Fiona Lowe

Gold Coast Angels: Bundle of Trouble

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was just how she liked it.

      ‘I’m going to stitch up the gash on your head now, Harry, but the cut close to your eye needs the expertise of the plastic-surgery registrar.’

      ‘Yeah, like he had such a pretty boy face to begin with,’ Finn teased.

      ‘Mate, I wasn’t the one spending the bucks ordering face cream online,’ Harry shot back.

      Chloe listened to their nonsense as she carefully shaved a small section around the head gash and cleaned it, before administering local anaesthetic to numb the area. She loved the routine of suturing—the way the curved needle brought the skin edges neatly together, the looping of the silk over the scissors and then the sharp snip to end the stitch. The skin edges joined cleanly and she was applying a dressing when Greg stuck his head through the gap in the curtains.

      ‘Got a minute?’

      ‘Sure.’ She stripped off her gloves. ‘Back in a minute, fellas.’

      She followed Greg, swooshing the curtains closed behind her. ‘What’s up?’

      Greg inclined his head towards the corridor that led to the tearoom.

      Luke Stanley stood in the doorway—tall, dark and definitely handsome in his stormy, angst-ridden way.

      Delicious shock waves of delight scudded through her, fast followed by dismay. Why couldn’t she get a better handle on this crazy reaction to him?

      He was holding a little girl whose black curly hair was identical to his own. His daughter. She snuggled in close to his broad chest, seeking sanctuary, and she clutched a soft toy tightly as if it would ward off the confusion of the combined sights and sounds of a busy A and E.

      Luke’s not rostered on.

      A thousand questions bombarded her, starting with Why is he here? And followed by Why on earth has he brought his daughter into a place that has the capacity to distress adults, let alone toddlers?

      The child didn’t look sick, but then again Chloe’s experience with children was so limited that she didn’t trust her instincts at all.

      Luke, his face a tight mask as usual, raised his free hand and motioned her over.

      Mystified and somewhat hesitant, she made her way around the nurses’ station and towards him. ‘Is there a problem?’

      ‘Yes.’ Ragged exhaustion threaded through the words. ‘Richard telephoned me half an hour ago. His car’s broken down on the way back from Lamington National Park and the roadside service can’t get him back here for at least three hours.’

      Things started to make sense. ‘So you’re covering for him?’

      He nodded slowly. ‘Got it in one. He tells me there’s a patient with a laceration close to an eye that needs suturing.’

      Chloe glanced at the little girl, who was looking up at her from under half-lidded eyes. For Luke to suture, he was going to have to put the little girl down and someone was going to have to look after her while he did it.

      Her mind leapt straight to the logical conclusion and lurched away from it so fast it almost gave her whiplash. ‘I wish you’d called first because Mr Jameson’s not strictly an emergency. He’s on a head-injury chart for the next four hours so Richard should be back in time to suture it. You and your daughter…’

      ‘Amber,’ he said quietly.

      She swallowed. ‘You and Amber are free to get back to enjoying your Saturday afternoon.’

      He sighed, the sound weary and resigned. ‘The three hours is only a ball park estimate, and seeing as I’ve woken Amber from her nap to get here, it’s best I stitch it now rather than risk being called back later.’

      And how are you going to do that? She refused to ask the obvious question and said instead in her best professional voice, ‘I’ll set up a suture trolley for you.’

      ‘Thanks, but I can manage that on my own.’ He smiled—only one of a very few true smiles she’d ever seen on his face—and it raced into those amazing, clear, green eyes of his, which were now fixed firmly on her.

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