. You have to trust the process.”
