Lorraine Wilson

Revenge of a Chalet Girl:

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long as the ‘L’ word isn’t mentioned and no one drops the GBT bomb it’s supposed to be fine. Positively good for you in fact,” Amelia said.

      “The GBT bomb?” Amy briefly wondered if it was some kind of new sexual fad that’d passed her by.

      “Getting Back Together.” Amelia took a couple of plates and together they carried the main course in.

      Amy glanced at Tash suspiciously. Had she done something to Josh’s main course as well? But the plates were all mixed up, so she couldn’t have done. She couldn’t meet his eye as she dished out the food and took her seat. But she felt his gaze on her, as palpable as if he were stroking her body. Her skin prickled and she grew hot again but this time for an entirely different reason.

      She pushed her food around the plate, not remotely hungry. Every muscle felt tense and on high alert. Her thoughts were stuck on a permanent Josh loop, torturing her over and over with memories of making love to him and then the sheer misery of losing him. He’d left her to go through that alone.

       I need to remember how much he hurt me. I must remember…

      She turned to Matt, forcing a smile to her face. “So, are you guys going out this evening?”

      “We thought we’d stay in tonight.” Matt leant closer, his eyes gleaming with sudden interest. “Would you like to show us how to use the Jacuzzi?”

      Amy willed herself not to move away. It felt weirdly disloyal to Josh to be flirting with Matt but that was crazy. Anyway, Josh had done the ultimate in disloyalty…

      “Sure, why not? We’ll come and join you once we’ve cleared up,” She aimed for breezy but thought her voice sounded squeaky, like a panicked mouse.

      Only when it was time to clear the table did she catch Josh’s eye and when she did, she flinched. He glared at her, eyes dark and when she attempted a smile to break the tension he didn’t return the gesture.

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