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clean cut and scrubbed up well.

      Kieran looked like he’d rolled out of bed an hour before, finger combed that shiny black hair and pulled on the first clothes that he stumbled across.

      ‘I’m seeing it, but I’m not sure I believe it,’ Ciara whispered back.

      She and Gem were distracted by the waitress bringing back the Crystal, opening the bottle and filling up their glasses. Kieran signalled for Elle’s to be brought the five steps down the bar to her.

      ‘Let’s leave them to it,’ Gem suggested, picking up the ice bucket with the drink and her glass.

      Ciara hesitated, wondering if it was what Elle wanted but they’d only be a few feet away if she needed them so Ciara followed Gem over to a table within spying distance.

      ‘This is new,’ Gem said and Ciara nodded. ‘I wonder if Elle’s feeling the chemistry.’

      Ciara grinned. ‘I’ll bet it’s all that talk about super endorphins. Maybe she thinks Kieran is the key.’

      ‘Good for her.’

      They watched their friend playing coy while Kieran inched closer so they were almost touching. Their voices didn’t carry but by the way Elle appeared to be flirting right back Ciara was sure she was into it.

      ‘So, now Ms Prude is out the way, I want details!’ Gem said.

      Ciara knew exactly what details her friend was after, but somehow sharing the ins and outs of her private time with Zack felt like a betrayal. She decided vague was the way to go.

      ‘When he touches me everything becomes clearer, sharper and even holding his hand is electrifying. It all quadruples when it’s just us and I can’t seem to get enough of him.’

      From Gem’s disappointed pout, she clocked what Ciara was up to.

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