hurts. By the time I do she won’t be a newborn.’ The tears flowed, pouring down her cheeks to soak into the hospital gown that she still wore.
‘You’re going to need to head across to Nelson as soon as possible,’ Jackson told her, shifting the subject to more practical matters. ‘There’s a shower next door, if you want to clean up first.’
‘Thank you. It all seems surreal. I’ve just been through childbirth and there’s no baby in my arms to show for it.’ Tears sparkled out of her tired eyes as she gathered up her clothes and headed towards the bathroom.
His heart squeezed. For this couple who’d blown into their lives that morning with a monumental problem? Or could there be more to his emotional reaction? Since the attack he’d never quite known where his emotions were taking him, they were so out of whack. Coming home had added to his unrest. Having spent so many years being thankful that he’d escaped Golden Bay, it was difficult to understand why regrets were now filtering through his long-held beliefs.
He’d never really given much thought to having a family of his own. It wasn’t that he didn’t want one. It was just a thought that had been on the back burner while he established his career and got over his distrust of women enough to get to really know them. Then his career had grown into a two-headed monster, leaving him little time to develop anything remotely like a relationship. The women who’d passed through his life hadn’t changed that opinion. Probably because he’d chosen women who wouldn’t want to wreck their careers or their figures by having children. He’d chosen women who wouldn’t lie to him or about him.
But honestly? He wasn’t against a relationship where he settled down with someone special. The problem was, he couldn’t see it working in the centre of Hong Kong surrounded by high-rises and very little green space. As that city was where his life came together, where he was the man he’d strived so hard to become, he could see that there’d be no children in his life for a long while.
He looked around and found Jess regarding him from under lowered eyelids. Could she read him? Did she know that if he ever changed his mind she might be the one woman he’d be interested in? Get a grip, Jackson. Until last night he wouldn’t even have had these thoughts. One very exciting and enjoyable night in the arms of Jessica Baxter and he was getting some very weird ideas.
Because, love or hate Golden Bay, there was a lot to be said for the outdoors lifestyle and bringing up kids in this district. The district where his career would fizzle out with the lack of hospitals and emergency centres.
THE HELICOPTER LIFTED off the paddock, the wind it created whipping at Jess’s clothes, moulding her shirt against her breasts. ‘Right, I’d better go and pick up Nicholas. I promised he would get to see Sasha and Grady before they left on their honeymoon.’ Jess glanced at her watch. ‘Brunch is probably well and truly wrapped up by now.’
Jackson’s gaze was on her breasts. ‘What did you say?’ he almost shouted.
She grinned. Deafened by the aircraft or distracted by her boobs? ‘I need to collect Nicholas. And hopefully catch Sasha and Grady before they leave.’
Jackson finally lifted his head enough to meet her gaze. ‘Okay.’ He tossed his keys up and down in his left hand. ‘I don’t think they were heading off until about one. Their flight leaves Nelson at four and they’re staying overnight in Auckland.’
‘Two weeks in Fiji sounds sublime.’ Jess sighed wistfully and headed inside.
‘Not just Fiji, but Tokariki Island. Tiny place, catering for only a few couples at a time. Heaven.’ Jackson grinned at her as he strode alongside, sending those butterflies in her stomach on another of their merry dances.
‘You are so mean. I’d love to go to the Islands.’ With a hot man. Not that it was ever going to happen. She was a mother with a four-year-old who needed her more than anyone. ‘Let’s get out of here before the bell rings and we’re stuck fixing cuts and scrapes for the rest of the day.’ Leading by example, she turned off the lights and headed for the outside door.
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