Charlotte Phillips

Kiss Me on This Cold December Night:

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disentangling herself.


      ‘It’s just not a good idea.’

      He looked down at her, grin creasing the corners of his grey eyes.

      ‘You’re actually going to leave me hanging like this?’ He glanced downwards.

      She gave him a sweet smile.

      ‘Of course I’m not, let me just fix that for you.’

      She pressed the button labelled COLD and pushed him into the shower well.


      He caught up with her by the exit, as she walked through the spa bar, cheeks still pink as she attempted to pull off a swift exit.

      ‘Dinner?’ he said, clearly not remotely put off by the cold shower.

      She carried on walking, heading back through to the lobby while her heart made a mad sprint. Even without their history, he was asking her to dinner, and there was that niggling little question of when she’d last been asked out. Two years was it now? Liz would know, she was always trying to pressgang her into dates she didn’t want. But her heart could sprint as much as it pleased, there were rules to be adhered to here, rules that she lived by for very good reasons and Tom Henley was a clear-cut case.

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