More pain, he swallowed hard. “No, he died a long time ago.”
He couldn’t look at her, but heard her gasp. “Oh, Trent, I’m so sorry.”
He could only nod as the details of that day flooded back. He shook them away and stood. “We should head back.” He went to retrieve their mounts.
Brooke followed him and placed her hand on his arm. “I’m sorry if I brought up some bad memories.”
He saw the sadness on her face. Although he didn’t deserve it, he wanted to take the comfort she offered. “There are no good memories when a young boy dies.”
Not when his older brother didn’t have the time to watch out for him.
* * *
AFTER RETURNING FROM their ride, Trent took care of the horses, then he spoke with Ricky about the chores for the next day before he drove Brooke back to the Bucking Q. After dropping her off at the cabin, he drove next door, relieved that she hadn’t asked him any more questions about Chris.
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