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      Luke chuckled, pulling a spoonful of macaroni to his mouth. “Don’t act like you’re interested in my plans, Mark. I’ll be out of your way in a few minutes. Then you two can go back to doing what you were doing.”

      “What?” Mark feigned innocence, pretending to be hurt by his brother’s insinuation. “You act like I don’t have your best interests at heart.”

      Luke laughed. “I am not stupid, big brother. The only thing you’re interested in right now is Mitch.” His sister-in-law’s childhood nickname rolled off his tongue as he met her amused gaze. “Ain’t that right, Mrs. Stallion?”

      Michelle laughed with him, moving back to her husband’s side. “You two need to stop.” She leaned up to kiss Mark’s mouth. “But since you brought the subject up, we’ll just head upstairs and get out of your way,” she said, eyeing her husband suggestively.

      Mark broke out into a full grin, following behind Michelle as she pulled him from where he stood and headed in the direction of the door. Behind them Luke rolled his eyes skyward, the trio still sharing a warm laugh with each other as the couple made their exit.

      Watching them, Luke couldn’t help but smile. He’d been responsible for introducing his brother to one of his dearest friends. The wild child of the family, Mark had been headed out on one of his cross-country jaunts to the annual black bike festival in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Luke had recommended Michelle, the best mechanic he knew, to get his brother’s bike travel-ready. Before anyone knew what had happened, Michelle had tamed the once wild Stallion and Mark had fallen in love with a woman who was headstrong and beautiful.

      Minutes later the house was quiet, only the sound of the large grandfather clock in the center hall ticking in the background. As Luke sat finishing his evening meal, he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about the woman he’d met earlier.

      With her enigmatic personality, Joanne Lake had lit up the room, commanding his full and undivided attention. Luke couldn’t remember the last time he’d met a woman with the wealth of confidence Joanne had exuded. Joanne could easily have been the poster child for women who were not a size 6 but loved every curve and dip of their bodies. With her understated style and poise, she’d tempted every one of his senses, and he found himself completely intrigued by her.

      Luke’s hand tightened around the glass of tart lemonade he’d been drinking. He was thinking about the easy lift to Joanne’s mouth, her gentle smile sending waves of heat through every nerve ending in his body. When she’d laughed, the sensuous sound had been like lighter fluid tossed on an already raging flame. The wealth of it had left him breathless. Luke shifted in his seat, the pressure building deep inside of him threatening to take full control of his senses.

      Luke sensed that given some time he and Joanne could become fast friends. He imagined that having a woman like her for a friend wouldn’t be a bad thing at all. After all, he had many female friends. Most were just casual companions that he would spend some recreational time with. Rarely did it have anything to do with any serious boyfriend-girlfriend expectations. Luke imagined that he would enjoy just hanging out with Joanne, the two of them enjoying the camaraderie of each other’s company, neither having any expectations whatsoever.

      And then again, he thought, mulling over the details of their afternoon one more time, Joanne’s self-confidence had been sexy as hell, seriously inciting some testosterone-fueled male curiosity. As images of her shot through his mind, an unexpected quiver of heat suddenly radiated through his groin. Maybe having Joanne for a friend might actually become more of a problem than not, he mused.

      For a brief second, before they’d parted company, he had thought of asking her to dinner. And then he’d hesitated, unable to form a complete thought about where, what or when. The moment had been interrupted as Joanne had been called away to the telephone, leaving him tongue-tied while another volunteer showed him to the exit door. Standing on the sidewalk outside the center, the first waves of nightfall beginning to sweep dark and full across the sky had found him flustered, his own confidence suddenly challenged.

      Luke pushed his empty plate away from him, shaking his head as he replayed the experience over and over again in his head. The two could hardly become friends if he did that again.

      The next time, he thought suddenly, he would take full advantage of any opportunity he had to spend time with Ms. Lake and get to know her better. And he was determined that there would definitely be another opportunity. He’d be better prepared when that moment took place. Better prepared to discover all he could about Ms. Lake and hopefully intrigue her enough to want to know more about him. Fast friends and a solid friendship needed to start somewhere.

      Chapter 4

      On Monday morning, one whole hour before the community center’s doors were officially unlocked for the day, Luke sat outside on the steps in wait. He was anxious to speak with the center’s director and even more excited with the prospect of seeing Joanne again. Joanne Lake had been on his mind all weekend, thoughts of the woman sneaking in when he least expected them. He’d shrugged it off at first, and then she’d snuck into his dreams, disrupting his sleep, and his curiosity had kicked into overdrive.

      Stopping by his office first to handle some necessary paperwork, his morning had started bright and early. As he sat watching children being hurried off to school and parents rushing to work, he was grateful for the brief respite of quiet to collect his thoughts and formulate a game plan for the rest of his day.

      Both John and Matthew had beat him to the office that morning, the two men huddled together in deep discussion when Luke had entered the luxury office space. The duo had reiterated the importance of the rejuvenation project, and Luke had to admit that he was already feeling some pressure. Add to that his sudden preoccupation with a woman he’d only met briefly and he knew he had to have a solid course of action to follow before he lost control of both situations. John and Matthew both had reminded him that a man with distractions was a man who made mistakes. Luke didn’t have room for any mistakes, and he had no intentions of losing control.

      His thoughts were suddenly interrupted, a soft voice murmuring behind him.

      “Hey, money! What ’chu doin’ here?”

      Luke turned to see the young woman from his previous visit eyeing him eagerly. His full lips bent into an easy smile. “Good morning. It’s Brenda, right?”

      She nodded enthusiastically, her gaze sweeping over the denim jeans, denim shirt and bright white sneakers that he was dressed in. “So, you come back to see me?” she asked coyly, fingering the ribbon that held her shirt closed at her neck.

      Luke chuckled. “I came to see Ms. Lake.”

      Brenda rolled her eyes and scowled. “What ’chu want her fo’?”

      “It’s business,” Luke responded, rising to his feet and taking a step back as Brenda eased herself closer to him. “So, are you headed off to school?”

      The girl scowled, shrugging her narrow shoulders skyward. “I guess. You gon’ be here when I get back?” she asked, her tone hopeful.

      “Probably not,” Luke answered, crossing his arms over his chest. “But you have a good day, okay?”

      The girl angled her head. “Come back soon, you hear!” she exclaimed as she walked away, moving to join a gathering of teens who were watching them closely. She turned, tossing him a brash wink. “I know Miss Lake can’t handle a man like you. But I’ll be here if you want some real fun!”

      Brenda laughed, her friends snickering with her, and Luke suddenly felt like he was the punch line at the end of a very bad joke. He frowned, his mood shifting ever so slightly. “Goodbye, Brenda,” he said, no hint of playfulness in his tone.

      Joanne was standing inside the center’s reception area when Luke entered the building. His grin was full and wide, his excitement shining in his eyes when he saw her. “Good morning, Ms. Lake,” he said, tipping his head in greeting.

      “Good morning, Mr. Stallion,”