Margaret McDonagh

Their Christmas Vows

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who always gave him a warm welcome. His grandmother, Lily. The decision made, he slipped out his cellphone and pressed the key for one of the few numbers he had on speed dial.

      ‘Hi, sweetheart, it’s me,’ he greeted, smiling at the sound of the familiar voice.

      ‘How’s my favourite woman? No, I’m leaving now. I thought I’d pick something up and spend the evening with you. Of course! You know I’d do anything for you! See you soon.’

      Frazer’s sexy voice and intimate words rang in Callie’s ears. She ducked back into the female locker room, cursing herself for eavesdropping, even if it had been accidental. And to think she had considered apologising for turning down Frazer’s invitation. It hadn’t taken him long to line up another date for the evening with one of his many women, had it? How foolish of her to ever think he had been sincere, genuine. Collecting her things, thankful to avoid seeing him again, she made her escape, fretting all the way home to the small house she had rented in town.

      She’d baited Frazer on purpose, and even though she was annoyed at the way he had reacted, turning swiftly to one of his women, she now felt bad about her own actions. Mostly because her reasoning was so skewed. She’d been scared of weakening, so she had deliberately created more of a barrier between them—just as she had used her wedding ring as an emotional shield, slipping it back on her finger in front of Frazer as a statement. It certainly wasn’t because she wanted any reminder of feckless, uncaring Ed, the man who had done a runner after a few months of marriage, rejecting her the moment things had become remotely tough. A cynical smile twisted her lips as she thought of the vows they had made at the register office. For better or worse, in sickness and in health. Yeah, right. Bastard.

      Once home, she felt the tension of the day drain out of her. She was exhausted—they had been manically busy—and yet the exhilaration of the job was everything she had imagined it would be. The buzz, the adrenalin rush, never knowing what was going to happen next. If only it was all like that, with none of the difficult moments with Frazer in between, or Craig and the others asking questions about her that she didn’t want to answer.

      Eyes watched her as she flopped down on the sofa.

      ‘You want to know about my day?’ she asked of her silent audience, thankful to have someone with whom she could let off steam. ‘I made an idiot of myself. The work part was good, though. More than good. I loved it. But meeting Frazer McInnes was an experience I’ll never forget.’

      Frazer. Just thinking about him brought a mix of unsettling sensations. She could still remember the feel of his hands on her for those brief moments, the awareness that had rippled through her, the needy response of her body. It had shocked her. The last thing she had expected was to be attracted to him. And however much she wished to deny it—and she would never admit it to another living soul—Frazer was the most deliciously sexy man she had ever met. No wonder he had women falling over themselves to catch his attention. That brought a return of her scowl as she wondered who he was with that night, who had filled the gap after she had turned down a drink with him. Not that she was interested.

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